Ch7. Unexpected Accident

Raw translation by: Udeze              Proofreader: Uncle Xu (reluctantly :P)                    Editors: –

We were just arrived at Xiaohui house, near the downstairs when that resentful ghost baby coming out and floated through the door. Its body covered with blood, naked and looked very disgusting. The baby ghost tightly stared at Murong Daiyu as if it felt a huge threat from her.

I gave a wink to the female ghost, indicating that this was exactly the little imp that almost tossing me half dead yesterday.

The female ghost didn’t hesitate and quickly rushed and grabbed that baby ghost. She caught the baby ghost with her hands and quickly disappeared. The female ghost said that resentful baby ghost was the weakest existence among ghosts. Murong Daiyu herself could be ranked in the top 20 of most powerful ghosts. Even if her injury had yet to recover, she could handle the baby ghost easily. Therefore later, Xiaohui should be fine.

After XIaohui waving her hands and said farewell, I returned back to my house.

At 9 o’clock in the evening, Daiyu came again and said that everything has been solved completely. Originally that resentful baby ghost was Xiaohui’s younger twin sister. But she died several days after she was born because of illness. Normally, the baby should be unable to become a resentful baby ghost in this case. However the little devil was attached and liked to play with Xiaohui since they were twin sisters.

Murong Daiyu said that she has arranged that resentful baby ghost in a secret place. So that baby ghost can’t go back to look for Xiaohui easily…

For the next two month my special training began!

Every early morning I go out and have some morning exercises, and the sandbags gradually replaced by leads inserted in a vest

I visited a Manufacturing Department in my Dad’s factory to smelt 10 lead ingots. Each one has 5 kg in weight and cost me 2000 RMB in total. The money was of course come out of my inheritance from the old swindler.

I could say that I made progress these days; now I can carry two bars of lead on each foot, a bar on each hand and never put it off in my daily life. Only in sleeping time did I remove these lead bars. Because of it, I seemed to wear thicker clothes; however no one can find out that I have been carrying these leads on my body. Miss Daiyu has started to teach me how to fight a month ago. However she didn’t teach any martial arts since she didn’t master any martial arts style; but according to her, as long as my reflexes and reaction was fast enough, I could dodge and avoid any attack that came to me. She was testing me and attacking me every day from any possible angle, anytime and anywhere I practice, to the point that I got beaten up and even made my unstable chin fell off again.

Moreover, there was one thing worth noting, although Miss Daiyu almost put me in miserable state every day; but in fact her training gave many benefits to me. If normal person took exercise like me and done the same things like I did in these 2 months, their health would have been deteriorated and the body would have been broken already. I must say that Miss Daiyu really was far-sighted; she provided me a lot of ginsengs of which I had no knowledge where she acquired it. And it seemed that the ginsengs all were of the best quality. Its efficacy was so potent even my nose bleeding after I ate one of those ginsengs.

There was one time when I just arrived at school, all the eyes that always swept at me ”the ugly one”, seeing of how the blood suddenly sprayed out from my nose . Because of this my great reputation in campus got boosted once again.

But I must say that after being tempered by Miss Daiyu for a month, my reflexes and instinct has improved a lot. I was able to dodge and even resist Miss Daiyu attack, although still I got beaten in the end. It seemed like if I wanted to be able to fight back, I must practice for another several months.

Daiyu was still mysteriously appeared and disappeared like a shadow. Usually after morning training finished, she just disappeared and sometime came looking for me in the evening to teach other Daoist aspects. Apart from that, she never appeared before me.

“Niu School’s Past Records on Demon Subjugation” had been translated of more than 60 pages. This estimated about 10% in total. The chronicle was simply marvelous, and the writing could be said as wonderful as if it was more vivid then experiencing it myself. Grave robbing record was so cool…. I even wanted to publish these chronicles as ghost story, making money and pay all debts left by the old swindler. But I gave up those thoughts since now I was this generation patriarch, although I’m still green but this great me was also a leader! These chronicles were the work left by my previous seniors with their painstaking efforts. I absolutely cannot take it away and sold it for a trivial amount of money!

But I couldn’t help wondering why the old swindler ended up with a huge debt; until I found it on the paper bills that the old swindler funded three poor schools, seven university students and 12 children with leukemia. He supported all of them by himself and borrowed the money for these people. At this instant, the old swindler status in my eyes soared to the highest peak. I may perhaps knew him for a short time, but knowing his past conducts like this made me really admire him; though of course it was also because of his “Golden Lotus” collection.

As for Xiaohui… …her relationship with Xia Chaoran seems to develop further, the two often to discuss some academic issues; and it made me angry but I could only stare at them helplessly. Nevertheless, this great me was the Niu School patriarch now, my status couldn’t be that inferior right? Therefore I ignore all of his threat and still escorting Xiaohui to go home and slowly build my relationship with her.

This evening, as always, I and Xiaohui walked out of school together. It was already in the mid-November and starting from 4 pm the day was usually blackened as if evening has come. And today soft snowflakes were raining down from the sky. I pushed my beloved “basket 1258” bicycle slowly and walked with Xiahoui, chatting; the atmosphere was very romantic.

But when we arrived at a remote place, I suddenly heard a sound of high-speeding car behind me. I instantly turned my head in reflex and saw two car lights moving fast toward my place. The road was very wide so I was sure that the car was targeting me and Xiaohui! I threw my bicycle and although I know that it was not easy to avoid the collision, I could only pushed Xiaohui to the sidewalk with all the strength I have. In the next second I felt an enormous force hit my body and saw my basket 1258 bicycle thrown out to the air. It felt like as if the time has slowed down and everything was moving in slow motion. I could see Xiaohui on the sidewalk stared blankly at me, and seeing my bicycle cracked broken with its two tires thrown out and rolled in the air.

“Could this be… Xia Chaoran’s revenge?”

Before my eyes everything started to blacken… and I lost consciousness.

I felt so hazy… as I heard some voices….

“Doctor! You must save my son! This is a small respect!” The sound seems to come from my father’s.

(T/N: small respect here usually money/other gifts as present/bribe… I know that it perhaps an unwritten custom in China, but somehow it also reminds me of my country… how ironic)

“Patient family members please feel relieved. Healing the wounded and rescue the dying is our duties…”


“The ribs pierced both sides of the lungs, ma.s.sive haemorrhage in stomach, comminuted fracture in thigh bone, and serious cerebral concussion… its really strange, how could this child is still alive? His vitality is very strong!”

“Save your breath Xiao Liu, we have received 5000 red packets, we must do everything possible. If we can revive this boy, we will be famous in the medical circles!” The sound came from the doctor who has received the red packet. (T/N: red packet = bribe, literally from the raw: red-paper-packed money)


“Relax, you are the Red Arrow Fate, your vitality is very tenacious and will not die easily.” This sound seems to come from Murong Daiyu, that ancient female ghost…


I don’t know how long, I finally regained my consciousness gradually, and when I was about to open my eyes I heard the dialogue between two people. So I still closed my eyes and listening to their dialogue.

“Lao Li, your son really has a great luck; unexpectedly survived after being inflicted by such severe wounds!” It was my Dad’s boss, the factory owner. I called him uncle Zhao, and he has looked after our family for many years.

“Zhao brother, I have been busy taking care of this kid for almost two weeks, and haven’t gone back to work for many days, I’m really sorry, since Xiaolong has been through his critical period, I will go back to work tomorrow.”

“You don’t need to go back.” Uncle Zhao sighed. “Brother, to tell you the truth, your son has messed with people who should not be messed with. This time he’s still lucky to still alive, and it’s really a miracle. Yesterday accident was not natural traffic accident, but it was forged by others. Yesterday, a gang had come to the factory and threatened me to displace you; otherwise they will close down the factory. Brother, it is not that I’m afraid of getting into trouble, but behind that gang there are untouchable people that we cannot stir up. If we don’t do anything they said they will do the same thing as happened to Xiaolong and n.o.body will even care investigating. Please believe me! Just take it as accidental traffic accident, and after Xiaolong can leave the hospital, you and your family must go far away and do not come back. Here is 500000 check. Brother, you have given me a lot of wealth these years; just consider this as you final bonus. You are a smart person; you know what you should do. If you want to save your family and live well, you must be calm and should not be hotheaded.” Then, uncle Zhao opened the door, as father just stood motionless even said nothing to see him off.

Dad had just lost his job…

By hearing those words, I was absolutely sure that this is definitely the work of Xia Chaoran!

It was really so fearful, a high student was just that cruel and evil. Disregard human life as if it was nothing. He’s not just almost killed me, if I didn’t push Xiaohu that time; she would have been overthrown by that car like me.

At this moment, I opened my eyes and looking at the stunned and paralyzed old man who stood in this room, his hair had already turned white, black circle around his eyes which shown his lack of sleep. I was so sad that almost choked and whispered, “Dad, I’m really sorry.”

His body trembled slightly, and walked quickly to my side, showing a light smile and said: “Son, how do you feel?”

“Please rest a.s.sured Dad, I will not die, I’m really sorry for making you so worried, Ah, yes, where is Mom?

“Your mother hasn’t had a sleep for the past 2 days and I let her go back earlier to have some rest, she just left about 2 hours ago.”

“How long have I been in a coma?”

“16 days, when you were hit by the car that night, your Mom and I received a phone call. So we immediately rushed to the scene. You almost had no breathing at that time, blood flowed down your mouth, and your nose was full of blood. Your Mom quickly fainted seeing you like that. Fortunately your big Daddy didn’t panic and calmly took you and your Mom to the hospital.” Dad let out a forced smile and patted his chest. However, I knew that he was covering his true feeling now.

After a short while, there was knocking sound from outside, and Dad immediately replied: “Enter”

Two people came into the room, it was Xiaohui and … … Xia Chaoran.

“Xiaolong! You have woken up!”, Xiaohui let out a small scream, quickly walked to the bedside and softly said: “Xiaolong thank you for rescuing me that night, if you didn’t push me to the sidewalk, my life would be in danger too”. Xiaohui turned over to my father and said: “Uncle, we went to the police bureau a short while ago and asked about the investigation progress. The case is in the middle of investigation, it is estimated that the hit-and-run car driver will soon be found.”

Xia Chaoran at her side also shouted and added: “That’s right! The police will not let that murderer running away! Xiaolong, just take a good care of yourself, heal your wounds, and go back to school early.”

I bitterly laughed and said: “No, I don’t have any intention to go back to school; I have poor academic grades. After recuperating the wound, I’m planning to go back to the village and farming, developing agriculture has a bright prospect today.

“Xiaolong, don’t spek this kind of discouraging words.” Xia Chaouran advised and said: “We are still young, going to school is a proper way, if you encounter some problems in your study, then we can discuss it with each other.”

HYPOCRITE!!! Putting on a show in front of me and showing off to Xiaohui? Just you wait for me to learn the Daoist art, when that time comes; it would exactly your time of death!!!

Xiaohui also said: “Xiaolong, don’t give up, I will often come to help you working on you schoolwork after school.”

“I have already decided that I should drop out and will handle the leaving procedure in a few days.”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~end of Ch.7

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