~Swammerdam, Johannes~. A Dutch entomologist, born in Amsterdam in 1637.
He published several books on the natural history of insects.
~Syringe~ (sir"-inj). (Gr. = a pipe _or_ reed.) A little instrument for drawing in water, and forcing it out again.
Tarsus (tar"-sus); pl. ~Tarsi.~ (Gr. = the sole of the foot.) The little segments that make up the insect"s foot. Also the little bones of the instep.
~Telescope~ (tel"-e-sk[=o]p). (Gr. = to view afar off.) An instrument by which distant objects are made to appear nearer and larger.
~Thorax~ (th[=o]"-rax). (Gr. = armor for the breast.) That part of the body of animals between the head and the abdomen.
~Thysanura~ (this-a-n[=u]"-ra). (Gr. = ta.s.sel and tail.) An insect order to which belong the scale fishes.
~Tibia~ (tib"-i-a). (L. tibia = a slender pipe, a musical instrument.) A long, slender bone in the leg, below the knee. The fourth segment in an insect"s leg, generally long and slender.
~Transformation~ (trans-for-ma"-shon). (L. transformare = to change the shape of.) A change in form or nature.
~Transparent~ (trans-par"-ent). (L. trans-parere = to appear through.) Easily seen through.
~Transportation~ (trans-por-ta"-shon). (L. trans-portare = to carry over.) Carrying from one place to another.
~Tremendous~ (tre-men"-dus). (L. tremendus = fearful, _from_ tremere, to tremble.) Very wonderful, astounding.
~Trichoptera~ (tr[=i]-kop"-te-ra). (Gr. = hairy-wing.) An insect order to which belong the caddis flies.
~Trochanter~ (tro-kan"-ter). (Gr. = the ball on which the hip bone turns in its socket.) The second segment of an insect"s leg.
~Unlock~ (un-lok"). To unfasten something that has been closed.
~Unsubstantial~ (un-sub-stan"-shal). Not real or solid, without substance.
~Vacated~ (v[=a]"-kat-ed). (L. vacare = to be empty or vacant.) Emptied; possession given up.
~Vegetation~ (vej-e-t[=a]"-shon). (L. vegetare = to quicken.) Living plants.
~Veined~ (v[=a]nd). (L. vena = a vein.) Marked as with veins, streaked.
~Vibrate~(v[=i]"-br[=a]t). (L. vibratus = set in motion.) To swing; move to and fro.
~Vibration~ (v[=i]-br[=a]"-shon). Motions back and forth. Vibrations may be too small for us to see.
Victimized (vik"-tim-[=i]zd). Made a victim of, deceived, badly treated.
~Voracious~ (v[=o]-r[=a]"-shus). (L. vorax = devouring greedily.) Eating food in large quant.i.ties.