The Locked System

Chapter 49

" Why do you want to go there? " Maya makes a face of doubt " From what I read, that place has very powerful monsters "

Hayato makes a grin " Exactly, I need to kill powerful monsters if I wanted to become stronger "

" Hehe, then let"s go, just let me put my armor on, this dress is so tight on the chest area " Maya strokes her big b.r.e.a.s.t.s in a s.e.xy way

" Ah... ok, here is your armor, I stored it on my inventory " Hayato has a surprised face and he gives her her armor

Maya has a surprised face as she grabbed her armor " Why did you have it? you were the one who changed my clothes before? "

Hayato makes an anxious face " No! it wasn"t me! Alyra was the one who took care of you when you were unconscious! "

" Hehe, I know it, I"m just playing with you... chu.. " Maya hugs Hayato and kisses him then she makes an alluring smile " But I really wouldn"t care if you were the one who did it... mn.. " she kisses him one last time before went back to the tent to change to her armor, Dye approached Hayato a little while later making a pout and she starts to complain

" Hayato! why you didn"t come to train with us! I had to fight against Wade and Alyra! you know that you are the only one who can fight me equally! that wasn"t fun! " Dye made a cute angered face

" Haha, she is right, even when I used my full power I can"t even hit her, " Wade said with a wry smile and then Maya arrived with a great smile on her face

" Hmm? she already woke up, you talked with her already? " Alyra said with surprise

" Yes, we spoke about a few things and now she will join us " Hayato respond with a little grin

Hayato presented Maya to every one of them, then Maya smiles to Alyra and says " Thanks for taking care of me while I was unconscious "

" Don"t worry about that and Dye helped me too " Alyra made a shy smile

" Oh! thanks, Dye! " Maya sees Dye with a smile and she nods with a happy face

Alyra sees Hayato and Maya with suspicion and she says " Did something happened? something feels odd between you "

" From kind of oddness are you talking? " Maya made a calm smile

Alyra averts her sight to the ground and says with a shy voice " Ne-Never mind"

" Hmm... " Maya raises her eyebrows with a calm face

Hayato makes a grin when they stopped talking and says " Well, let"s go to Kamira, I"m sure we are close, no? "

Wade points to the forest and says " Yes, is pa.s.sing that forest "

Hayato makes a happy grin " Perfect! I was really bored "

"Bored of what? Relax?" Maya said with a teasing smile

Hayato makes a wry smile " Well, yeah, we didn"t find any monster on the way here, I need to release some frustration "

Maya makes a face of doubt and says " There aren"t monsters? why? "

Hayato makes a little grin when he sees Dye " Well, is thanks to Dye, it seems that the monsters of the area can feel her presence, so they escape when she is near "

Maya sees Dye with surprise " I see, then we should leave this continent "

" Then let"s go " Said Wade with a grin

Hayato and the others walk through the forest, Wade was in front of them Alyra, Maya and Dye were on the middle and Hayato was in the back, then Maya approaches Hayato and she starts to speak with him

" Hayato, they know about your System? " Maya said in a soft voice

" No, you are the only one that knows that " Hayato said calmly

Maya giggles with her eyes narrow " Hehe, then you are gonna tell them at some point, right? "

Hayato grins and turns to see her " Maybe, but first I have to buy a few things for us "

Maya puts on a serious face " I"m sure that will take you some time "

" Yes, but I hope it doesn"t take me too long " Hayato shakes his head and says calmly

Maya sees Hayato with a beautiful smile and says " Hayato, one more thing can you give me a weapon, I lost the one that I had on the Dungeon and one of those Akatsuki robes that you four are using "

Hayato gives her his katana and takes out a black robe, she wears the black robe immediately and grabs the katana to then put them in her hip under the robe

Maya puts an excited face " I want Itachi"s ring! "

" Oh!, that, I already gave it to Wade so... " Hayato makes a wry smile

Maya makes a pout " Hmm, then you can choose one for me? "

" How about Deidara"s ring? " Hayato makes a little grin

" Hmm... that"s ok " Maya smiles a little

Hayato gives her a ring with a teal color it has the kanji (shō). Maya wears the ring on her left hand. She sees her ring finger with a smile

After that Maya has a worried face when she sees Hayato " Hayato, what will happen to your sword? "

" Don"t worry, look " Hayato takes another katana from his inventory

" You have more? " Maya has a surprised face

"No, I can create as many as I want " Hayato makes a happy smile

" That"s a really good cheat " Maya smiles back

When they leave the forest, they saw a city near the ocean, the city was small than the Lyrel and the Ballack kingdoms but it has a great size, the city has wood walls and there a lot of people gathered in the entrance, some of them are selling various kinds of stuff and the other people look like they wanted to leave the place, or they are arriving, on the ocean Hayato can see various types of boats made them with wood, from small ones to big ones

Wade stops and says calmly " That"s the port city of Kamira let"s go "

Wade guide them inside of the city, on the entrance were a lot of people were screaming trying to sell clothes, weapons and various other things. The inside of the city was equal it had stores on both sides of the street, there are even several street sellers, they pa.s.s without calling the attention thanks to a large number of people that were there

" d.a.m.n! this city has more people that the Lyrel and Ballack kingdom! " Hayato said with exasperation seeing all the people

Maya makes a little grin " This is normal, this is one of the three cities that connect the Human Continent with the Monster Continent "

" I see, hmm? what"s wrong Alyra? " Hayato notices that Alyra was distracted with something

" Hayato, look at that poster there " Alyra said with a soft voice and her eyes narrow

Hayato approached the poster that was in a wall of a store and he grabs it " Hmm, it has the same symbol that I saw in the entrance of the castle of the Lyrel kingdom "

" That means that is an order from my family! " Alyra said with surprise

" What it says Hayato? " Dye makes a curious face

" Hmm, it says, recruitment, everyone with the power of a Legend Warrior or above can join the new division of the Lyrel kingdom, the ones that wanted to join report to Captain Kurt at the service of the princess Ellen, all the accepted will be rewarded with 2 gold coins " Hayato said with a solemn voice

" Then it"s from my sister! " Alyra screamed with surprise

" Yes, this seems very suspicious, I doubt she will create an army for herself " Hayato frowns as shakes his head

Alyra put on a serious face and said in a soft voice: " I think she wants to do the same thing that she did to me, but on a large scale."

Hayato frowns and says with a serious face " That woman doesn"t learn, she is really annoying "

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