You may be surprised as how light an earth golem could be, especially one made out of clay. The earth"s energy that surged through my soul was soothing. Unlike time energy when I owned the fragment, this one didn"t collide with my conduits. 

Besides, I was much stronger than I used to be. I could redirect my own energy to steer clear from the foreign one that surged through my conduits. 

After I destroyed all of Rimbaldi"s minions and collected all their cores, more than three dozen, I headed for the door that led toward Rimbaldi"s lab. The door gave way to yet another tunnel. This one was much shorter than the one we previously had to go through. I crossed it in the blink of an eye. 

I blasted the door that barred my way open then found myself in a brightly lit area. Metallic scaffolding rose high, challenging the skies. I was in some kind of crater. It felt as though Rimbaldi had made his lab inside a dead volcano. Large stairs led to each section of the scaffolding. 

I stretched my senses and immediately found the automaton, two floors above me. I couldn"t find Heda and the others, however. The automaton was thrashing at something above my head. I narrowed my eyes then headed for the machine. 

Something was off about this whole mess. Heda and the others had disappeared too quickly for me to follow their trail. Sylens couldn"t stop time. That was a power only Omega, and the most powerful champions, could ever use. – I still don"t know how I managed all my feats with the fragment of time. Omega had always expressed his confusion toward this part as well.

Now the machine was furiously pounding against something at the second floor. No matter how much I scanned the area with my senses, I couldn"t find what it was angry at. Heda and the others must have been hiding in there, but how did they block their presence from being sensed? 

I didn"t need to use the stairs to reach the machine. I only had to concentrate enough energy on my legs then jump. I quickly reached the automaton and, as it turned to face me, I punched it in the chest. I heard a loud pang, then the machine toppled backwards. 

"You could be made out of diamond for all I care. You will not defeat me while I"m in this form!" My voice came out as silvery, taking me aback. Earth"s energy not only changed my soul and the type of magic I could use, it also changed my voice! 

The machine quickly regained its composure. It hurled its gigantic hand toward me. I caught it with my clay hand and grinned at the machine. It tried to push forward, but I planted my feet firmly on the ground and resisted. 

I threw my free hand forward then, willing the clay that covered me to change form. It changed from a fist shape into that of a spear. It shot forward, crashing against the automaton"s golden armor. Clay surrounded the golden plate and spread all over the automaton"s chest. 

I let go of the machine"s hand and quickly dashed forward. I slammed my shoulder against it, and the automaton faltered. Its gigantic feet left the ground and it slowly fell on its back, causing a loud commotion. 

The scaffolding on which we fought shook dangerously. The machine thrashed around, destroying everything that was on its path. The scaffolding shook so much it started swaying right and left. 

Poles sprouted from the machine"s back, and steam surged out of them. The machine flew upright and stood on its legs, causing the scaffolds to shake even more. More steam surged out of the poles and the automaton charged at me. We collided, and I felt my clay legs depart from the ground.

My back hit the railing. We broke through them then we fell toward the cold floor. We exchanged a few punches, but neither of us caused any significant harm to the other. I tried my best to switch positions with the machine, but the latter was bigger and heavier. 

Once interlocked, there was no escaping its heavy weight. I crashed against the dry ground and a cloud of dust ensued. The clay covering me shattered, and the machine thrust its gigantic hands toward me at lightning speed. 

I rolled backwards just in time. The automaton"s hand landed with a loud thump as I managed to find a safe spot between its large metallic fingers. I quickly got up then hopped on the automaton"s hand. Millions dirt particles flew from the ground and began enveloping me as I ran along the automaton"s arm. 

By the time I reached its head, I had transformed into a golem once more. I punched the machine"s head and it bobbed backwards. I heard metal creaking against metal every time I landed a hit. In my anger, I didn"t hold any of my punches. 

I let the earth"s energy flow through me as I pummeled at the automaton"s head. I heard Rimbaldi scream at me, but I didn"t hear a word he said. I caught the automaton from its protruding horns and twisted its head sideways. 

I kept rocking the head back and forth as the machine tried to get a hold of me. Every time its gigantic hands reached toward me however, I would tilt the machine"s head to the side and it would lose its balance and rock to one side. 

Standing at the automaton"s shoulders, I had a clear view of the first floor of the metallic scaffolding. I spied Heda and the others running upstairs, casting frightened looks my way. I wrenched the machine"s head out of its shoulders then threw it their way. If it weren"t for Heda pulling Sylens back, he would have been crushed. 

I jumped inside the hole I just made into the automaton and wreaked havoc inside it. There were multiple wires that ran through it, like blood veins in our bodies. I tore them all apart, and the machine slowly lost its motor powers. It collapsed once I reached its chest and found the sphere that powered it. 

I kicked the automaton"s golden plate and got out from its chest, shooting my head toward the champions. They had reached the third floor of the scaffolding by then. Heda was urging them to run faster. I extended my psionic link toward her. 

"Run all you want Heda. I"m coming for you. And when I do catch up with you, and I will! You"ll have some serious explaining to do!" 

I immediately cut off the communication link, sent a large amount of energy through my clay legs then jumped as high as I could. I landed on the second floor, causing the entire structure to shake and wobble. I looked up then jumped once more. 

I tore through the metal plates that held the scaffolding together and landed right behind the fleeing champions. They had just opened a door that led somewhere deeper inside the lab. 

"Where the h.e.l.l do you think you"re going?" I asked in my silvery voice. 

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