Three ounces of Three thread White Fleecy Wool. Pair of No. 10 Bone Knitting Pins. Cast on forty-five st.i.tches.

Knit three rows.

_4th row_--Knit ten; make two and knit two together; knit one; knit the last six st.i.tches.

_5th row_--Knit, dropping the second of each of the two made st.i.tches all along.

Knit eight rows.

_14th row_--Knit ten; make one and knit two together repeat until six remain; knit three; make one; knit three.

_15th row_--Knit six; make one and knit two together repeat until ten remain, which knit.

Repeat these two rows three times more each, only not enlarging one (as in the end of row fourteen), _every_ time, but only once in four rows, merely knitting the six in the intervening rows.

_22nd row_--Knit. Knit the next seven rows.

_30th row_--Same as _14th_.

_31st_ row--Same as _15th_.

Keep on alternately knitting eight open, and then eight knitted rows, and enlarging one st.i.tch at the end in every fourth row until there are a hundred and twenty-four rows.

Then decrease one st.i.tch at the beginning or front in every other row for thirty-two rows, still continuing the pattern as before, and still enlarging one st.i.tch in every fourth row, at the end or back. This shapes one side of the neck.

Now knit forty-eight rows without increase or decrease at either end, continuing the pattern or alternation of eight open and eight plain knitted rows. This forms the back of the neck and the bottom of the back of the habit-shirt.

In the next thirty-two rows we diminish one in every fourth row, by knitting two together at the back, while at the same time in every fourth row, at the back, we knit two together, and make one in order to form a series of holes, or pattern parallel to that on the other side caused by enlarging in every fourth row. We also cast on one, at the opposite end, in every other row, to shape the second side of the neck.

We then knit one hundred and twelve rows, having each ten knitted st.i.tches in the front of the habit-shirt, as on the opposite side, and six at the back, and decreasing one in every fourth row, at the back, and continuing the pattern, and also the series of holes at the back.

Knit eight rows.

Knit ten st.i.tches, make two and knit two together; knit six at end.

Knit all, dropping the second of each of the two made st.i.tches. Knit two rows; cast off.

Now, with same needles, pick up the st.i.tches all along the right front of the habit-shirt; knit two rows and cast off. Do the same on the left front. Then pick up those of the neck, and do the same, shaping it, if necessary, by knitting two together occasionally. These finishing-off rows look pretty done in pale pink or blue wool. b.u.t.ton-holes may be made thus:--in the front or where the ten st.i.tches are, and about once in thirty rows, knit three; cast off four; knit three instead of knitting the ten as usual. Next row, when we get back to the ten st.i.tches, knit three; cast on four; knit three.


Half an ounce of White Lamb"s Wool. Three No. 13 Knitting Needles. Cast on Thirty st.i.tches.

_1st row_--Knit.

_2nd row_--Knit two; make or enlarge one st.i.tch by picking up one from the previous row and knitting it; knit all the rest.

_3rd row_--Knit. Repeat second and third rows alternately four times more each of them.

_12th row_--Knit two; make a st.i.tch according to directions above given; knit rest until four remain; knit two together; knit two.

_13th row_--Knit. Repeat these two rows alternately three times more each.

_20th row_--Knit two; enlarge one as before directed; knit rest until two remain; enlarge one; knit two.

_21st row_--Knit. Repeat these two rows alternately three more times each.

_28th row_--Knit.

_29th row_--Knit fourteen st.i.tches, and leave the other upon the needle.

Take up the third needle and knit twenty rows more, of fourteen st.i.tches each.

_49th row_--Knit two together; knit twelve; on same needle, and with same wool, cast on twenty-seven st.i.tches.

_50th row_--Knit.

_51st row_--Knit two; knit two together; knit rest until four remain; knit two together; knit two.

_52nd row_--Knit. Repeat these two rows alternately twice more each.

_57th row_--Knit two; make one in manner directed; knit rest until four remain; knit two together; knit two.

_58th row_--Knit. Repeat these two rows alternately three times more each.

_65th row_--Knit all until four remain; knit two together; knit two.

_66th row_--Knit. Repeat these two rows alternately four more times each.

_75th row_--Knit.

_76th row_--Cast off.

This completes the slipper portion of the sock. We now begin the instep-piece. Take the wool and knit off ten st.i.tches from the needle on which the twenty-seven st.i.tches were left; knit these ten from the toe-end, or that where the twenty rows of fourteen st.i.tches each has been made; leave the remaining seventeen st.i.tches still on the same needle. Knit twenty rows of ten st.i.tches, and in every other one pick up the edge-st.i.tch of the toe-piece and knit it with the tenth st.i.tch, so as to unite these two portions, viz: the toe and the instep. With each st.i.tch of the twentieth row, an edge-st.i.tch of the side at the toe-end of the slipper must be picked up, knitted and cast off, and a neat and entire union of the toe of the slipper and the instep piece formed.

This instep piece is to be ribbed in rows of four, viz: four rows in which the plain side is uppermost, and four rows in which the pearled side is uppermost.

We now commence the leg portion of the sock.

With the needle which has been left in the first side of the slipper carefully pick up the edge-st.i.tches all along the instep-piece and side of the slipper; when this is done, there should be about fifty on the needle. Take the wool and knit all along, including the picked up st.i.tches, and the seventeen originally on the needle. Knit two rows.

_4th row_--Knit two; make two (not by picking up, but in the ordinary way, by pa.s.sing the wool twice over the needle), and knit two together; knit one; repeat.

_5th row_--Knit all; casting off one of each of the double made st.i.tches. Now knit twenty rows ribbed like the instep-piece.

_26th row_-- Knit one; make one and knit two together; repeat all round.

_27th row_--Knit.

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