The Locked System

Chapter 47

Hayato arrived at the school with his face covered with wounds, he even had a purple eye, someone beat him until he was let like that. See him like that makes me very sad

" Who did that? I know that it wasn"t that f*cking idiot Akira, I saw the fight before, he doesn"t have the ability to made that to my Hayato, someone else did that "

I notice that a few Senseis saw him like that, but all of them seemed to didn"t care, maybe they thought that that was the result of his fight with Akira

Hayato was on the cafeteria just like always, sitting alone and reading some manga, he seems so happy with that smile he always makes, even with all those wounds in his face

The next day, Kaori and I had a little conversation about Hayato on our way home

" Kaori, y-you make some progress with him " I have the face red as I said, I"m little nervous

" About Hayato? well, no much he is kinda reclusive, so maybe will take some time, but he maybe likes you " Kaori puts her right hand in her mouth then she makes a teasing face

" You think…! it"s hard to say he talks very shy with you and me " I surprised with a red face

" Don"t worry, I have a good feeling about that " Kaori made a happy smile

" Really! thank you! you are the best " I almost jumped from the excitement

I was so happy that moment, I finally felt that we will become closer, but things never go as you expect

Kaori talked with Hayato every day, almost for a full month, I only watched them from afar, with really high hopes

" What are they talking about? I hope she didn"t tell him that I love him! I would like to tell him myself "

That day in the break he was sitting in some stairs on the school courtyard, he is reading like always, I approached him from behind and I started to speak with him

" Hayato! " I screamed behind Hayato

Hayato jumps with surprise and he turns to see me " Eh! What!? Maysan! "

" Hehe, did I scare you? " I close my eyes as I smile

Hayato makes a wry smile " Y-Yes, please don"t do that "

" Hehe, what are you reading? " I made curious face trying to see what is he reading

" A...manga " Hayato said with a nervous face

" Hmm, can I know what manga are you reading? " I raised my eyebrows as I smile

Hayato makes a nervous as he shows me his manga " Uh, yes...I"m reading Naruto "

We spoke for a few minutes until Kaori appeared, she smiled at me and Hayato, I think she is planning to talk to him a little more, so I left them alone

The next day I speak with him again and that was very painful to me, it was like someone was squeezing my heart very tightly

" Hayato, can I ask you if you like anyone? " I tried to act calm but I can"t wait to hear his answer

Hayato makes a surprised face while his face turns red, then he says " Eh!? hmm, yes... I like... Kaori-san "

" What? " I almost screamed from the shock

" C-can I know why? " I said with a forced smile, but I feel I will cry at any moment

" Oh, well... she has always been very good to me, pa.s.sing almost every time she has with me despite the others said to her and more importantly, today she said that she likes me " Hayato made a happy grin

" .....So you and her " I said calmly after a few seconds, but this hurts so much

" Haha, well yes, we are now boyfriend and girlfriend " Hayato scratches his head as he smiles " Well see you later Maysan " Hayato smiles and leaves

I was destroyed, betrayed, all thanks to Kaori, she knew that I love Hayato and still she took him from me, I thought she was my friend but it seems that I was wrong

I returned to my house later that day, after that, I wanted to be alone, I cried all night unable to sleep

I went to the school with my eyes still red, I found Hayato in the entrance he was going to a secluded place in the school with an incredulous face, so...

" Hayato? why is he in a hurry? " I followed him, but it seems that he didn"t notice that I was behind him until he stops when he arrived at a corner and he puts an incredulous face

" K-Kaori why are you doing...? I-I thought you… " Hayato had a startled face

" Get out of here filthy prince, don"t you see that we are busy right now " The voice of a man sounds around the corner

" Kaori…. " Hayato ignores him and speaks with a calm voice

" You heard him, get out of here, you don"t worth a second of my time, I regret the moment when I " I can hear Kaori"s voice around the corner then I saw her walking in front of Hayato to say " You can"t compare to him, maybe you are handsome but you are disgusting " Kaori walked back after that

" .... " Hayato clenches his fist with anger

" What do you want to fight me again? " The man said mockingly but Hayato left without saying a word " Haha, coward " The man laughs mockingly

I didn"t have any time to react at what I just witness, the next thing I saw was Hayato pa.s.sing beside me, he doesn"t seem to realize that I was there, I felt a great sadness and anger right now, so when he left I went where Kaori was and she was with that idiot Akira

" Hey! what the f*ck is wrong with you!? why did you do that!? " I yelled with anger

Kaori makes a mockingly smile" Oh? so you came, let me tell you something, I hate you so much, I was pretending to be your friend, you think that are you better than me, haha, I"m the queen of this school, I knew that you like him the moment I met you, so I decided to use that idiot to put you in your place and it was a success, that idiot felled for me after just some smiles and sweet words, haha, he is so pathetic "

* SLAP * I slapped her face strong enough to leave my hand marked on her face

Kaori puts her hand on her cheek and yells " How dare you to hit me! "

*PUM* This time I punched her face what makes her bleed from his mouth and nose and then she falls on her b.u.t.t

" Auch... " I caress my right hand after I hit her

" ...! " Kaori has an incredulous face as she sees me

" You are a f*cking b*tch! I should never have trusted you " I said with a cold glare " And even if you fight him again you will never defeat him " I see Akira with hate

I leave the place leaving those a*holes in a daze, I try to catch Hayato before he left the school, even when I ran, I wasn"t lucky, all thanks to that b*tch

I thought I will saw Hayato the next day but I was suspended for 2 days when Kaori went with the, so after the 2 days pa.s.sed the first thing I tried was to speak with him, but he was acting so different

He was in daze sitting on some stairs with a manga in his hand but this time his manga was closed, I took a deep breath and then I approach him from behind " h.e.l.lo "

Hayato turns to see me with a fake smile " h.e.l.lo, Maysan " and he puts his manga on his lap

I make a happy smile as I sit at his right " I know what happened with Kaori, but don"t let that stop you from falling in love "

Hayato makes a wry smile but he didn"t turn to see me " Haha, you are right, but maybe it will be in another life, I"m sorry but I have a place to go " and he leaves

" .....Ok " I was surprised seeing after he left

I thought that with the time I would make him change his mind, but I never thought that it will be the last time I will talk with him, I was not prepared for what will happen...

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