The Locked System

Chapter 26

Hayato and Wade walked through the kingdom at night, avoiding the main streets, using the alleys. Their purpose is to reach the kingdom gates, it seemed that Wade is planning to escape right away but before that, he will send the heads of the knights, the Count, and his wife to the king

Wade and Hayato were in dark alley, Wade approaches the end of the alley leaving the bag with heads behind him and he sees left and right to then turn to see Hayato with a calm face " I think we manage to avoid the knights that were sent to the Brywood family mansion "

" Good, but is a matter of time before they send someone to chase us again " Hayato makes a serious face

Wade grabbed the bag full of heads and he walked in the alley with Hayato besides him " You are right, some civilians saw us going out from the Brywood family compound, that kind of people would sell their mothers for the right price, I doubt they won"t say anything about us "

" Then when do you will send that heads to the king? " Hayato smiled under his mask

Wade smirks and turned to see Hayato with a face of doubt " When I reached the Kingdom gates, there I will send a messenger... I have something else to ask you "

Hayato frowns a little under his mask and says " What is it? "

" It"s about Akatsuki, you said that it was your organization but sir Hayato as far as I know, you are new in the kingdom, so, how did you create an organization in such a short time? " Wade made a surprised face

" Well, it is the truth that I just arrive at this kingdom, but I just formed the organization, so we only have 3 members right now and if you join in we will be 4 " Hayato said carelessly

" So you created that organization recently " Wade raised his eyebrows with surprise then he asks Hayato with a grin " Can I know what is the objective of your organization? "

" Right now we don"t have an objective, but in the future maybe we have one " Hayato said with a smile

Wade was surprised about what he heard " What!? then why did you make an organization? without objective I think is pointless "

" What did I tell you? when we have all the members I want, we can think about something " Hayato said with a happy voice

Wade has a face of doubt "Aha... I think I will join you, now that I took revenge for my beautiful Veronica, my life don"t have a purpose so I will help you, thanks to you I achieve my vengeance " he turned sad

" But I don"t do anything apart of killing those three useless n.o.bles " Hayato said sincerely

" It was that I told you before, no? that gave me an opportunity " Wade has a warm smile

" I see, then, can you tell me what was that blue scarab that blocked the entrance? those knights didn"t even approach the entrance " Hayato said with a curious expression

" Oh, this? " Wade puts out a metallic blue scarab from his pocket. It has the size of a fist and shines in a blue light

" Yes, that artifact " Hayato was very curious about the scarab

" This blue scarab was made by my wife, she was a great mage before she was killed " Wade said with sorrow

" So, you killed all the knights with the help of the power of the artifact? " Hayato makes a serious face seeing the blue scarab

Wade grins a little and says " Not quite "


The moment that Wade was still in the dungeon, he was locked in a small prison. In the walls were chains that can be seen on the bottom of the wall and others a little higher than normal. there are even some torture instruments scattered all over the place and some blood and skeletons.

Wade was tied in a wall with chains in his wrist and ankles hanging like ( * ) Wade looked like he was tortured a lot with cuts and bruises all over his body, his armor was partially destroyed.

Wade was still conscious but he looked like he was sleeping with his head bowed and completely immobilized, he stayed like that until he heard some steps in the rock stairs at the outside of the prison

Wade lifted his head to see the person who was descending the stairs and he saw a blond man and a black-haired woman both of them have red armors and swords in their waists. They don"t look very happy

" So they finally come " Wade has an emotionless face then the woman approaches him and begins to speak with him in a very malicious manner

" Well, a**hole where do you let the body of my baby " The woman said with a face full of anger, if looks could kill Wade would have died at the moment when she saw him

" Hehe, what"s wrong b*tch? are you mad with me? " Wade has a mocking grin on his b.l.o.o.d.y face then something in his back began to move a little, descending from his back very slowly

*PAM* The woman hit Wade"s stomach using a lot of strength " .... " but Wade has the same face like the punch he received was nothing for him

" That"s the first thing you have to say after all this time? " The woman was very angry and she *PUM* hits Wade"s face but this time he didn"t even bleed, his face just turned red from the punch all the time

*PAM**PAM**PAM* The woman kept hitting Wade"s face, but all the time he saw the couple with very cold eyes without making any noise.

After a few minutes, Wade smirked tauntingly making the couple angrier " What? that"s all? I thought n.o.bles were very proud of their strength, the knights that torture me before were stronger than this "

" I will kill you right now a**hole! I will search the body of my son myself! " Count Gerald grabbed his sword and said with anger

" Good luck with that, hahaha! " Wade laughed in a very maniac manner

The woman made Count Gerald stop grabbing his hand " Beatriz why did you stop me? let me kill this b.a.s.t.a.r.d right now "Count Gerald said with surprise

" Shut up! useless idiot, if your stupid brothers had protected my son, we wouldn"t have to question this b.a.s.t.a.r.d, so you better calm down " Beatriz turned to see Count Gerald with anger and he retreated back putting his sword on his waist again

" Good dog " Wade mocks the Count and he gritted his teeth in anger.

" I don"t know who you are and I don"t care, now tell me where is the body of my son and I let you die quickly " Beatriz said with a ruthless face

" What? you didn"t remember me? " Wade has an emotionless face

" Why would I remember a commoner like you? " Said Beatriz with disdain

Wade begins to get angrier and then a blue scarab jumped from his leg to then take the form of a light blue ball left the dungeon a high speed

"What was that?" Count Gerald and Beatriz turned to see the trail of blue light that flew under his legs

" Return to me Lightning Flame " Wade whispered and his body transformed. A few strands of his hair turned blue and tattoos like flames began to appear all over his body *CRACK* *CRACK* Wade put some strength in his legs and arms and he broke the chains in a swift movement

" What!? those were magic chains! even an Advanced Legend Warrior can"t break them so easily! " Count Gerald was shocked after Wade broke the chains so easily

" You think I don"t know what they are, it should be obvious that I"m stronger you idiot, I"m a level 7 Intermediate Super Warrior and now I will kill both of you " Wade stood up to said with a cold face

" What!? how is that possible! you are just a commoner!! " Count Gerald began to enter in panic

" Calm down Gerald! he and I have the same strength, so, I will deal with him, Blazing Warrior!! " Beatriz attacked Wade with high-speed putting out her sword at midway and then she swung her sword from left to right

Wade received cut on the chest, the cut wasn"t very profound so he didn"t bleed much. Wade grabbed Beatriz"s right wrist and the red light that covered her disappears.

" What did you do!? my Blazing Warrior boost disappeared! " Beatriz yelled with surprised about what happens

" I deactivated your boost " Wade grinned coldly and *PAM* " Agh! " he hits her stomach with a lot of strength, Beatriz walked a few steps back holding her stomach then she fell on her knees, her armor was damaged by the hit that Wade give her

" b.a.s.t.a.r.d.... how is that possible! no one can have a technique like that! even the ones who live in the Monster Continent can"t do something like this! " Beatriz said with fury, then she stood up slowly

" That"s right, my powers don"t come from this continent, I got them thanks to a deal with someone " Wade has a mockingly smile in his face

" Don"t tell me! you made a deal with a demon! " Beatriz was scared by her own conclusion even Count Gerald was scared

" Yes, I made a deal with a demon, I will do everything I can to just to kill your f**ing family!! " Wade has a crazed smile on his face, that scared them even more than before

" Why you b.a.s.t.a.r.d??!! what thing did my family to you!! " Beatriz was almost crying when she spoke

" What did you do? hehe, you sent someone to kill my future wife!! tell me if that is enough!!! " Wade screamed with anger and he jumped like a thunderbolt *PUM* and he hit Beatriz"s face sending her flying until she impacted the wall of the dungeon and then she fell unconscious

" You and I don"t have the same strength when I become thunderbolt, my strength increases in three Kingdoms that means that I became an Advanced Super Warrior for a few seconds " Wade said with hate at the unconscious Beatriz then he turned to see the Count Gerald " You were the one who started all, all of this was thanks to your f**ing d*ck, so you will be the first one who is going to die " Wade has an expressionless face then he began to walk toward the Count Gerald

" Wait! Do-Do you really think you can kill me? when my knights arrived here they will kill you! " Count Gerald said with fear walking a few steps back unconsciously

" They can"t enter here, you saw the blue light before, no? that"s an artifact and that artifact can seal every type of entrance, so no one can leave and no one can enter unless I deactivate that artifact " Wade had a smile on his face

" No.... that"s... impossible " Count Gerald begin to shiver and he turned around to run but *PUM* Wade turned into a thunderbolt again and he tackled Count Gerald into a wall, he strangles him with one hand " Wa..wa.wait... Blazing Warrior " Count Gerald tried to activate his technique but nothing happened

" It"s useless " Wade took the Count sword and then he cut his throat of the Count very slowly, watching him to the eyes that showed panic and fear. Blood started to spill everywhere even in Wade"s face but he didn"t even move a bit, he was smiling from ear to ear, seeing the life of the Count escape from his eyes and after he died he finally released him to then walk towards Beatriz

" Hey, wake up " Wade made Beatriz wake up slapping her face and the moment she opened her eyes, he cut her throat and then he saw her die in the same way as he did with the count

After she died, Wade started to cut her head and he made the seem thing to the Count

" Now I will try to leave this place, if I can"t at least I already avenge my beautiful Veronica " Wade says with sorrow and he took both heads then he left the dungeon he saw the knights fighting a masked man


" So your powers came from a demon? " Hayato said with surprise

" Yes, the deal we made is that one day he will need something from me and that day I have to do that without asking any questions " Wade nods and smiles

" That doesn"t sound good " Hayato suspected that it will be something bad

" Yes, but the power he gave me is really amazing " Wade just smiled a little

" And now what are you planning to do? " Hayato asked with a curiosity

Wade says with a smile " I will go to the kingdom of Ballack and wait for that demon after I completed the deal I will join your organization "

Hayato grins a little " Alright, I think I will go to the Ballack kingdom after I dealt with the princess "

" So, you know her plans for you, sorry for not telling you before but I thought you will think that I was crazy, like the other knights when I told them about her true personality " Wade made an apology face

" It"s ok Wade I can deal with her now and just call me Hayato " Hayato smiled at Wade

Wade turns around " Ok, Hayato then we separated here I will send the heads to the king and then I will go to the kingdom of Ballack "

Wade left through a different alley and Hayato walked to the roof of a near building after Wade left. Hayato jumped for a few minutes when he finally arrived at the hostel where Dye and Alyra were he started to speak with Syt

" Syt, I want to buy the Mangekyou Sharingan "

[ "-25,000 System Points" ]

[ " You still have: 11,550 System Points " ]

Hayato felt the blood coming from his eyes and he touched his cheeks

" When the Mangekyou Sharingan awakens, tears of blood appeared, it"s just like Itachi Uchiha, I wonder what type of Mangekyou Sharingan I have " Hayato started to remember the moment that Itachi Uchiha awakened his Mangekyou Sharingan

[ " Your Mangekyou Sharingan has the appearance of the Mangekyou Sharingan of Sasuke Uchiha. The abilities are the same if you want other abilities of the Mangekyou Sharingan you have to buy them, but they cost 20,000 System Points each, so think before you buy them and remember you can go blind after using Mangekyou Sharingan excessively " ]

" Can I cure my blindness somehow? " Hayato asked with a little hope

[ " Maybe, if you unlock the second level of the Demoniac Transformation the dark powers can cure but is not 100% sure " ]

" Then how do I unlock the second level? " He slowly started to become happy but Syt crushed his hopes

[ " I don"t know, that is locked " ]

" *SIGH*, well whatever, I can use my Mangekyou Sharingan to deal with the princess, even if I damage my sight a little, that was my plan after all "

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