The King’s Avatar

Chapter 533

This time, the guild leaders personally led the teams to fight for the boss, so they didn’t need to go to the trouble and open up a discussion group outside of the game. Everyone gathered together in the middle of the circle and quickly came to an agreement.

It was too bad for Ye Xiu and Wei Chen said. The two pro level players couldn’t see or hear anything. They shamelessly snuck into the circle and tried to eavesdrop, but the guilds suddenly stopped moving. They clearly weren’t going to fight the boss and were still negotiating with each other.

“How boring! What’s there to talk about? In the end, they’ll each have their own plans. Such a waste of time.” Wei Chen spoke in an unhappy voice.

“It seems a bit different this time.” Ye Xiu said.


“Normally, the negotiations are a part of their plan. They should have already begun dispatching their troops by now. However, look at their troops. No one is moving. There haven’t been any ambushes or any reinforcements coming. Doesn’t this look like a real negotiation?” Ye Xiu said.

“No way. They’ve been fighting for so many years. Why would they suddenly have a change in heart?” Wei Chen didn’t believe it.

The two continued guessing. The discussion between the eight guild leaders finally concluded. In the end, they went with Jiang You’s suggestion. The top guilds like Herb Garden and Excellent Dynasty left room for discussion in the future though. The slightly less powerful guilds like Misty Castle and Blossom Valley hoped this plan would stay forever.

After drawing up the plan, the eight guilds immediately signed an agreement and had the public be the judges. Then, they made an announcement in their respective guild forums as well as their guild’s web page as proof. After making the arrangements, everyone returned to the game and prepared to enter the Arena to decide who the boss belonged to.

Chen Guo had her materials displayed out on the streets. She didn’t even need to be at her keyboard to do this, so she wasn’t busy right now. From time to time, she would go back to the game and take a look, but most of the time, she was browsing the forums. A post suddenly caught her eye. Something about eight guilds and proof. It all seemed very grand. Chen Guo clicked on it and suddenly felt like she was in a dream.

It can’t be a coincidence, right?

Chen Guo mumbled. She didn’t have much to do and Ye Xiu was no longer on the Equipment Editor, so she would see what Ye Xiu was up to from time to time. Ye Xiu had received a call to go to Poison Fang Swamp and went to check out the wild boss with Wei Chen’s gang. She didn’t have any urgent matters to take care of, so she had even hesitated on whether or not she should join them. Before she could make a decision, she noticed the post. 

“Hey, look at this.” Chen Guo called for Ye Xiu.

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