The Locked System

Chapter 18

The women began to approach Hayato some of them have curious faces, others have shy faces and some have scared faces

" Are you alright young man " The woman who thanked him before is the first one to arrive

" Yes… just a little….tired " Hayato smiles and all the women become red but Hayato had his mind in another side " So the captain finally arrived I will found him in the entrance of the kingdom "

" If you like we can wait until you recover your strength " Say the middle age woman

" Thanks…. " Hayato stays in the ground for a half hour and then he stands up " Okay let"s go, I will take all of you to the Lyrel kingdom "

Hayato began to walk with the women behind him, in the way the women ask many things about him, like his name and how he has that power Hayato responded hiding almost everything or he gives them false information until they arrive at the kingdom

There it is the Captain, is waiting in the entrance of the Lyrel kingdom he was surrounded by many other knights and it seems that they are questioning him

Hayato approaches them and the Captain turns to see him

" Sir Hayato is good to see you again " The Captain says in a serious voice but the other knights don"t stop to questioning him

" Captain, you need to tell us why did you take so much time protecting the village, we have members of the Brywood family lost " Say the knight in charge

" I wait until the villagers left the attacked village so that took me some time, is my duty as the captain of the knights of Lyrel to protect them and what do you mean they are lost? " the Captain responds with a serious voice

" They disappeared in the forest, almost two days ago and the King and Count Gerald are moving all their forces to find them " The knight responds with worry

" I see, I will join you after I escort Sir Hayato here, it seems he rescued some people " the Captain reacts calmly again

" It"s alright, but you have to report to his majesty later " The knight responds and he leaves with the rest to the forest

The captain turns to see Hayato who have an expressionless face

" Sir Hayato, if you want to make the questions that you say before, I will answer them " The Captain bows a little

" Later, first let"s take these girls to the adventurers guild " Hayato pa.s.s from his side

" Understood " the Captain starts to following him

Hayato and the Captain arrived at the guild after a couple of minutes and there it was the family of every woman that survived, but others were left alone without anyone left, they may be lost their families in the hands of the orcs

" You did it kid, I know it " the Guild Master approaches Hayato and he sees the captain a little after " Conrad you are back, the whole kingdom is in search of three members of the Brywood family, you know that, right? "

" Yes I know Marcus, the knights were waiting for me in the entrance of the kingdom " the Captain says with a little smile

" You are going to join them now? " ask the Guild Master with a curious face

" No, I will do it later first i...." the Captain didn"t finish speaking when someone interrupts the conversation

" *COUGH* sorry for interrupting your conversation, but can you give me the reward for my mission " Hayato coughs a little and the two men turned to see him

" Ah, sorry here take this " the Guild Master smiles at him and he gives Hayato 5 Gold Coins

" Thanks, I will leave now, I"m tired " Hayato turns around to leave

" Ok, thanks for saving them kid " the Guild Master thanks Hayato before he leaves and then he turns to see the Captain

" I will leave too, Marcus, see you later " the Captain smiles and leaves behind Hayato

" Ok, say h.e.l.lo to Anna from my part " the Guild Master makes a big smile and he goes to see the women rescued

Hayato and the Captain leave the Adventurers Guild and Hayato began to make his questions in the way, the Captain responded everything he asked. Hayato asked about the levels they use and the Captain say every level, but what called his attention was

" You see Master when someone wants to pa.s.s to the next category, they have to train their body first, if not they could explode from the excess of energy, if the body isn"t strong, no one dared to reach another category and every time someone a realm is harder and requires more energy, for example, if I wanted to pa.s.s from my Advanced Legend Warrior to an Amateur Super Warrior, I will need to train my body two times harder than before and then I need to acc.u.mulate the energy by entering into a secluded place.

The energy is provided by nature and is what humans use to get stronger and the monsters use that energy to evolve too, but they absorb the energy by eating other monsters or plants

That energy is everywhere and we humans called purity energy " the Captain says in a serious voice

" I see, thanks for the information Conrad " Hayato puts his left hand in his chin

" No problem master, can I ask you something? " the captain puts a scared but curious expression

" Go ahead " Hayato says nonchalantly

" You know what happened to the members of the Brywood family? " the Captain asked with his eyebrow twitching like he already knew the answer

" Yes, I kill those three " Hayato turns to see him and say carelessly

" …..!!! what!? you kill them!? why master? " the Captain surprises despite knowing the answer

" They try to kill me first, but they overestimate their abilities " Hayato says with a cold face

" I see, thanks for telling me Master, can I know what you do to their bodies? " the Captain regain his composure and he seems to began to accept the situation

" I turn the three of them into ashes " Hayato scratches his cheek and respond in a tranquil voice

" Ok Master, I will cover everything don"t worry " the Captain smile a little and he hits his chest

" Good, I need you to gain some information for me, the fastest the better " Hayato turns to see the Captain with a serious expression

" Tell me what can I do, Master " the Captain was a little surprise

" I need you to find out what the princess wants from me, now see you later I"m going to rest " Hayato says seriously and then he turns around to go to the hostel

" Ok, I will do it " the Captain smiles and leaves toward the castle

Hayato enters the hostel and the first thing he sees is a cute angry face of a beautiful woman

" Why did you leave me behind!? " Dye frowns and says with anger

" Ah, sorry, you were sleeping and I didn"t want to disturb you " Hayato closes his left eye and he puts his left hand in his neck

" Hmph, that"s not an apology, you have to buy me something delicious to eat " Dye makes a pout and she points at him

" Ok, but it had to be tomorrow, I"m tired right now " Hayato ignore her and he beside her

" Grrr...! no! it will be now! " Dye becomes angrier and she jumps in Hayato"s back and she begins to bite his right ear

" Hey....! stop that....! I will take you now! ok! " Hayato tries to shake her from his back, but she doesn"t release him until he accepts

" Yay! let"s go! " Dye was happy, she takes the hand of Hayato and then they leave the hostel

" Uhu... " Hayato makes a tired face while she was pulling him

Hayato and Dye went to a restaurant and he spent a silver coin just in her food, after that they return and Hayato went to sleep till midnight when Syt woke him

[ " Hayato, get up you have a quest " ]

" What!? a quest? I think I don"t have quests " Hayato wakes up with surprise

[ " So do I, but this quest was sent by G.o.d in person, it seems that he wants you to do something " ] says Syt in a surprised voice

" Alright, let me see the quest " Hayato responded seriously

[ " Go to the lake near the castle

reward: 2,000 System Points, 2x Senzu Bean

Time limit: 2 hours " ]

" What is this? is really easy and the rewards are not bad, let"s make that " Hayato jumps happily from his bed

Hayato leaves the Hostel by jumping through the window and he began to run to the gates of the kingdom and there it was some knights guarding the entrance, Hayato approaches them and he ask them how to go to the lake, they say he needs to go to castle terrains they told him that that area is prohibited so he can"t enter, Hyato told them that that was just curiosity, after that he went to the castle there is big wall and a lot of guards surrounding it, he used the roof of a nearby building to enter the walls that surrounded the castle he walks on the walk until he reached the top and then he jumps entering in the area of the castle

" Great now the lake must be a little far from the castle " Hayato walked near the castle arrived at a forest " Hmm? all the way I don"t saw any guards maybe they have confidence on the guards outside " Hayato keep walking for a couple of minutes until he gets out from the forest and there he was the lake and the moment he walked near the lake he heard

[ " Quest complete!

You received: 2,000 System Points 2x Senzu Bean " ]

" Hehe, that was easy, now I will go back to the hostel " Hayato was happy and then near the lake, he saw a white silhouette, he can"t distinguish what it is, thanks to the lake that is reflecting the light of the moon

Hayato ran in front of the white figure to find out that I was a woman, with white and red hair tied in a ponytail, her hair covers all the left side of her face, but he can see the right side and he was impressed

" Wow this woman is beautiful, she is as beautiful as Dye "

On the other side, the woman was scared when Hayato appeared in front of her and when she saw his face she was fascinated by his looks, but after a few seconds she looked away, causing surprise in Hayato

" Those eyes I know those eyes, I use to have them before, they are the eyes of self-hatred "

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