"Shhhhh...You shouldn"t talk about such matters in a public place like this." The old man came out from the counter and warned them. He instantly looked around in search of any guards while trembling in fear. He appeared to be scared out of his mind.

That matter was the taboo of this galaxy, and no one should talk about that in a public place if they cared about their lives.

"Please don"t speak of it anymore, sir. You all should know that it is forbidden to talk about such matters in a public place like this where guards are making rounds every minute. If anyone of them were to hear this, we"ll all lose our lives."

"Don"t take this the wrong way but please get out of my shop." The shopkeeper said as politely as he could with his shaky voice.

He already knew what would happen to those who speak of such matters. He once saw a case like that ten years ago, that unfortunate man was skinned alive, and his wife and daughters were sold to the brothel.

A chill went down on his spine as he tried to remember that scene. He didn"t want anything to do with the matters of the crown of the galaxy. He could care less about that as long as his family was safe and in peace.

All the people, who were just talking earlier stood up, and without even uttering a word they quickly got out of the shop. Following them, Ved got out of that shop as well. He had a bewildered look on his face. Did he hear something that he shouldn"t have?

What was this place and what"s up with those Emperors, Generals and all? Weren"t these things of the past era?

There is democracy in every part of the world now, and the best part of democracy is that they can speak anything about anyone and no one will be able to hinder them until they use violence, but why was the shopkeeper acted as if he was afraid that the emperor would kill them if he heard them talking.

He was confused about this place. This place was the strangest place that he had seen. It seemed as if he went back in time, in the era of those Emperors, dynasties, valiant Generals, crown conspiracies, etc.

No matter how absurd it would sound, but this was the only explanation that could fit this current situation of his. He went back to the road again to explore this place once more.

Ved didn"t have any fixed destination to go to, so he started wandering around the market. The market seemed to be getting much livelier than before by each pa.s.sing second. People were flocking around all the shops. The shopkeepers sometimes shout out loud to attract many more customers than their compet.i.tors.

Everything appeared as usual, but suddenly he saw a horde of sword and spear-wielding soldiers slowly coming towards the market.

Everyone bowed their heads and tried to get themselves out of their path. After watching everyone, Ved followed suit.

The soldiers were walking in unison. It made Ved recall the army parade which he watched on television with his family on the independence day of his country.

The leader of that h.o.a.rd appeared to be riding a horse in front of them.

Suddenly they stopped in the middle of the road. The leader looked at everyone present there, but no one had the guts to meet his gaze.

"Huh! Cowards," The leader said with a sneer on his face.

He could do anything he wants to them, and no one will be able to even point a finger against him. This kind of superior feeling was a great thing to experience. He too was once one of them, but he got an opportunity to rise above these slums, and he grabbed it with both hands.

At that time, everyone was criticizing him and cursing him for doing that, but now look at them, none of them even dared to look him in the eyes. Now he could look down on them as if they were at the foot of a mountain while he was the summit.

"Everybody here remembers that today is the seventeenth anniversary of the coronation of his majesty, right?"

"Today is the day when our supreme lord crushed the rebellion caused by that treacherous General, who betrayed his master, his sworn brother, and his kin like fellow countrymen."

"That night, when the moon was full and shining above our heads, our majesty accepted the crown from the Ex-Emperor who was severely wounded at that time, and brought peace and prosperity to this galaxy since."

"That"s why we, as the loyal subject of our lord, should repay his benevolence by joining in the celebration and pray for his long, healthy life."

"He will be coming here first to celebrate the anniversary of his coronation. At that time, everyone should come out of their houses and welcome him with fragrant flowers."

"No one will be allowed to be in their houses when he arrives. If anyone would"ve been found in their houses at that time, he will be punished."
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"And what"s with this "no decorations" at all. You should decorate this place like a newly wedded bride." Extreme arrogance and pride overflowed in those words which he spoke so casually.

The people present had bowed their heads and stood there silently as a rock on their respective spots. They all had problems with what they heard, but no one wanted to refute him. n.o.body wanted to make him mad as nothing good will come out by making him furious. No one wanted to make their lives miserable. But then, suddenly.

"But why, why do we have to celebrate the coronation of that vicious Emperor? What did he do to deserve to be treated like that from us?" Suddenly a female voice came roaring towards the man on the horse.

The voice was full of fearlessness, which made the man on the horse, tremble for a bit. A moment later he composed himself and said with supreme authority.

"Who dared to disrespect our supreme lord? Who have the guts to go against my words?"

A girl, who seemed to be in her teens, slowly came in front and looked directly in his eyes. Her eyes were glowing as a bright star which could not be constrained by anybody. She had a strange aura about her, which could not be described by mere words.

It made people around her feel free. Free from anything which could bind them or cage them. Free from anything which could trouble their hearts and make them betray their morals. At that moment, it appeared as if she was the epitome of freedom who said all those words which they wanted to convey for a long time.

"Why, is he going to come here to hara.s.s some more people this time? Hadn"t he had enough? Why should we join in the celebration for a man who ruthlessly murdered his predecessor"s family and kidnapped him to rule over his people with absolute power" The girl was roaring in anger.

Her every word brought joy to the ears of those present people, while it felt as venom to the ears of the man on the horse. He looked around and found that the intimidation which he exerted on these people was disappearing rapidly. His authority seemed to have been shaken by that little speech from that girl.

He felt tiny in front of that girl. He thought that he was in control of the situation, but somehow that little speech turned everything around. Even with his elite status and power, he felt inferior like he used to be in the past, and that was making him angrier than ever.

The man on the horse was the leader of the elite guards unit, which directly serves under the leader of this region. This position came with certain authority and power over the ma.s.ses, and yet someone dared to refute his words. Even if it was a teenaged girl, it was still not acceptable.

Rage took over his conscious as he ordered his guards in a fuming voice. "What are all of you doing? Go catch that b.i.t.c.h and make her kneel in front of me."

The region head trusted him to do the job with utter intimidation, but a girl was challenging his authority and creating a fuss. He started breathing heavily in anger as he pointed his fingers towards that girl and ordered his subordinates in a loud voice. "Go, what are you waiting for?"

Ved was standing there in a daze. After watching what was happening, he felt out of words. He was observing all that what unfolded in front of him from the start. He too didn"t like that demeaning look which that man had on his face, but he was ma.s.sively impressed with that girl in that turquoise robe.

She looked like a G.o.ddess who descended from the heavens to punish the wicked in this world. Anger suited her flawless face.

Ved felt his heart beating loudly. He couldn"t turn his gaze away from her flawless face which resembled a finely carved jade sculpture. He had never seen a girl like her before in his life. She seemed to be the utter personification of absolute beauty, and yet she was courageous enough to refute a powerful man. The courage shown by that girl made him feel admiration towards her in his heart.

No one, no one in their sane mind could hope to stand up to a hundred swords and spear-wielding men with no fear in their eyes. He was curious to know, from where this confidence of her was coming. How did she hope to overpower this dangerous man?

Ved had an ominous feeling about this man. This man was no ordinary being. His aura alone made Ved uncomfortable. A chill went down his spine as he tried to look towards him. That man surely was a bad guy, yet still, he appeared to be the most powerful man in this area.

Two st.u.r.dy guards with long scabbards hanging on their hips started walking towards that girl. They seemed to be fully equipped with arm guards, heavy boots, and st.u.r.dy armors.

The entire place was silent as only the sound of the footsteps of those guards was resounding throughout the whole s.p.a.ce.


The sound grew louder, and their silhouettes were becoming much clearer into the crystal eyes of that girl. Moreover, the girl immediately put her guard up as if she already had forewarning about what was going to happen.

A grin formed on the face of those guards as they looked towards her taking a defensive stance. She was just a teenager in their eyes. They didn"t think much of her.

The guard with a better-built body than the other one; spread his long and heavy arm towards her direction to grab onto her body. A wicked smile rose on his lips as his hand got much closer towards her shoulder.

Before that guard"s hand could reach her shoulder, a whippy hand collided with his muscular hand in a flash, and his hand flew towards the face of the other guard with incredible speed.

It all happened so fast that the other guard could not even react properly to protect himself from that incoming slap.

"Pah..." The upper part of that incoming palm collided with the left side of the other guard"s face and a thunderous sound emerged.

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