The Locked System

Chapter 34

Hayato left the Hostel, he was walking into the direction of the Adventurers Guild, he separated from Alyra and Dye the moment he left the Hostel

" Ok, I think I still have time to make a quick trip to the Adventurers Guild.... but those really look amazing flying in the sky " Hayato turned to see into the direction of the castle and saw a few dozens of wyverns flying around the Kingdom in a very small alt.i.tude " I will see those two in the same forest were Dye lived "

Hayato smiled as he left the place. Hayato arrive after half hour to the Adventures Guild, on his way he observed every knight that he encountered but they didn"t do anything after seeing him

" It seems that they still don"t know how I looked under my mask, but when the princess frees from her paralysis, I will be the most wanted person in the kingdom, I have to hurry "

Hayato entered the Adventurers Guild, he walked the reception to then talk with the only man there and the two women that are in the reception looked at him with surprised faces

" I want to see the Guild Master " Hayato said with a calm voice

" Ok, Sir Hayato, he is in his office, it is at the end of the hallway behind me, just knock before you enter " The receptionist said with a calm voice

" ... " Hayato nodded and walked on the hallway, in the end, a single wood door is half open, he knocked the door and the guild master responded

" Come in " Hayato entered the room and the Guild Master was reading some papers on his desk

The Guild Master makes a surprised face and says " What happened kid? I thought that you were with the princess "

" She sent me back after we arrived at the castle " Hayato said calmly

" Wait, what? I thought she was in love with you? " The Guild Master said with a surprised face

" Something like that but I turned her down " Hayato said with mocking smile

" Kid, I hope you didn"t break her heart " The Guild Master said with a serious face

" Haha, no, she was fine, now let"s talk about something else, will you? " Hayato makes a small smile

" Ok then, what is it? " The Guild Master has a curious face

" I will leave the kingdom today, I just pa.s.sed to say goodbye " Hayato say with an emotionless face

" What!? you are leaving!? why? " The Guild Master was surprised a lot

" I have something to do in the Ballack Kingdom " Hayato makes a wry smile

" I see, then, I would say take care but you are stronger than me, I hope that you can come to this kingdom again " The Guild Master has a sad smile

" I will and I have something else to tell you " Hayato made a grin

" What? " The Guild Master puts a serious face again

" Wade is still alive, maybe someday he will come to say h.e.l.lo " Hayato smiled and he started to walk to the exit

" Wha… " The Guild Master puts a startled expression

" See you Guild Master " Hayato left the room, leaving the Guild Master with a stunned expression, then he left the Adventurers Guild and he arrived at the gates of the kingdom

" Hmm? " Hayato made a serious face after he arrived near the kingdom gates " They are searching for suspects " Hayato saw knights stopping any men that tried to leave the kingdom they are examining their eyes and clothes " They brought wyverns too " At the top of the wall the four of the wyverns were seeing the knights that were inspecting the people they are emitting some kind of green gas from their mouths in small amounts

" Alright, next! " The Knight yelled, as he pushed aside one man that was leaving the kingdom

Hayato waited in the line made by the Knights, he has a really careless expression until the knights finally called Hayato

" It"s just a kid " The Knight made a face of doubt and he turned to see his partner

" Inspect him " The knight said with a cold voice and he started to inspect Hayato and he sees his eyes, searching for the smallest detail, he touches Hayato"s shoulders with his sword and says " Raise your arms " Hayato raised his arms with a lazy expression and the knight started to inspect his body as the same as he did with his eyes, after he finished he retreated next to the other knight and says with a calm voice

" No red eyes, no injuries, you can leave, now next "

Hayato walked out from the kingdom and turned to see behind him one last time " They are only stopping men, I suppose Dye and Alyra won"t have any problem leaving the area " Hayato walked through the forest were he met Dye for the first time, he sat next to a tree and he waited for them

The night arrived but Alyra and Dye hadn"t arrived yet " What takes them so long? I doubt they were stopped by the knights, I will hunt some monsters right now, the test will begin in a few hours, but the best way to proceed is with Dye"s help, maybe she knows where can I find very strong monsters " Hayato stands up and he made hand seals *PUFF**PUFF**PUFF* 30 clones appeared and Hayato says

" Scatter! kill every monster and bandit that crosses your way! make sure to not kill civilians or knights! " Hayato said with a serious face

" Yes! " The clones disappeared in every direction and then Hayato sits under the tree again

After half an hour he didn"t receive any System Points yet

" d.a.m.n it, I knew that this is going to happen, thanks to Dye the forest is clean out of monsters, I hope that my clones go further and farther until they found some monsters or bandits "

Another half hour later he finally received the first System Points

[ "Bing!, You receive 100 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 100 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 100 System Points" ]

" Finally, but what did they kill? it only worth 100 System Points, whatever, I hope they kill something that worths more than that "

[ "Bing!, You receive 300 System Points" ][ "Bing!, You receive 100 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 100 System Points" ][ "Bing!, You receive 100 System Points" ]



" Again, seven, worth of 100 System Points and one worth of 300 System Points, they shouldn"t be so powerful if they worth so little "

Hayato waited around ten minutes, in that amount of time, he now has 15,850 System Points thanks to his clones, sometimes they killed monsters that worth 350 System Points, but they never killed something that worthed much than that

" I need at least 20,000 System Points before the test " Hayato has his left hand under his chin when he was leaning his back against the tree, then he finally saw two women silhouettes approaching him "

" The Knights stopped you? " Hayato said with a serious face

" No they let us leave, Alyra and I went to buy a lot of things don"t you see? " Dye said with a happy smile. She and Alyra have big bags on her backs filled with a lot of things

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

" Good some that worth 500 System Points " " You say something Alyra? " Hayato said with a curious face

" You are not paying attention Hayato? I told you that I buy you an armor " Alyra said with a smile and she puts the bag in the floor. She now is wearing a female knight armor, the armor is completely silver, but the clothes under the armor are red, with her red and white hair tied in a ponytail, she looks dazzling now that she uncovered her face moving aside the hair that covered her face before, she moved her hair behind her left ear

" I didn"t notice it till now Alyra, but you look beautiful right now " Hayato said with a surprised face

" Eh? " Alyra turned to see Hayato with a startled face

" Hayato, don"t tease her like that " Dye said with an angered face

" I"m just saying the truth " Hayato sees Dye with a serious face

" Well… thank you... now take this you can put it on under your clothes if you wanted " Alyra said with a shy face as she gives Hayato a thin armor, bracelets and knee pads

Hayato takes the armor, bracelets and knee pads and he surprises after feeling how light was the armor " It looks very fragile, no? " Hayato said with a wry smile

" Well it isn"t, it"s from the same material as my armor, Mithril, the strongest and expensive armor of all " Alyra responds with a smile

" Yes! Hayato look, look! " Dye has a big smile in her face as she shows him her hands, she has gauntlets with Mithril only on her knuckles " I already tested this and they are really strong! " punches the air with a happy smile on her face

Alyra makes a smile seeing her but she talks to Hayato " Well she said that she was a close combat fighter so since she is not a human I thought she will fight better with that, that with a sword "

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

" Still not enough " " And what else did you buy? " Hayato asked with a curious expression while he kneels in front of the bag

Alyra started to count with her fingers as she says" I bought food, some tents, a Mythril sword for me, some blankets, a changes of clothes for me and Dye, your armor, my armor, and Dye"s gauntlets " Alyra smile and says " Dye told me that you already have a really strong sword, so I didn"t buy you one "

[ "Bing!, You receive 1000 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 1000 System Points" ]

" That"s what I wanted to see, then I think is time to undo the Kage Bunshin No Jutsu (Shadow Clone Jutsu) "

" Let"s go Hayato, we will arrive at the Ballack Kingdom in at least four days " Alyra said with a serious face but when Alyra and Dye were about to pick up the bags again Hayato stops them

Hayato puts his hands in both bags stopping both girls" Wait, grab your sword "

" Hmm, why? " Alyra made a curious face

" I gonna store all these things " Hayato turns to see them with a smile

" Ok? " Alyra responded with a doubtful face

Then Hayato extended his left hand and both bags disappeared

" …!? Hayato you can use s.p.a.ce magic!? " Alyra surprises a lot

" Well, kinda " Hayato smiled a little " I just stored the bags in my inventory "

" Then let"s go, we have to take some distance from the kingdom " Hayato responded with a serious face

" Ok(x2) " Dye and Alyra responded with a smile and they started to walk

" Now Syt how many points I have "

[ " You have: 21,850 System Points" ]

" I think I can make it with that, tomorrow will be the second test I hope I can survive that "

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