The newly-wedded couple were happy living the daily ordinary life. Every day he went to court in the morning and came in the evening all tired. Renu started to get bored at home while Vivek was on the job, so she picked up on her previous job as a teacher at an elementary school in the meantime. On holidays, they went camping, picnic, long drives as they were happily married.

Time pa.s.sed in a hurry and the good news came. Vivek felt as he was on top of the world when he heard that he was going to be a father. He felt as though he was flying on the cloud nine. He was pretty excited to finally be able to complete his family.

With the pa.s.sing time his behavior changed. He became over protective of his wife and the baby. He never let her do anything at home while he was with her. He even wanted her to take a temporary leave from her job because it could be dangerous for the baby.

"What can be dangerous in teaching a few kids? You are just worrying for nothing, Vivek."

"And I am going to be bored sitting here at home while you will be on your job." Renu tried to lighten his worries.

"Ok! But I will pick you up and drop you off to your school, daily. Kids are safe, but the roads aren"t." Vivek insisted.

"Okay dear, okay. We will do as you say." In front of Vivek"s stubborn behavior, Renu surrendered with a smile on her face. She knew in her heart about how excited he was after hearing that he"s going to be a father soon.

She knew all about Vivek"s past, how he never got to experience the parental love. There was no one to ask him if he had a meal or not, there was no one to teach him how to ride a bike, there was no one to teach him the ways of the world. That"s why he wanted to give everything to his child what he never got to experience himself.

Time progressed and Vivek was in the hospital with his wife for her sixteenth week check-up.

The lady doctor brought out an ultrasound machine and showed them their baby. When Vivek looked at his baby through that ultrasound machine, a faint voice rang in his heart "It is real. I am really going to be a father. I am going to be responsible for a human life." His heart started to go berserk.

"Can I do a good job? I have never had a father and I don"t know how to be one. I don"t know what I should do and what I shouldn"t." Vivek was panicking inside. He was really nervous this time around. He looked at Renu with his panic-stricken eyes.

But when he saw her lovely smile, all his anxieties flew like smokes at that moment.

"It"s alright. We"ll be fine." It was like Renu had read his mind and replied to all his anxieties.

"Baby and mother both are looking healthy and fine. Do you want to know the s.e.x of the baby?" Doctor asked.

Vivek looked at his wife. "No doctor, we will let it be a surprise." Renu replied. Vivek was astonished to see that. It was like she had been reading his mind after coming to the hospital.

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After getting the date of the next check-up, they got out of the hospital.

"What should we name her?" Vivek asked after getting out of the hospital gate.

"How do you know it"s a girl, not a boy?" Renu replied his question with another question.

"I.....I just...know. She will grow up to be great beauty with kind nature and wise mind, just like her mother. She"ll be my princess." Vivek answered.

"But I want a boy. He"ll be a smart one just like his father, a kind one just like his father and he will be good looking too, unlike his father." Renu said teasingly and took a glance of his face.

"I might not be a very good-looking person, but I got the most beautiful woman in the world as my wife." Vivek replied in a proud manner. Renu giggled.

"Okay we will discuss this later at home. Wait a moment here, I"ll go get a taxi and be back in a jiffy." Vivek said to her. He let her sit on the bench situated outside the hospital while he went towards the market to get a cab.

After a couple of minutes when he arrived back there in a taxi, he couldn"t find her wife sitting on the bench. There was a commotion going on in front of the hospital. He got down of the taxi and went there to look.

When he got there and saw what had happened there, his body stiffed. His mind went blank after watching the unconscious bloodied figure lying on the floor with a crying little girl in her arms. That was her wife.

Suddenly a woman approached the little girl while crying loudly and pulled her into her embrace from Renu"s hand. Vivek got down on his knees and held Renu"s head into his lap. Renu was unconscious at the moment.

"Oh no..... Oh no..... Oh G.o.d!" Vivek"s lips were trembling as he picked her up in his arms. His expression was blank while his body was trembling inside. His legs went numb yet he ran towards the hospital, tumbling as though he would fall flat on his face anytime now.

"She is the bravest person I"ve ever seen in my life." "She went in herself trying to save that little girl from that uncontrolled ambulance." "If it wasn"t for her, the little girl would"ve died on the spot."

"But she was pregnant herself, didn"t you see the baby on her stomach." "Oh G.o.d, please don"t let anything happen to her." The people who saw the scene unfolded in front of them were trying to process what had happened.

Cold shivers ran down his spine whenever he tried to remember that phase of his life. His family of two was already on the verge of breaking. Renu was just like a walking corpse after that incident. Her behavior changed drastically. The warmth in her eyes and that enchanting smile disappeared somewhere and a severe cold and distant feeling took its place.

It was justified to an extent, the woman lost her child in her womb and on top of that, she lost her womb too. To save her life, the doctors had to cut her uterus out as it was infected because of the death of her child inside of it. Now she could never become a mother in her remaining life.

She was deprived of that feeling of motherhood by the hands of fate. What did she do wrong? She went in to save a little girl from dying and yet in return she got sterility for life as a reward for herself. This vicious destiny seemed to have played a really cruel game with her.

She was depressed to the point of even thinking of ending her own life but whenever she saw those eyes of Vivek it seemed to console her. "It"s okay to be sad, it"s okay to be in pain but don"t ever lose hope." It gave her the strength to hold on. Vivek always supported her by standing by her side through all of it.

Renu tried her best to overcome it all. After some time, she got through it, but a feeling of inferiority crept into her mind. She knew how badly Vivek wanted a family of his own but now she can"t give him that. This feeling of inferiority made the relationship grew cold between them. They started fighting on a regular basis. This went on for years.

After that ravaging thunderstorm Vivek got up early and started walking back and forth in his lawn while enjoying the nature. The sun came up with its warm rays and changed the whole cold atmosphere into a pleasant and warm one. It was too peaceful at the moment.

"Nature is really mysterious" the thought came into his mind while he was enjoying the dawn after that fierce thunderstorm. Vivek picked up the newspaper lying on the ground and saw the date. "Twenty second of June, so it has come." A hint of nervousness flashed on his relaxed face.

A week ago, Vivek and Renu were fighting. Like usual Vivek only listened to her words, trying his hard not to escalate the fight. The subject was how she can"t fulfil his wish of giving him a family, a child of his own.

Renu was crying her eyes out. Vivek pulled her into his embrace and were trying to calm her down. Suddenly a thought came to his mind as he said in a soft voice.


"Umm" Renu said while being in his embrace.

"Why don"t we try to adopt a baby?" Vivek asked.

After hearing that sentence which came from his mouth, Renu was flabbergasted. She pulled herself out from his embrace with a light push and looked at him in a bewildered manner. Her eyes were staring straight on to his face. She never thought that he will suggest adopting a baby.

"But I thought that you had always wanted a family of your own." Renu asked.

"Yes, I had always wanted a family of my own, a wife, a baby and I still want it but it doesn"t have to be my blood." "We can adopt one and give an orphan baby a home, a family. It will give us the chance to become parents."

"To care for someone and feel the parental love towards him is all that matters to me. What do you say?" Vivek held her hands into his and looked straight into her eyes. There was a bright smile on his face.

After seeing that kind of bright smile surfacing once again on Vivek"s face, Renu was starting to get overwhelmed with warm emotions. "Yes you are right. To care for someone and feeling the parental love towards him is all that matters." A tear drop rolled on her cheeks as she smiled herself and said "Okay. Let"s adopt one then."

Vivek was so excited to adopt a baby that he immediately called an orphanage and booked the most immediate date that they could agree upon, which was one week later.

"Today is the D-day. Today is the day that they are going to pick a baby and call him their own. Today he is going to be a father. Today his family will be complete."

Eagerness filled his heart as Vivek went inside his house, closing the door on his behind.

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