The Locked System

Chapter 32

" What do you mean? " Alyra makes a doubtful smile

" Well I had a little meeting with your father and grandfather after I dealt with your sister " Hayato said with a wry smile

Alyra has a curious face and she crosses her arms " Then what happened? "

" I didn"t fight your father, but that old man kick my a.s.s " Hayato sits on the bed with an angered face

Alyra frowns a little " I told you that he has powerful why did you fighting him? "

" He doesn"t leave me a choice, ok, still I escaped with a few scratches " Hayato mad a confident smile

Alyra raises her eyebrow with doubt but then she makes a little smile " You don"t kill my sister, right? "

Hayato makes a mockingly face and says " Of course not, I made a promise to you but I just beat her a little bit "

Alyra narrows her eyes and says with suspicion " Hmm...? why I had the feeling that half of what are you saying is a lie "

" Haha, let"s forget about that we have to leave the kingdom now after what I did I will become the most wanted person on the kingdom " Hayato made a wry smile

Alyra makes a surprised face " Then what are we waiting for? let"s go! I need to find a way to hide my face there are some knights that can recognize me and the bad thing is that all of them are with my sister, I will take Dye too there is not time to waste " Alyra has a very tense face

Hayato says carelessly " Calm down, we have time, they didn"t saw my face completely and I doubt they can recognize me when I had these eye color "

" You mean that technique you show me in the lake? " Alyra relaxes and shows a little smile

" Yes that one " Hayato nods with a smile

" Okay, I will trust you" Alyra made a sweet smile

Hayato walked to the bath to change his clothes back then Alyra sees him with a curious face and says " Hayato, can I ask you something? "

" Hmm, what? " Hayato smiled again

"I thought I know very little about you, like your full name, if you have one and what is your age " Alyra said with a shy face " I should have done this the first day we met, please don"t think bad about me "

" Why would I think badly of you? " Hayato smiled happily

Alyra bows her head and says with a soft and shy voice " Maybe you thought I don"t have good manners "

Hayato shakes his head and says " Then we are equal, the only thing I know about you is your name and that you are a princess of this kingdom "

" Hehe, that"s true, ok, my full name is Alyra Lionheart, I am 19 years old " Alyra took the sides of her dress and bend her knees a little

" Nice to meet you, Alyra Lionheart, My name is Hayato...….. " Hayato stops before he said his last name " I should use to use my last name? I"m already using my original name because it was given by my mother and father and I don"t want to forget them but... my last name tied me to my Aunt, Uncle and Sister, I think will use another one temporarily " Hayato grins happily " Is Uchiha, Hayato Uchiha and I am 15 years old " He bowed his head a little and puts his right hand in his chest and left hand in his back

" You have 15 years old!? I knew that you were young, but not so young " Alyra surprises a little

" You are not the only one surprised about that " Hayato made a wry smile

Alyra laughs happily and says " Hehe, one more thing, why your last name sounds weird? you are not from this continent? "

" Yes, I"m not from this continent " Hayato makes a nervous smile " Not from this world for being exactly "

" Wow, that"s awesome, is the first time I meet someone from another continent " Alyra looked happy

" Then you don"t know nothing about a guard of the Brywood family? He was from the Beast Continent " Hayato made a curious face

" No…. wait a minute you know the Brywood family " Alyra surprised and worries at the same time

" Yes, I had a little conflict with them, so I killed the uncles of that Bennett guy "Hayato said with a careless face

" Eh!? you kill them!? then what happened to Bennett!? " Alyra was surprised but her eyes show a little bit of hope

" Well, I killed his uncles but Dye was the one who killed Bennett, in my defense they tried to kill us first " Hayato keeps his careless face

" Hehe! hahaha! thank G.o.d! " Alyra thoughts very loudly and happy

" I thought you will be happy " Hayato smiled happily

" Yes! that horrible b.a.s.t.a.r.d deserved to die " Alyra has a big smile in her face

" Heh, yes he deserved " Hayato looks at her with a soft smile

" I think that he was more than a minion of my sister, after all, they seemed really close " Alyra said with a thoughtful face

" You told me before that he was waiting for a reward from her, maybe it was that kind of reward if you know what I mean? " Hayato said calmly

" Uh!? Those shameless b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! so that"s what they were doing! " Alyra said with an angered voice

Hayato walked in front f her and he touches her shoulder " Don"t be angry, he is already dead just like the rest of his family... so relax, ok?

" Hayato... " Alyra was seeing Hayato with a dazed expression and after a few seconds, she turned red from shyness to then make a surprised face " Wait!? all of his family? you killed all of his family!? "

" Haha, well in some part, the truth is that a friend and I attacked the mansion of the Brywood family and now all the members of Brywood family are dead " Hayato said carelessly

" So the Brywood family has been exterminated! and you were one of the culprits! " Alyra surprised a lot this time

Hayato smiles and says " Yes, but I didn"t kill any of them, I just knock them out, my friend dealt with them "

When they were speaking Dye entered the room with a sleepy face she is already dressed

" *YAWN* Why are you making so much noise Alyra? I can"t sleep well…. Hmm? Hayato you returned, then that meant that we have to leave this kingdom, right? " Dye made a soft grin

Hayato makes a teasing smile " You are smarter than I thought Dye... wait, It"s not night yet, so why you were sleeping " Hayato frowns

" Hey! don"t be so rude to me, I can sleep as much as I want, I"m still growing so I need to eat and sleep very well " Dye makes a pout

" Heh, now that you are here, I can tell the truth about you to Alyra well, if it doesn"t bother you " Hayato laughs happily

Dye smiles at Alyra and says " It"s okay she is our partner now, so tell her "

" What are you talking about? " Alyra has a face o doubt

" Alyra, the truth is that Dye is a Divine Beast " Hayato said with a smile and a hand on his neck

Alyra turns to see Dye and Hayato a few times and she says with doubt " …!? that"s true? but she looks like a woman "

Then Dye transformed into his Black Wolf form, destroying her clothes

" Oh my G.o.d! she is the thunder wolf that lurks in the forest of Lyrel!! " Alyra looked at Dye with shock

" Yes, and watch this " Hayato smiled and he showed the mark that is on his shoulder

Alyra touches the mark and says with surprise " That"s a contract mark! then she and you have a partnership contract! you are really mysterious Hayato "

" Haha, Dye, transform back to your human form " Hayato laughed and he turned to see Dye

Dye returned to her human form, but now she was completely naked

" ..!? Don"t look Hayato! " Before Hayato said something to Dye, Alyra covers his eyes with both of her hands

" Hey! what are you doing!? " Hayato yelled surprise but he didn"t try to remove her hands from his face

" Hayato could you give me some clothes like before? " Dye says carelessly

" Okay, take this " Hayato extended his right hand and the clothes appeared then he throws them to Dye direction " Alyra, could you please stop covering my eyes " Hayato smiled and said calmly

Alyra says with a grave voice " No until she wears her clothes "

Dye put her clothes and then Alyra uncover the eyes of Hayato

" Now let"s leave, I have to speak to the Guild Master, he helped me a few times " Hayato said with a smile

" Okay, I have to buy some things, I think we are gonna need them in our journey " Alyra said with a big smile

Hayato nods and says " Okay, tell me how much money do you need? "

" If you can give me all the money that you have I think I can make it " Alyra say happily

" What all of it!? ok.... take it, I think that Dye still have some silver coins, so take those too " Hayato surprises and he gives Alyra a little bag full of coins

" Then let"s go!!! " Dye yelled with excitement and the three of them left the room

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