II. The Book of Odes (Shi-King)


III. The Book of Changes (I-King) [_In preparation._

The Sayings of Lao Tzu

From the Chinese. Translated with Introduction by LIONEL GILES, of the British Museum.

The Religion of the Koran

With Introduction by ARTHUR N. WOLLASTON, C.I.E.

Women and Wisdom of j.a.pan

With Introduction by S. TAKAISHI.

The Rose Garden of Sa"di

Selected and Rendered from the Persian with Introduction by L.


The Wisdom of Israel: Being Extracts from the Babylonian Talmud and Midrash Rabboth

Translated from the Aramaic with an Introduction by EDWIN COLLINS.

The Instructions of Ptah-Hotep

From the Egyptian. Translated with Introduction by BATTIs...o...b.. G. GUNN.

_Others in preparation, and will be duly announced_

_All literary communications to be addressed to the Editors at_ 4, HARCOURT BUILDINGS, INNER TEMPLE, LONDON

_N.B.--The Editors will be pleased to receive suggestions and communications from all persons interested in Oriental literature_.

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