Sunflower Yellow 6 ft. Fine for backgrounds and screens.
Any dry soil.
Turtle Head Rose 2 ft. Flowers on spikes. Any soil, but wet Purple preferred.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- _September_
Hardy White 6 ft. Blooms till frost. Blossom heads Hydrangea effective.
j.a.panese Carmine 3 ft. Good border plant. Blossoms last Anemone till frost.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- WATER AND BOG PLANTS --------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME SPECIAL POINTS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Arrowhead _Sagittaria latifolia_ One of the most popular water plants. Spreads badly.
Arum (water) _Calla pal.u.s.tris_ Popular water plant. Grows less than 1 ft. high. Blooms in June.
Blue Flag _Iris versicolor_ Grows from 2-3 ft. high. Grows in bogs and gardens.
Cat-tail _Typha latifolia_ Grows to 8 ft. or more. Spreads rapidly.
Floating Heart _Limnanthemum Grows less than 1 ft. high.
nymphoides_ Good plant for a pond.
Spreads readily.
Forget-me-not _Myosotis Pal.u.s.tris_ Grows less than 1 ft. high.
Prefers half-shady places.
Lotus, American _Nelumbo lutea_ Good for a pond.
Marsh Marigold _Caltha pal.u.s.tris_ Grows 1-1/2 ft. high. Blooms in May.
Pickerel Weed _Pontederia Grows 3-4 ft. high. Blooms in cordata_ July.
Pitcher Plant _Darlingtonia Grows less than 1 ft. Good for Californica_ bog planting.
Sweet Flag _Acorus Calamus_ Height is 2 ft. Flowers in early summer.
Water-lily _Nymphaea odorata_ Sweet-scented, most popular water-lily.
Water Mint _Mentha Aquatica_ One of the popular mint family.
Low growing.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- FOUR WATER-LILIES FOR BEGINNERS --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME COLOUR SPECIAL POINTS --------------------------------------------------------------------- _Nymphaea Gladstoniana_ White This is a hardy variety " _Marliacea_ Yellow " " " "
" _dentata_ White Tender, night blooming plant " _Zanzibariensis_ Blue Tender, day blooming plant.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- WATER-LILIES FOR SMALL PONDS --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAMECOLOURREQUIRED DEPTHOF WATER --------------------------------------------------------------------- _Nymphoea alba_ (hardy)WhiteMore than 2 ft.
" _tuberosa_ (hardy)White" " "
" _Marliacea rosea_ (hardy)Pink" " "
" _odorata_, var. _minor_WhiteLess than 1 ft.
(hardy)" _tetragona_ (hardy)Yellow" " "
" _Laydekeri_, var.Pink" " "
_rosea_ (hardy)" _Zanzibariensis_ (tender)White" " "
--------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE:--Any of these forms may be grown in from 1 to 2 ft. of water.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- TREE TABLE --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAMEHEIGHTSPECIAL POINTS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Carolina Poplar100 ft.Grows in a dry soil. Fastest growing streettree. Its dropping fruit is a nuisance.
Sheds leaves early.
Catalpa50ft.Lovely white blossoms in June. Seed podsstay on into winter. Quick growing.
Good lawn tree.
English Hawthorn30ft.Flowers in June. Red berries. Grows ondry soils. Slow grower. Sharp thorns.
Linden90ft.Easy to grow. Fragrant flowers. Rapidgrower. European species smaller thanAmerican.
Live Oak100 ft.Not hardy in the North. Grows south ofVirginia. Beautiful evergreen oak. Likesmoist soil.
Locust80ft.Fragrant flowers in May and June. Rapidgrower. Seeds in pods. Th.o.r.n.y bark.
Lombardy Poplar90ft.Quick grower. Stiff, straight and tall.
Dignified but melancholy tree. Fine forpathway effect.
Norway Maple100 ft.Tall, well rounded tree. Yellow foliage inthe fall.
Pin Oak100 ft.Fastest grower among oaks. You cannotgrow plants under it.
Red Maple100 ft.Earliest flowering maple. Good for lowlands.
Bright red foliage in the fall.
Sugar Maple100 ft.Moist soil. Bright foliage in the fall. Beststreet tree among maples.
Horse Chestnut60 ft.Fine white flowers in June. Attractive budsand leaves. Foliage grows very dense.
Naturally, we are all interested in ways and means of earning money. It is not a bad thing at all for a boy or girl to wish to turn work into cash. Not always is it possible for one to find a market next door for products. No, it is rarely as easy a matter as that. One has to really work a bit.
"Let me tell you one boy"s story. This lad, let us call him Newton, had a nice vegetable and flower garden. He had worked so hard over it, it did seem to him as if he ought to be able to sell some of his produce.
One day he loaded a little cart with vegetables and went down the street to a corner market. I imagine he went in a half-hearted sort of way. The market-man was busy and he spoke a bit roughly to the boy. But Newton went on to another store. He received the same sort of treatment there.
This time he gave up discouraged and went home. His mother was not discouraged. She showed him how he should have made his vegetables, wagon and all, look more attractive.