_Scar._ When comes he home?

_Meph._ Within Two Days.

_Scar._ What was he doing when you left him?

_Meph._ He was at Supper, eating good Chear.

_Har._ Good Mr. Devil, tell him we are almost starv"d; and desire him to send us some of his good Chear.

_Meph._ Is that all?

_Har._ Some Wine too?

_Meph._ What else.

_Har._ What else: Why if Fornication been"t against your Commandments, we would have some live Flesh; a handsom Wench.

_Scar._ Only for a third Person, and please your d.a.m.nation.

_Meph._ You shall have your Desires.

_Har._ We desire your Mephostopholiship too, not to let us stay the Roasting and Boiling of any thing: For we are as Eager as the Wine in _Smithfield_, and want no whetting.

_Meph._ You shall.

Scaramouche _and_ Harlequin _pull off their Caps_.

Now if your mighty Darkness would please to Retire.

_Meph._ Farewell. [_Vanish._

Scaramouche _steps out of the Circle, and struts about_.

_Scar._ Now how do you like my Art?

_Har._ O rare Art! O divine Mr. Doctor _Scaramouche_! If the Devil be as good as his Word, I"ll owe him a good Turn as long as I live: But I wish our third Person would come.

_A Giant rises._

Ha! What"s here?

_Gi._ I am sent by _Pluto_ to bear you Company.

_Har._ Is this his third Person? Or is it Three Generations in One? Come you from _Guild-hall_, Sir?

_Gi._ No, Mortal, from the _Stygian_ Lake. I am the Giant which St.

_George_ destroy"d; and in the Earth have been decaying ever since, but now am come to Eat with you.

_Scar._ To pick up your Crums, Sir: You"r heartily Welcome.

Scaramouche _gets upon_ Harlequin, _and salutes him_.

_Gi._ I have lain now within the _Stygian_ Lake 2000 Years.

_Scar._ Your Honour is not much shrunk in the Wetting.

_Gi._ But we loose Time, and Dinner cools.

_Har._ Where is it?

_Gi._ In the next Room.

_Scar._ Will it please your l.u.s.tiness to lead the Way?

_Har._ Will it please you then to make way for him?

_Gi._ I can divide my self to serve my Friends?

[_Giant leaps in two._

Breeches be you my Page, and follow me.

Harleq. _and_ Scaram. _complement the Breeches_. [_Exeunt._

SCENE _draws, and discovers a Table furnished with Bottles of Wine, and a Venison Pasty, a Pot of wild Fowl_, &c.

_Enter_ Scaramouche, Giant, _and_ Harlequin.

_Har._ O heavenly Apparition!

_Scar._ Come, let"s sit down.

_The upper part of the Giant flies up, and the under sinks, and discovers a Woman in the Room._

Harlequin _and_ Scaramouche _start_.

_Scar._ Ha! What"s here, a Woman?

_Har._ O happy Change! Madam, with your good Leave.


_Scar._ Never too late in good Breeding. [_Kisses._] Rare Wench! And as Luscious as Pig-sauce.

_Har._ Heav"n be prais"d for all.

[_Woman sinks, a Flash of Lightning._

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