The King’s Avatar

Chapter 523

The discussion group went into a period of silence once again. Everyone was anxiously waiting for a final detailed report. At the same time, they sent several players to pay attention to the movements of Lord Grim as well as the few capable subordinates under him. These capable subordinates had been exposed cleanly already and the big guilds saw their names everywhere.

The scouting went smoothly. Soon, all of the guild leaders present in the discussion group sent out expressions of delight. They looked as if they had schemes prepared.     

“It seems like everyone knows?” Plantago Seed, who knew about this intelligence awhile ago, spoke.

“Almarshan.” Cold Night said.

“Correct, the Setting Sun Hunter. So this is his target.” Lonely Drink said.

“It looks like we can present him with a little surprise.” Plantago Seed smiled.

“This time, we’ve got to kill his spirit.”

“Yes, not only do we need to steal away his boss, we’re going to have him experience a total wipeout!”

The guilds began their preparations in excitement. They didn’t dare be negligent of Lord Grim’s elite team, so they dispatched all of their elites. How many people was enough? They had failed so many times that they could no longer make an estimate. It wasn’t like they could go wrong with having too many.

“When does the Setting Sun Hunter sp.a.w.n? I’m looking forward to it!!” These guys were already imagining the beautiful scene in front of them. Getting Lord Grim to eat sh*t would be such an amazing feeling.

“If……. his true target really is only the Topaz Knight, then what?” Seeing everyone’s appearances, Blue River couldn’t help but feel uneasy.

“Hmm….. that’s true.” Cold Night, who had crossed paths with Ye Xiu many times before, also had a sort of premonition, “We’ll go elites against elites, a sea of people against a sea of people. We should also send some people over to Western Wilderness. It’s only one guild, after all. They don’t have that many people, so if each of us send a few people, it’ll be enough. There aren’t any strong characters there anyways. If we have the safe number of troops as them, we have the advantage.”

“Right, right. This way we won’t have any holes in our plan.” Lonely Drink praised.

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