Renu was looking into the baby"s crystal azure eyes while standing silently beside him. She was getting immersed into those bottomless eyes. She was feeling a kind of euphoria inside like she was swimming freely into the deepest part of an ocean and so many colourful fishes were dancing around her.

In the next moment, it was as though she had grown a pair of wings on her back and started flying into the clear skies, soaring towards the heavens, looking down at the tiny world like it never mattered.

It was an amazing feeling to have. She was enjoying herself.

In the next instant she saw an incredibly beautiful sight which dazzled her eyes. She felt like she was wandering into the s.p.a.ce. There were countless stars twinkling and lighting up the dark universe.

There were so many beautiful constellations of stars and moons scattered around everywhere. It was so beautiful that she couldn"t express it into words. This was all making her heart humble in joy.

Suddenly she saw a mysterious ent.i.ty which resembled a human male, coming towards her from far away. He was riding a huge beast which looked like an ancient mythological dragon. The dragon looked majestic under all those bright light which shone upon it.

The human who was riding that dragon, it felt as though he was no ordinary human. His aura alone was radiating enough to make all those sun, moon and stars look dim in his presence. It was as if they had lost their light in front of him. He seemed to be the sovereign of these stars and creating or destroying them would be an easy feat for him.

His speed was exceptional. A moment ago he seemed to be miles away from her but in the next instant he arrived beside her. He turned his head towards her and stared directly into her eyes.

A faint look of astonishment could be seen in his eyes at this moment. He was surprised to see an ordinary human wandering around in this realm.

Renu felt as though her whole being started trembling violently just by matching his gaze. She tried to break the eye contact but couldn"t.

"Who are you?" A voice that can make the skull of even the most powerful person to go numb sounded in her ears.

She stood there in complete silence. She tried to reply him but not a single word could come out of her throat.

"You shouldn"t be here."

"You should go back to where you came from."

He flicked his hand towards her and in the next instant, she started to feel dizzy. Her eyes closed. It was as if someone had started to push her down at an uncontrollable speed.

In the next instant her conscious came back to reality.


Vivek was calling nonstop while shaking her hand. He was flabbergasted to see Renu being like this.


The moment her conscious came back into her body she heard Vivek"s call and replied nonchalantly. She was still staring at the baby.

A hint of faint smile seemed to take form on baby"s adorable face and after watching that Renu cracked a smile herself. She was getting curious about this baby after witnessing those unbelievable things in that strange dream-esque reality.

She thought she had been hypnotized just by looking into the baby"s eyes.

"Who is this baby? Where did he come from? What was the reality that I saw? How did I end up there and who was that overbearing person?"

So many questions were flooding into her mind.

"Why were you dozing off? Are you not feeling well?" Vivek asked.

"No, nothing"s the matter. I"m fine." Renu replied.

She didn"t think that it was right to tell him what she saw. No one in their sane mind will believe what she saw.

She turned towards the receptionist and asked in a curious manner.

"Who is this baby? Could you tell me about him?"

"Oh….this baby, we know nothing about this baby. He was abandoned at our front gate by someone last night." Receptionist replied.

"Last night! In that dangerous storm...?" Renu asked worriedly.

"Yes, someone was frantic enough to abandon a baby in that thunderstorm. I think that he was trying to get rid of this baby as soon as possible." Receptionist said with a frown on her face. She was angry.

"Who had the heart to abandon an adorable child like him?"

"Just look at him, those eyes, this nose, and these little hands. He is so beautiful."

She looked at the baby again and brought forth her hand to touch his cheeks. The skin of the baby was so smooth that it seemed as though she was touching a finely carved marble sculpture. Suddenly the baby moved his hands and his little palm grabbed on to one of her fingers.

Motherly love started to fill the void which was formed inside the heart of Renu after that incident. The heart which was frozen after the death of her baby started to get warm again. She was smiling involuntarily.

"Okay, we can talk about it later after meeting the caretaker. Now let"s go." Vivek said.

The receptionist escorted them to the caretaker"s room.

"Madam, here"s the couple who wanted to adopt a baby, Mr. Vivek and his wife Renu Malhotra." After knocking on the door once the receptionist bowed slightly and said in the most polite manner.


The caretaker of this orphanage, Margaret Rizvi also known as Madam Margaret cleared her throat before looking up from all those papers lying at her desk.

She was a woman in her early fifties but she looked as though she hasn"t aged a day after her forties. She wore a silk sari with a blue cardigan.
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While talking to someone, she had a habit of stroking her spectacle. That"s why she wore a spectacle with a round frame while a slim golden colored chain was tying on it which went around her neck to prevent it from falling off.

"Welcome Mr. and Mrs. Malhotra. Have a seat." after looking at them for a moment, she greeted them with a smile.

"So, both of you want to adopt a child. Have you discussed all the obscurities lying in it?" While looking towards Renu, madam asked.

Madam was trying to make sure that they understood the meaning behind adopting a baby. It wasn"t easy to raise someone else"s child as your own. She had seen many cases in her life where the couple adopted the baby but couldn"t love them as their own.

"Yes, we have decided to adopt a baby from this orphanage." Vivek replied eagerly. He had an excited look plastered on his face.

The way he answered cleared some doubts from her head as she asked again.

"So have you met any children here?"

"No....we hav....."

Before Vivek could finish his sentence, a voice came from beside him suddenly.

"Yes madam, we have met and decided on a baby boy." Renu instantly blurted out.

Vivek looked befuddled. He looked at her with a perplexed expression on his face. He didn"t understand what was going on.

Madam looked at the receptionist to give her some clues about the baby they chose but the receptionist also looked confused.

"I was with them from the start and I haven"t seen them choosing any children."

The receptionist looked bewildered for a couple of moments and then suddenly a realization struck her mind. She looked towards madam and said.

"I think they might be talking about the baby who was abandoned at our doorsteps today."

Finally Vivek realized the emotions behind the words spoken by his wife. He looked at his wife and found her smiling. After meeting the baby he could notice that her wife who had become a cold and gloomy person after that incident was now starting to change.

The smile on her face at this moment wasn"t a forced one but rather it was genuine and tender. This baby can make their lives better.

"He could be the medicine she needed to be better again. He could be the piece of stick she needed for her to get out of that slump. He could fill the void in her heart which was formed after that incident and make her smile again."

Vivek was happy to see her wife going back to the way she was before that incident.

"I see."

"But unfortunately you can"t adopt him."

Madam"s words felt like a knife in the heart for Renu. Her face sank after hearing that. That boy made her feel the motherly love again after a long time and they said that she can"t adopt him.

"But, why?" After seeing the crestfallen face of Renu, Vivek tried to ask.

"He is still an infant. Someone abandoned him in that fierce thunderstorm. This could only be a blessing of some G.o.d that he hasn"t shown any sign of being sick but he is still at the risk of his life. We have to take him to the hospital to get a full check-up."

"And on the other hand, we know nothing about this baby. We haven"t filed any paperwork for this baby. So you can say that he is just not available for adoption at this moment." Madam replied.

After hearing madam"s reasons for rejection, Renu was heartbroken. Before meeting this baby, she thought that she could never feel the motherly love for anyone ever again. But the moment she met him, an instant connection was formed between them. Now she can"t give up on him.

But the reasons madam gave was also right. He was still an infant. He was still at life"s risk. She looked at Vivek with her droopy eyes. Vivek was also flabbergasted after hearing madam"s reasons but he couldn"t let his wife go back into that demoralize phase ever again.

He let his wife got dismayed once but not again. If Renu wanted, he will make it happen somehow. With this conviction in his mind he looked at his wife as though he was consoling her "It will be alright dear. Don"t worry" and turned his head towards madam and politely asked.

"Can we talk in private, Madam Rizvi? I have something to say to you."

"Okay" Madam flicked her hand towards the receptionist and receptionist took Renu with her and went out of the room. Renu glanced towards her husband for a moment and saw him nodding his head with a smile on his face.

Renu went out of the room and waited in the hall for some five to ten minutes. Only ten minutes have pa.s.sed in reality but for Renu, every pa.s.sing second felt like an eternity. She was very nervous at this moment.

Suddenly the door of the room opened and her husband and madam both came out with a serious look on their faces.

"What happened, Vivek?"

Renu was curious as a cat at this moment. She whispered lightly into the ears of Vivek who was standing beside her at this moment.

Vivek didn"t answer her but he looked towards the madam and asked.

"So what is your decision Madam Rizvi?"

Madam looked at them profusely and sighed in her heart. She took a long breath and said.

"Okay, you can take the baby home and we can file the paperwork on the side-lines. But don"t forget to take the baby to a hospital and do a full body check-up to see if he has any internal injuries because when we found him, he was covered in blood stained towel and we don"t know anything about him yet."

"Yes we will....we will madam. We will take good care of him." Renu was delighted to hear madam"s words. She and her husband bowed slightly towards madam and thanked her.

Then she turned towards Vivek and hugged him tightly. She whispered in his ears "You are amazing Vivek….you are amazing. What did you do?" Renu was all smiles.

"Aren"t I amazing?" "And what did I do, you don"t have to worry about that." Vivek replied. He was already happy after seeing his wife smiling brightly.

He looked at the baby and her wife, this is his family now. His dream of having a family finally came true. A sense of excitement filled his heart.

After some time Vivek exited the premise with Renu holding the baby in her arms, kissing him on his cheeks. They were the family of three now.

"But madam, why did you let them adopt an infant."

"You"re known to be quite tough, what did he say that touched your heart." The receptionist asked curiously.

"It was fate, Rachna. That boy was fated to be raised by them. Why did you think that we found him in the morning and few hours later someone wanted him as their child? No one wants to adopt an infant who is not even older than couple of days, but they did."

"Didn"t you see the way they looked at the child? They are destined to be his parents. I"m sure they"ll take good care of him." Madam sighed and turned right back towards her office.

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