The Locked System

Chapter 20

Hayato arrived at the hostel after have been jumping over the roofs, he has the unconscious Alyra in his arms, he came in through the window and put Alyra in his bed to then cover her with a blanket, later he proceeded to sit on the floor and lean on the wall next to the bed, Hayato turns to see Alyra one more time " it seems that she will not wake up soon, I will sleep in the meantime " Hayato closes his eyes and then he falls asleep

The next day in the morning Hayato could feel the sun on his face and something else

" Hmm...? " Hayato open his eyes after he felt that someone is watching him " Uh!? " Hayato surprises a little after he saw a pair of blue eyes looking his face intensely " What are you doing? " Dye was sitting in his lap watching Hayato in a close distance

Dye makes a curious smile " What are you doing on the floor that girl on the bed throw you? " she points at the sleeping Alyra on the bed then she stands up " I will take care of her " Dye clenches her fist and she approaches Alyra

" Stop, don"t misunderstand this, she came with me last night " Hayato stands up and he makes a serious face

Dye looks him with doubt " For what reason? eh? don"t tell me you kidnap her? " Dye made a surprised face to then made a teasing smile

Hayato narrows his eyes " No, the truth is I find her in the night near the lake that is near to the castle, she was trying to do something that I"m not going to tell you, but I bring her here and now she will become our new partner " He turns to see the beauty in the bed

Hayato turns to see Dye and says with serious voice " Now Dye, I hope you can treat her like a partner from now on "

Dye raises her eyebrows and says with a happy smile " Then you don"t kidnap her? then why did you bring her here "

" She has very special circ.u.mstances... something that she and I share now, let"s wait until she wakes up " Hayato ignore her and he sits down in the floor

Hayato and Dye wait for Alyra to wake up, they only wait up for a couple of minutes when she finally woke up

" Ah….where am I? " Alyra said with a sleepy face, then she scanned the room with her eyes narrowed

" You finally woke up Alyra, tell me who do you fell? " Hayato smile at her when her eyes meet

Alyra gets up from the bed with a happy face " Eh, Hayato! where are we?…... eh? wait a minute, I can see, it"s been a long time since I can see with both eyes but you think it"s ok to cure me? you don"t know who am I " She turns serious almost immediately

Hayato grins a little " It"s ok, I sealed the curse mark so you don"t have to worry, now you can answer me who are you " " I know she is a n.o.ble and part of the family of Ellen but she is a cousin an aunt or something else "

" O-Ok Hayato I own you so much, so I will tell you everything about me, but first who is she? " Alyra smiles shyly and then she points to Dye

" She is Dye she is my partner Dye she is Alyra, she will be your partner too, so you know that I can"t let you go until the person who made you that won"t be a problem for you, so I hope you can understand me " Hayato presents both girls and then he turns to see Alyra with a serious face

" Thank you Hayato, I don"t know how can I pay your kindness and nice to meet you Dye " Alyra makes a happy smile at both of them

" h.e.l.lo! " Dye smiled brightly

" Now Hayato what do you want to ask me? " Alyra smiles at Hayato

" Tell me the one that made you that was Ellen the princess of Lyrel " Hayato made a serious face when he was seeing Alyra

Alyra surprises and she says " Ho...How do you know that "

Hayato smirks and says " So I was right, what are you from her, her cousin? "

Alyra bows her head and clenches her fists when she speaks with a soft angered voice " She...she is my sister "

Hayato surprises a little " Your sister! I never thought she was your sister! " " They don"t look like sisters "

Alyra raises her head and she says " How did you know it was her? unless you are the next one! " then she puts shocked face

Hayato makes a face of doubt and he says " What do you mean that I am the next one? "

" Eh? what are you two talking about? Hey " Dye seems to be curious about what they are talking but she was ignored

" She is literally a succubus when she found someone with great powers she began to approach them either by making them fall in love with her or offering them a high position in her group of Knights, when that happened she stole their powers just like she did with me " Alyra spoke with an angered face

" Well it seems that I don"t need the gain information from the Captain, things never go as planned "

" So, how many times did she do that? " Hayato asked Alyra with a serious face

" I don"t know, but the first one was me, in that time I was an Advance Legend Magic Swordsman, but now she is an Advance Super Magic Swordsman, so I estimate that she did it at least more than a dozen times and now you are the next one Hayato " Alyra responded with a serious voice

" Hey! don"t ignore me! tell me what are you talking about!? heeyy! " Dye begins to get angry after being ignored again

Hayato crosses his arms and he asks with a serious face " You know how did she steal their powers? I a.s.sume that her method was different from the one she used in you "

" Yes, I don"t know how she stole their powers, but I think she needed some kind of spell, bigger than the curse she put on me " Alyra was a little angry

" I see, then the best thing to do is let the Captain find out what kind of spell she used "

" Hayato we have to leave the Lyrel kingdom, that way she can"t use you and we can…. " Alyra starts to speak with worry for Hayato

" Don"t worry about her, now tell me how did she do that to your face " Hayato smiles confidently

" But she is going after you! and she isn"t going to stop until she gets all of your powers! " Alyra become more worried than before

" I said don"t worry about her, now tell me what happened to you? " Hayato said carelessly

Alyra makes a sad face and she sits on the bed " Ok Hayato, all started when my father married a second time, I was two years old when she arrived at the castle, these memories are a little foggy but how can I ever forget that "


A beautiful red-head woman was walking on one of the hallways of the castle with a little girl with red hair on her hand both of them were are talking with each other with smiles on their faces

" Mommy, what the priest said is really surprising? " The little girl smiled to the beautiful red-head woman

" Of course it is silly girl! a Magic Swordsman is something to celebrate! even your father was really happy! you don"t see him? " The woman hugs the little girl and she carries her

" Really!! yay!! " The little girl screamed with joy

" Could you shut up that thing! " The angered voice of a woman came behind the little girl and her mother, when the mother hear her she turned around to see her with a calm face

The woman long black hair and green eyes she wears a long black dress but her belly is a big she is pregnant

" Oh! no! a monster entered the castle! call the guards! " The mother yelled with a scared face

" Hihihi " The little girl laughs again

" What do you say!? you f*cking maid! " The woman yelled with anger

The mother sees her face with a smile and sighs " Oh? I"m sorry is just the lady of the Lockstar family, you should warn the people before you walk behind them someone could kill you if you keep walking behind them without warning " she made a mockingly smile

" Grr! stupid maid! how dare you " The woman has a raged face

The mother makes a cold face and she responds to her " I"m not a maid anymore, you and I have the same status as the wives of the prince "

The woman smirks coldly and she says " Hmph, you think so when I give born everything will change and you and that thing will become maids of the castle, haha " the woman turns around and leaves

The mother sees the retreating woman coldly and she says " Hmph, we will see that "she was shaking a little nervous

The little girl noticed her shaking mother and she makes a worried face " Mommy? "

The mother smiles her sweetly and she says " Don"t worry, now let"s go to eat something "

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