GUIDO Graciosa--!

GRACIOSA And I doubt if you could ever find your way through the forest alone.

(_But as she stands there with one hand raised to each of his shoulders her vindication is self-revealed, and she indicates her bracelet rather indignantly._) Besides, what else is a poor maid to do, when she is burdened with a talisman that compels her to marry the man whom she--so very much--prefers?

GUIDO (_Drawing her to him._) Ah, you shall not regret that foolish preference.

GRACIOSA But come! There is a path--(_They are gathering up the pack and its contents, as GUIDO pauses by the DUKE._) Is he--?

GUIDO He will not enter h.e.l.l to-day. (_The DUKE stirs._) Already he revives, you see. So let us begone before his attendants come.

_GUIDO lifts her to the top of the wall. He lifts up the pack._


GUIDO (_Giving it to her._) So we may pa.s.s for minstrels on the road to Venice.

GRACIOSA Yes, singing the Duke"s songs to pay our way. (_GUIDO climbs over the wall, and stands on the far side, examining the landscape beneath._) Hors.e.m.e.n!

GUIDO The Duke"s attendants fetching him new women--two more of those numerous damsels that his song demands. They will revive this ruinous songmaker to rule over Tuscany more foolishly than Eglamore governed when Eglamore was a great lord. (_He speaks pensively, still looking down._) It is a very rich and lovely country, this kingdom which a half-hour since lay in the hollow of my hand. Now I am empty-handed.

GRACIOSA (_With mocking reproach._) Empty-handed!

_She extends to him both her hands. GUIDO takes them, and laughs joyously, saying,_ "Come!" _as he lifts her down._

_There is a moment"s silence, then is heard the song and lute-playing with which the play began, growing ever more distant:..._

"Knights as my serfs be given; And as I will, let music go and come."

_... The DUKE moves. The DUKE half raises himself at the foot of the crucifix._

THE DUKE Eglamore! I am hurt. Help me, Eglamore!


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