The Locked System

Chapter 45

When they arrived at the forest they had shocked faces but then they remembered that Hayato can teleport

" I almost forget about your s.p.a.ce-time magic Hayato! " Said Dye with a wry smile

" Yes! but now where are we? " Alyra makes a face of doubt

" We are near the forest were you two fought that guy with the girlish face " Hayato smiled a little

" Wow! so far, then we only need 2 days to arrive at Kamira! " Alyra makes a little smile but she doesn"t look happy

" Okay, let"s go " Hayato began to walk but then Alyra screams behind him

" No! now tell me why did you do that!? " Alyra has a face of anger

Hayato turns to see her and " *SIGH* " Hayato puts the unconscious Maya on the ground and he sits down " Okay then I will do it " Hayato put a serious face

" I know the three Heroes because we are from the same world " Hayato bows his head as he speaks

" …..!? " Alyra, Dye, and Wade had incredulous faces

" But how!? don"t tell me you are a Hero too!! " Alyra yelled with surprise changing her view between Hayato and Maya

Wade frowns and says softly " That will explain his looks "

Hayato shakes his head and makes a wry smile " No, I"m not, I arrived here by another circ.u.mstance, but I never thought I will saw these three again "

" Hayato…. then they are? " Alyra makes a face of doubt

Hayato shakes his head slowly " No, They are not my friends and I really hate those two Heroes we left, but she is another story, we talk a few times, she always was good to me but that"s all " Hayato sees the unconscious Maya making a sad smile

Alyra sees Maya and she puts a serious face " Then that"s why you accepted to bring her with us "

" Yes, and something else, she acted in a completely different from I remember, she even tried to kill the girl that was her best friend " Hayato frowns and said calmly

" But that didn"t explain why you act like my sister before " Dye makes a pout and points at Hayato

" Well, I have an attack of anger so, I couldn"t control me " Hayato closes his left eye and scratches his neck

" Then those two Heroes are now? " Alyra puts a serious face

" Yes, they are now my target for elimination " Hayato turns to see Alyra and Wade

" Just like you and your sister or Wade and the Brywood family " Hayato makes a cold face

" Now let"s go, I"m sure when she wakes up, you will have a few things to ask her, no Hayato? " Wade made a grin

"Yes, but when that happens, I would like to talk to her in private" Hayato smiles and puts Maya back on his shoulder

Hayato and the others walked in the direction of the port city of Kamira, only after 2 days Maya finally woke up.

Maya woke up in a tent, but no one was near her and she has different clothes, she now has a long black dress

" Where-where am I?.... Ack! " Maya gets up and she notices that she has some bandages on her stomach then she leaves the tent

" So beautiful " Maya makes a surprised face after seeing a bright lake, near the lake was a small hill with a lot of beautiful flowers and there it was the man with she fought before, he was laying in middle of the flowers with his hands behind his neck and his legs crossed, he was relaxing seeing the clear blue sky

" Wha…! " Maya has a confused face " Why is he here? that girl beat me before I take revenge, they kidnapped me? "

Maya approaches him with a hostile face, she was ready to fight. She arrived near him but he still has his eyes closed, then he spoke

" You finally woke up, I thought you were dead for a moment " Hayato spoke without opening his eyes

"Why did you bring me with you?" Maya frowns as she speaks in anger

" I have something to ask you " Hayato opens his eyes showing her his Sharingan, but she didn"t surprises

Maya clenches her teeth and said coldly " No, now tell me, they are dead? "

"Mmm ... no, they are not" Hayato talks carelessly and closes his eyes again

" Wha….! then I have to go back to kill them! " Maya surprises and she turns around to leave but Hayato appears in front of her

" No, you will stay here " Hayato said calmly when he was putting his left hand in front of her face

*SLAP* Maya slaps Hayato"s hand and yells " Stay out of my way! " She punches Hayato with her right fist but he grabs her hand

" Hey, calm down a bit " Hayato speaks softly without releasing her hand

Maya tries to punch him again but " No...Kya! " Hayato pushes her down grabbing both of her arms when they were in the ground together

Hayato speaks softly " Relax, I only wanted to hurt your friends not you "

" They are not my friends! since we came to this world I wanted to kill them! " Maya yelled as she tries to make Hayato release her

" Can I know why? " Hayato smiled a little

" No! now release me you pervert b.a.s.t.a.r.d!! " Maya screamed with anger again

Hayato puts a serious face " I will release you when you tell me the reason for why did you stab that girl like that "

" Ugh... " Maya bites her lower lip in frustration avoiding seeing him to the eyes

Hayato makes a little grin " Well, are you going tell me or not? "

" She took something that was so precious to me! are you satisfied now! " Maya has some small tears in her eyes but she is still angry

" Then what is it? a ring? a book? you know that that isn"t an answer " Hayato raises his eyebrows and asks with curiosity

" I will never tell you! so kill me now! " Maya keeps crying as she yelled again

" Haha " Hayato laughs as he shakes his head, then he released her and gets up " You are different from I remembered "

Maya gets up and she makes an angry face " I"m not from your world, Sasuke Uchiha, so don"t act as if you knew me!! "

Hayato makes a happy smile and shakes his head " Haha, sure, sure "

" Hayato! did you finish relaxing!? come here to train with us!! " Dye"s voice sounds behind some trees

" Eh!? Hayato!? Why did she call you Hayato!!?? " Maya had a shocked face pointing at the trees

" Could you stop screaming? geez " Hayato said calmly putting his hands in his ears

" No!! now answer me!! " Maya closes her eyes and fists as she screams more loudly

Hayato makes a small grin " That"s my name alright "

Maya frowns and she screams much louder " But you are Sasuke Uchiha! not Hayato!! "

" I never said that I was Sasuke Uchiha, the three of you came to that conclusion " Hayato makes a wry smile while he was scratching his temple

Maya points at Hayato with a trembling hand and a paled face " Th-th-then, you are really Hayato, the Hayato I know "

" I already told you, I remember that you were the smartest girl in your cla.s.s, even so, you can"t figure out? " Hayato makes a happy smile

" ..!? Hayato… " Maya was in daze seeing him, she stops moving completely

" Hayato!! what take you so long!! " Dye screamed again

" That girl can"t wait just a little bit " Hayato shakes his head and turns to see Maya " Now, how have you been Maysa... " When he sees her she hugs him from the neck and she starts to kiss him to the point that she put her tongue inside his mouth " Chu... chuph... " Maya starts to make alluring moans when she kissed him

Hayato grabbed Maya from her shoulders and he separates from her " Puah!...what are you doing!? " he has an incredulous face

Maya has glazed eyes with some tears " Hayato! I thought I will never see you again... " She hugs him tightly again, making a sweet smile and she kisses him again " Mn... nh... " licking every one of his teeth

Hayato was losing his mind thanks to her pa.s.sionate kiss, but he regains his conscious and he separates from her again " H-Hey calm down! we speak a few times! why are you doing this!? " Hayato was in disbelief

Maya keeps crying, but this time they were tears of happiness " Maybe you changed on the outside, but you are still my Hayato " She was caressing Hayato"s right cheek making an alluring gaze

Hayato was clueless of what is going on " Hey, you are hearing me? "

" Of course, it"s true that we speak a little with each other, but I always, always, always, watched you from afar, dreaming about this moment " Maya nods and she makes a smile full of love

" What? " Hayato was in a daze

Maya began to touch Hayato"s body " But why is your body just like Sasuke"s… " then she shakes her head and smiles again " Well, that doesn"t matter, tell me, you have the Rinnegan or some kind of cheat ability "

" Wha.. how did you know all of that! " Hayato surprised a lot

" Hehe, you dummy, when I used to see you reading alone, I observed what manga or light novel were you reading and I then I read them later, hehe " Maya makes a teasing smile and hugs him again resting her head in his shoulder smelling his neck with a little smile and her eyes closed

Hayato was very surprised when he sees Maya acting like that, and he separates from her again

Hayato makes an incredulous face " Hold on, now, can you tell me why did you want to kill them? "

Maya cleans the tears from her face " Okay Hayato, I will tell you " she made a very happy smile

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