Make the paste according to No. 80. To make the mince heat a cupful of cream of wheat in a little b.u.t.ter. Do not fry this brown, but heat all through. Stir into this half a cup of dessicated cocoanut, two tablespoonfuls of small seedless raisins, two tablespoonfuls of almonds (blanched and sliced), and the seed of six cardamons. Cook this mixture for a few minutes, then add a cup of sugar and cook for a few minutes longer. This will not be a paste, for no water has been added; so don"t think it is not right if it is very crumbly; that is the way it ought to be. Roll the paste out not too thin, cut in circles with a pound-baking-powder tin. Put as much of the sweetmeat as you think you can enclose, fold over, make as fancy as you like, and either fry or bake.

This is a favorite sweet at native weddings.

102. Breadcrumb b.a.l.l.s.

Mix dry breadcrumbs and grated cocoanut together, and a few raisins, too, if liked. Take a cup of sugar and half a cup of water, and boil.

When syrup has reached the stage that it forms a hard ball in water, pour over the breadcrumb mixture. Mold as if making popcorn b.a.l.l.s. If one likes, these may be rolled in powdered sugar afterward. These are also a very fine sweet for social and missionary functions of all kinds.

103. Sujee Biscuits.

One pound of cream of wheat and one pound of sugar mixed intimately; then add half a cup of lard or crisco and knead awhile. Form into little b.a.l.l.s and shape the b.a.l.l.s as desired. Usually they are simply flattened out into squares. Bake a light brown. Be careful that they are not crowded in the pan.

[Ill.u.s.tration: SALAAMS]

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