Jesus" Knowledge of Truth

97. Adamson, _The Mind in Christ_; GilbertRJ 169f., 240-242; Schwartzkopf, _The Prophecies of Jesus Christ_.


Jesus" Conception of Himself

98. BaldSJ 125-282; Stalker, _Christology of Jesus_, HoltzmannNtTh I.

234-304; WendtTJ II. 122-183; GilbertRJ 167-228; Stevens, _Theol. of the N.T._ 41-64, 199-212. On the t.i.tle "Son of Man" see particularly DalmanWJ I. 191-219; Charles, _Eschatology_, 214f. note; against, A. Meyer, _Jesu Muttersprache_, 91-101, and others. See also HoltzmannNtTh I.

246-264. On the name "Son of G.o.d," see Dalman WJ I. 219-237; Holtzmann NtTh I. 265-278; Stalker, _Christology_, 86-123; Gilbert, as above. On the personal religion of Jesus see Burton, Bib. Wld. 1899, II. 394-403. For the total impression of the character of Jesus, read Bushnell, _The Character of Jesus_.

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