Publishedat 27th of September 2019 10:30:06 AMChapter 16

"Ah!! My heart… . . , I never imagined that this day would come when I"ll have to risk my all to save someone . " Ved grabbed his chest as he finally decided to give this another shot . He threw a look around and found himself surrounded by multiple soldiers . Ved heaved a heavy sigh and said in a lofty manner .

"Are you sure you want to do this, only this many soldiers and you still want to go against me? Are you not underestimating this master?"

"My patience is up to here . If I fight, it will be like I am bullying you all, so let me give you one last chance . "

"Leave the girl and that old man behind, and flee with your soldiers, otherwise don"t expect any kind of mercy from me . " Ved wanted to scare that leader into retreating as this was all he could do at this moment . He knew that he wasn"t strong enough to fight head-on with these soldiers, that"s why trying to avoid fighting was the best option for him .

That lofty manner of speech which Ved used pulled a tiny string of fear into the leader"s heart . "How was he so confident? Was he a soul master about whom he only read in ancient books, or was he someone from one of those prestigious clans? Had he made a mistake in judging the guy"s origin?" The seed of doubt started sprouting in his mind .

"But judging by that voice, I am sure this guy is a teenager . My gut instinct says that he is just an ordinary teenager who got lucky somehow and found a heavenly treasure from somewhere . "

Even if he was a young master of one of the prestigious clans, he too was no joke . There would be no problem in handling him . He could only blame himself for getting needlessly involved in this matter . The leader tried to ride his luck as he commanded his soldiers to form their signature barrier .

The old man had a worried look on his face . He quietly took care of those two soldiers who were sent to get him . He too heard all those conversations happening between them . He too guessed that the one who struck that leader in the face was a teenaged boy, but still, he was more impressed with the courage and wit which had shown by that boy .

"That boy didn"t lose his courage even while facing a hundred guards . Which clan is he from, why is he helping our young mistress?"

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"Whatever the reason is, it doesn"t matter now . That boy thoroughly provoked the leader this time . If the guards successfully manage to form their barrier around him, he will be caught in an instant . "

"He had helped us before, so I think I should help him this time around . "

The old man was not a petty person . He thought he should help the boy and if helping him meant keeping those guards busy for some more time then there"s no harm in it . He already needed time more than anything at this moment .

He looked towards the half-conscious girl who was lying on the ground at some distance away from him with his apologetic eyes and mumbled .

"I will not let anything happen to you, miss . I gave a promise to your parents back then, and I intend to keep it till I"ve breathed in my last breath . This is the least I can do to repay what I owe to that man . "

"I will not let you down; just hold on for some more moments . " The old man"s eyes were glowing with determination as he walked towards the guards .

All the hundred guards stood beside each other while forming a big circle and started to pour out their spiritual energy in front of themselves . Slowly as the moments pa.s.sed, a dense, semi-transparent film of spiritual energy started to take shape in front of every one of them .

Now the only thing they had left to do was to connect it with their peers and make it highly concentrated by decreasing the radius, meanwhile, the person in between will feel the extreme pressure exerted by that barrier .

If the person in between is truly strong, then he would slowly start to lose his consciousness, while it would result in a cruelly slow death for the weaker ones .

This formation had been given to them by their region head to restrain someone stronger than them . This was the pride of all those elite guards . They had already caught so many powerful beings, with whom they couldn"t even imagine in their dreams fighting head-on .

Whoever this person was, he would have a poor ending now that the formation was starting to take shape .

"Forgive me, sir, I mean no disrespect . I just wanted to test our abilities against you, so, we could know how far of a gap is in between our strengths . "

"Or we could avoid all of this if you could just do me a favor and come with us to the region head"s palace . I promise they won"t treat you badly, although I can"t say the same for this grandfather-granddaughter duo here . " The leader"s lips curved slightly upwards as he stated sarcastically .
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With this barrier in action, finally, the situation appeared to be falling under his control now . Even if that teenaged boy was someone capable, he still could never hope to fight against the barrier formed by a hundred elite guards .

"If he surrenders, then that"s good, and if he doesn"t and gets perished during the fight then that"s all right too . " He didn"t have a problem with any of those outcomes of this fight .

After seeing that semi-transparent wall which seemed like some kind of a force-field getting near him, Ved started to panic . His mind went blank . The pressure on his invisible body was getting stronger and stronger by the pa.s.sing seconds . He tried his best to pa.s.s through the formation, but to his surprise, he couldn"t . It was as if this barrier could negate his phasing powers .

He didn"t understand why he couldn"t phase out of there . A few hours ago, when he was in that fabric shop, he was easily able to phase out of objects, but strangely this time he couldn"t . This invisibility power which he acquired not long ago, it was as if his control over them was not good enough . It was working like a hanging pendulum, swaying in any direction whenever it felt like it .

At first, he couldn"t materialize his invisible body because it was able to phase out of objects, but now when he needed that ability more than anything, he couldn"t . "What a joke" Ved started laughing maniacally .

The problem in front was much more troublesome than it seemed, and if he didn"t do anything, he will surely lose his life inside this barrier .

"So this is what you call testing your strength, by ganging up on someone, eh" After watching the formation materializing into a powerful hemispheric barrier, the old man said in a loud voice .

"This kind of a lowly action is not befitting to the reputation of the so-called "Leader of the Elite Guards" . You are throwing your face away, your Excellency . "

"If you want to test your strength against someone, then challenge him on his own or else, get lost . " The old man approached a guard standing in the circle and kicked his back with his full power .

That kick broke the guard"s concentration, and the backlash from the formation came instantly which made him vomit a mouthful of dark blood . He fell out of the circle, and it resulted in weakening the hemispheric barrier .

The old man didn"t stop there . He gripped his fingers into fists and threw a punch towards another guard . It connected perfectly with the temporal region of his head as he screamed in agony .

That scream was so loud that it resulted in breaking almost every guard"s concentration . They were taken aback by that extreme sound . It made them forget about the repercussions which came after breaking the formation in the middle and look towards their fallen comrade .

In the next instant, almost every guard suffered the backlash . They all threw up black blood from their mouths meanwhile; the connection between all of them got cut off .

At last the barrier diminished into nothingness .

The leader was dumbfounded by the actions of that old man . He thought that he was just a lowly merchant and shouldn"t have known any kind of martial art, but he pointed out the weak points on their bodies in an instant and struck them precisely with a balanced amount of force .

Everything happened in just mere moments and the formation which all of them were most proud of, got broken by him in a blink of an eye .

He already knew about the flaws of that formation, but he was sure that they will never be discovered by these amateurs because he had everything in his control . He wouldn"t have considered this even in his wildest dreams, but right in front of his eyes, it came true .

A knight had just appeared out of nowhere and ruined everything in this game of chess .

He thought that he would get the opposition down on their knees by only using his subordinates, but who knew that a knight was already lurking in the shadows to only come out to ruin his plans . It seemed as if he would have to personally step into this fight .

The old man noticed that a fight between them would be imminent, so he turned himself and dashed towards the half-conscious girl . He brought her up in his arms and retreated a few steps back . He brought out a lavender-colored stone from his storage bracelet which had a few mysterious inscriptions engraved on it and started chanting some mantra in a very low voice .

Suddenly a lavender-colored formation started to take shape in the form of a hemisphere . The old man put the girl into that lavender hemisphere and started mumbling in her ear .

"It will keep you safe from the fight that is going to take place now . Please take care of yourself, and if by any chance I won"t survive this fight, please run . Run as far away as you can . "

He brought forth a small jade urn which seemed like a medicinal pot and poured a few drops of the yellow-colored liquid in her mouth .

He put his hand on her head lightly and caressed her silky hair . His eyes became watery, but the look of determination was still shining on his face . He was going to fulfill the promise that he gave to her parents . He was finally going to return the favor that he owed to that man .

"If this is the end, then farewell, young mistress . " The old man turned his head around, clenched his fists, and walked slowly towards the leader .

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