The Living Dead 2

Chapter 18

"I"m fine here," Janelle said. "It wouldn"t be ladylike."

The Reverend shook his head. "I"m afraid that I can"t swim, Mr. Hogan."

"It ain"t that deep," Deke told him.

Before the Reverend could respond, Jorge interrupted.

"What"s he saying?" Deke asked.

Jorge put one finger to his lips and cupped his ear with his other hand.

"I don"t hear nothing," Terry said.

The bushes along the stream bank rustled. The horses whinnied and glanced around, stomping their feet. I reached for my pistol, realizing too late that I"d left it on the sh.o.r.e with the rest of my gear. Then the undergrowth parted and Janelle and the Reverend both screamed.

I was expecting another dead thing-maybe a horse or a person-but what charged out of the bushes was no corpse. It was the biggest d.a.m.n lizard I"d ever seen. It stood on its hind legs, towering over the horses, about fifteen feet long from head to tail and probably weighing a ton. Despite its size, the thing moved fast. Arms outstretched, it ran on two legs towards Janelle and the Reverend. Each hand had three fingers. The middle fingers were equipped with claws the size and shape of a grain sickle. It had a big head and an even bigger mouth full of arrowhead-sized teeth. Its tongue flicked the air as it made a hissing, throaty sort of roar.

Shrieking, Janelle dove into the stream. The Reverend ran after her. I noticed that he"d p.i.s.sed his pants. He paused, glancing back and forth from the water to the lizard, as if trying to decide which one he feared the most.

The creature slashed the throat of Terry"s mount. The poor beast took two faltering steps and then fell over. The other horses scattered. As they did, three more giant lizards emerged from the bushes and attacked them. The cries the horses made as they were slaughtered was one of the worst sounds I"ve ever heard.

We hurried to the far side of the stream while the lizards busied themselves with their kills, tearing and ripping, sticking their snouts into the horses" abdomens and rooting around. I glanced back and noticed that the Reverend had waded into the water up to his knees. He stood there trembling, watching in horror as the lizards feasted.

"Come on," I shouted. "While they"re distracted!"

He shook his head.

"Somebody has to help him," Janelle said. "One of you get back over there."

"The h.e.l.l with that," Deke said, wading onto the sh.o.r.e. "I ain"t even going back for my gear. You think I"d go back for him?"

Janelle gasped. "He is a man of G.o.d G.o.d."

"Then I reckon G.o.d will keep him safe," Deke replied. "Either that, or he"ll meet G.o.d real soon."

"I"ll get him." Terry splashed into the stream.

Cursing, I jumped in after him.

"Hogan," Deke yelled. "Where the h.e.l.l are you going? Get back here!"

"Our guns are over there," I told him. "We"re going to need them."

That was my excuse, anyway. Deep down inside, I wondered if I was doing it for Janelle, instead. I waded after Terry. We made it about halfway across the stream before pausing. The lizards were still eating. So far, they"d ignored the Reverend. He stood there, glancing back and forth between them and us. His chin quivered and his legs shook.

"Come on, Reverend." I waved at him, trying to keep my voice low. The movement attracted the attention of one of the lizards. It raised its b.l.o.o.d.y snout and snorted, c.o.c.king its head sideways and studying Terry and me. I"d been charged by a bull once, while crossing a pasture. The lizard had the same look in its eyes as the bull right before it charged.

"Terry," I whispered, "don"t move. Just stay still."

He nodded. The color drained from his face.

"Reverend," I said, keeping my voice calm and steady. "You need to get in this creek right now. It don"t matter if you can"t swim. Terry and I will carry you. But get your a.s.s over here."

Nodding, he inched forward. The water rippled around his knees. His lips moved in silent prayer. His eyes were closed.

"That"s it," I whispered. "Easy now. Nice and slow."

I glanced at the lizards. All four of them watched us now. They stood stiff and tense, ready to spring. One of them was missing an eye. The left side of its face was a ma.s.s of scar tissue left over from some long-ago fight.

"Giants in the Earth," the Reverend muttered. "Leviathan."

It was hard to hear him over the churning water. "What?"

"It"s a Bible verse, Mr. Hogan. There were giants in the Earth in those days."

"Only verse I know is "Jesus saves". Reckon I"ll take your word for it."

He stopped, gasping as the water reached his crotch. One of the lizards crept towards the stream.

"C-cold," the Reverend stammered. "It"s so cold."

"That"s okay. We"ve got you. Terry, give him a hand."

"Hogan," Deke called.

"Little busy right now," I said.

The lizard on the bank lowered its head and sniffed the spot where the Reverend had been standing. The other three turned away from us and stared into the forest. I followed their gaze and saw why. The three dead coyotes I"d noticed earlier had followed us into the canyon. Now they stood under the tree line, watching us with blank, lifeless eyes. One of them was missing an ear. Another"s broken ribs were sticking through its fur. They didn"t pant. Didn"t growl. They just stared. Flies hovered around them in clouds.

"Oh h.e.l.l," Terry said.

The Reverend"s eyes grew wider. "What is it? What"s wrong?"

He started to turn around, but I stopped him.

"Never you mind. Just give Terry your hand. Let"s get out of here before they decide to have us for dessert."

As Terry reached for the Reverend"s trembling hand, the lizard on the bank leaped into the stream, splashing water over our heads. At the same time, the dead coyotes lumbered into the clearing. The other three lizards went for them. The one with the missing eye seized a coyote in its ma.s.sive jaws and shook the corpse back and forth.

The Reverend and Terry both slipped, sinking below the surface. They came up sputtering and flailing. The Reverend clung to Terry"s shoulders, almost dragging him back down again. The lizard surged forward, squealing. I splashed water at it in an attempt to scare it off, but all I did was make it swim faster.

"Let go," Terry choked. "Can"t breathe..."

Sobbing, the Reverend clutched him tighter. They both went down again, and then the lizard was on them, close enough that I could feel its breath on my face. It smelled like rotten meat. Its jaws closed around Terry"s head and lifted him out of the water. His legs and arms jittered, and I could hear him screaming inside its mouth. The creature gutted him from groin to neck with one of those sickle-shaped claws, while holding the Reverend beneath the surface with its hind legs.

On the far sh.o.r.e, Janelle, Deke, and Jorge screamed. I backpedaled, unable to take my eyes off the slaughter. The lizard was busy with Terry and the Reverend, and paid me no mind. Neither did the other three. They feasted on the horses and coyotes.

I stumbled out of the stream and shouted at the others to run. Without looking back, we plunged into the forest, panicked and terrified. Soon, the greenery swallowed us.

We made camp inside a hollowed out tree. I"d never seen anything like it before, though I"d heard tell of some big trees out in California, and reckoned this might be like them. It was large enough for the four of us to sit inside comfortably. The top had snapped off at some point, but the trunk was still standing. We were able to fashion a crude roof using leaves and branches. There were bugs inside-beetles and ants and such-bigger than any I"d ever seen, but harmless. Janelle was afraid of them, but she was more afraid of what might be outside.

All we had was what had been in our pockets-a bit of paper and a pencil, Deke"s compa.s.s, a pouch of chewing tobacco, Janelle"s frilly lace handkerchief, some money, and other odds and ends.

It got cold after the sun went down. We had no matches or flint. We huddled together for warmth. Janelle fell asleep with her cheek resting on my shoulder. When she breathed, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s rubbed against my arm, soft and warm. That made everything we"d been through almost worth it.

A few lizards pa.s.sed by, close enough for us to see them. None of them were like the ones from the creek. One was the size of a cow, with a long neck and even longer tail. It sniffed around the base of the tree, but was more interested in eating leaves than it was in us. Another one, a baby judging by its size, had a bill like a duck. One of the creatures shook the ground as it lumbered by. Trees snapped, crashing to the earth. We saw its legs and hind end, but not the rest of it. Some of the lizards had feathers. Most didn"t. Right before sundown, the forest got real dark as something flew overhead. I poked my head out and looked up. Through the branches, I caught a glimpse of a flying creature with a fifteen-foot wingspan. It reminded me more of a bat than a bird.

We stayed there all night. We didn"t talk much. When we did, it was in short, hushed whispers so we wouldn"t attract attention. Janelle and Deke slept. Jorge shut his eyes, but opened them every time there was a noise from the forest. Deke cried in his sleep, but I didn"t mention it to him. After all, I cried, too. Only difference was my eyes were open.

"What are they?" Janelle asked the next morning.

"Big d.a.m.n lizards," Deke told her.

"I know that. But where did they come from?"

"I"ve got an idea," I said. "Y"all know about these big bones in the rocks that folks dig up out of the ground, right?"

"Sure," Deke replied. "There"s rich people who collect them."

Janelle nodded. "They"re called fossils-all that remains of the dinosaurs."

"Yeah," I said. "That"s the word. I reckon these lizards are living versions of those fossils. They"re dinosaurs."

"The Reverend might have disagreed with you on that," Deke said. "He seemed to think they were something out of the Bible. I don"t remember any dinosaurs in the good book."

"Well, the Reverend"s dead. I don"t reckon he"ll be any more help."

Janelle frowned. "You should be more respectful of the dead, Mr. Hogan."

"I usually am. But our recent experiences with the dead have soured me a bit. It"s hard to be respectful of something when it"s trying to eat you."

"But the Reverend wasn"t like those those dead." dead."

"No, he wasn"t. I reckon he was one of the lucky ones."

"You"re forgetting one thing," Deke said. "I thought dinosaurs were supposed to be extinct."

"Somebody forgot to tell them that."

Jorge glanced at each of us as we talked, clearly trying to follow the conversation. His expression was desperate. I smiled at him. He smiled back and then pointed outside.

"I"m with him," Deke said. "Let"s get out of here."

"We need to find our way back to the desert," I agreed.

"But the dead are still out there," Janelle said.

"They"re here in the valley, too," I reminded her. "But there aren"t any dinosaurs in the desert. Given a choice, I"d rather take my chances with just the dead, rather than worrying about them both."

Deke rubbed the whiskers on his chin. "You remember how to get back to the canyon entrance?"

"No." I shook my head. "I got all turned around when we ran. I was hoping one of you knew the way."

Neither Deke nor Janelle remembered, and when we tried asking Jorge, he just stared at us in confusion and pointed outside again.

"Try your compa.s.s," I told Deke. "Let"s get a bearing on where we are, and which direction we"ll need to go."

He pulled it out, wiped condensation from the lens, and then stared at it.

"What"s wrong?" Janelle asked.

"d.a.m.ned thing ain"t working," Deke muttered. "It"s just spinning round and round, like it can"t find north."

"Let me see." I tried it for myself. Sure enough, the needle just kept spinning in a circle. I handed it back to him. "How much did you pay for that?"

"Five cents."

"That was five cents too much."

"It worked in the desert."

"Well, it ain"t working now."

Jorge pointed outside again.

"We can"t just go stumbling around through this valley," Deke said. "We"ll get eaten."

"That might be so," I agreed, "but we can"t stay here, either."

"Then what do you propose, Hogan?"

"I say we head for high ground. The valley is ringed by those hills. I say we get to the top of one of them, and then work our way back down to the desert. Should be easy without the horses."

"That"s another problem," Deke said. "With no mounts, how do we stay ahead of the dead once we make it out of here?"

I shrugged. "They"re slow. And judging by the shape those coyotes were in yesterday, I"d say the desert has been harder on them than it was on us. Long as we keep moving, we should be able to outpace them. With any luck, they"ll fall apart before too much longer."

"And if you"re wrong?" Janelle asked.

I didn"t have an answer for her. None of us did.

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