The Locked System

Chapter 62

Hayato and Zeran ran against each other *BOOM* they clashed they right forearms, creating a small shockwave by the impact

Zeran makes a satisfied grin and says " You are really powerful, you are the only threat in this stupid tournament "

" Hmph " Hayato snorts and *SUISH* he attacks Zeran with his right fist, Zeran evade the punch tilting his head to the right side and he does the same thing, he punches Hayato and Hayato evades him tilting his head back then he kicks Zeran"s chest, making him retreat four steps back, all that happened in a couple of seconds

*PAT* *PAT* Zeran cleans his chest armor a couple of times, then he sees Hayato with a mockingly grin " Why you didn"t use your lightning reinforcement? "

Hayato makes a careless face and says " We are just warming up, no? "

Zeran smiles coldly " That"s true, but It will be boring if you don"t show your full power " Then Zeran makes a serious face " Great Speed Boost! " and his body began to emit a green light " Entertain me!! " and he runs towards Hayato

" Hmm!? " Hayato makes a serious face and he activates his Raiton Chakura Mōdo (Lightning Style Armour) " This guy is faster than the Boosted Wyatt! " Hayato jumps to his right and *BOOM* Zeran hits the ground where Hayato was, Zeran reacts quickly and chases Hayato immediately *SUISH* *SUISH* *SUISH* *SUISH* Zeran chases Hayato all over the platform with incredible speed and Hayato evades him with a greater speed than him

" What"s wrong?! Use that power that you used against that piece of sh*t!! " Zeran yells tauntingly

The spectators were astonished and they began to yell with excitement by such astounding fight

" Those two are really amazing! " A young man yelled in surprise

" Sure they are! but what kind of strength have that young man!? " A middle age man near him made a curious face

" d.a.m.n! how I would like to have the Heavenly Eye or Sense Presence to know it! " The young man says with frustration

On the special area

The city lord has an incredulous face " What is happening? that young man can keep up with the young lord Zeran! He is an Advance Super Magic Swordsman, right?! "

" If I remember correctly, the young lord Zeran is a level 3 Amateur Earth Magic Swordsman " The captain narrows his eyes with a hand on his chin

" He was hiding his strength all this time " Kara responded with a calm voice

The city lord turns to see her with surprise and says " But how is that possible! no one can cheat the Level Stone! "

" I don"t know " Kara responds coldly and she ignores him again

" That young man is very mysterious " The captain makes a curious smile

Zeran keep attacking Hayato without achieving anything, but he didn"t look upset on the contrary he has a satisfied smile

Hayato smiled and then he suddenly changed his direction towards Zeran, who was chasing him, ready to punch his face, Zeran reacts raising his guard by instinct, but he never felt the impact on his arms *PAM* instead of that Hayato change the punch to the face for a kick on the stomach, sending Zeran flying backward a few meters

" That was good Hayato! hit him more! " Dye screamed swinging her fists like she was fighting

" Keep up like that! " Alyra screamed with a small smile

" Finish him already! " Maya yelled with a big smile

Zeran doesn"t seem to be affected by the quick he stands up with a smile

Hayato narrows his eyes seeing Zeran " Wade was right, this guy doesn"t seem to care when he is punched, it"s like he can"t feel pain "

Zeran makes a satisfied smile " Not bad, not bad at all, but I"m still waiting for your full power " Then he makes a cold face " I guess I have to force you to go all out, Blazing Warrior! " Red lines like veins appear all over his body and his muscles increased in size then *ZOOM* Zeran jumped forwards destroying the ground where he was standing and hits Hayato right on the face

" Ack! " Hayato was sent flying with blood coming from his mouth " Grr! " Hayato made a pirouette stopping himself from falling out of the platform, then notices the blood coming from his mouth " What happened? " Hayato sees Zeran fists and he notices a white smoke

Zeran smiles and says " You use lightning reinforcement so I attack you with Wind Reinforcement "

" Haa! " Hayato"s hair stands up more and his Raiton Chakura Mōdo (Lightning Style Armour) increases in size

" Finally! " Zeran makes an evil smile and he rushes towards Hayato

In the special area

" I will go to the bathroom " Kara gets up from her seat

The city lord nods and says with a smile " Ok, but go quickly Kara, I"m sure this is about to end "

Zeran and Hayato were exchanging blows and thanks to his Wind Reinforcement Zeran has the advantage, both of them were bleeding but Hayato more than Zeran

" F*ck this! I already received the 7,000 System Points so, I don"t need to care about the consequences " Hayato activates his demoniac transformation changing the color of his Raiton Chakura Mōdo (Lightning Style Armour) from blue to purple and he activates his Sharingan

Zeran eyebrows twitched for a second, that pa.s.sed unnoticed to Hayato, Hayato rushed against Zeran and *PAM* he punches him on the stomach making him bend forward, after that *PUM* he punches him again with both hands from up to down leaving him in the ground immobilized, Hayato deactivate all of his techniques and he sees Zeran with a serious face " Why this guy doesn"t feel pain "

The spectators yelled with amazement, some even screamed Hayato"s name repeatedly

" Incredible! he beat the young lord Zeran with two moves, it seems that you have a new son in law city lord " The captain makes a happy smile " City lord? " he turns to see the city lord with doubt but he didn"t respond him

" Well done Hayato! " " I know you can make it! " Dye and Alyra yelled

But Maya has a face of doubt " Why they didn"t declare him the winner? unless! "

Zeran smiled on the ground and yells " We have a deal city lord!! "

The city lord gets up from his set and yells " The winner is Zeran Heartblade! "

Hayato has an incredulous look and

[ " Quest Failed:

Win the tournament

You won"t receive: 35,000 System Points " ]

Hayato grinds his teeth and he yells at the city lord with anger " What did you say old man!? are you blind or what!? can"t you see who is in the ground! "

The city lord makes a cold face seeing Hayato " My decision has already made! so, now you will receive 5 gold coins! then you can leave my city! "

" What do you say!!?? you f*cking old man!! " Wade yelled outside of the platform he had a very angered face

Zeran makes a sinister smile as he gets up with a bloodstained face " Haha, what surprised? that"s how n.o.bles are, you should know that already "

" Grr! " Hayato frowns and clenches his fist seeing Zeran " I failed the important quest! I will get the points from your! You maybe are stronger than me, old man but let"s see if you can survive my Amaterasu! " Hayato shows a murderous look to Zeran and the city lord, that surprises the city lord a lot

Alyra Dye and Maya get up from their seats with her faces full of anger and they start to get down from the benches

" What are you think are doing!!?? " The city lord yells with anger, Hayato turns to see him with a sinister smirk then *ZOOM* a huge blue cube covers the entire platform, sending the Light Mages flying

" What is this?" Hayato stopped to observe the cube then his sight landed in a beautiful woman with azure short hair and purple eyes, her long blue dress has openings at both sides of her legs revealing her long s.e.xy legs, she wears black boots with heels, she is seeing Hayato and Zeran with a very cold face

Hayato frowns seeing her " Who is she? " then the city lord spoke

" Kara, what are you doing!? " The city lord yelled with an incredulous face, surprising Hayato " She is the daughter of the city lord!? "

Kara doesn"t turn to see the city lord, she keeps seeing Hayato and Zearn " I will kill these two! maybe that way you won"t sell me to the best bidder! "

Zeran doesn"t seem surprised, he has a calm face then the city lord speaks again

The city lord makes a sad face " Kara, I just was doing this because I wanted the best for you "

" Hmph, just a bunch of lies, all those who partic.i.p.ated in this tournament are equal, they came here for the benefits that my body can bring them, I"m not going to let them have something that my mother gave me with her life! " Kara yelled with anger

" What!? Kara don"t tell me you...? " The city lord made a scared face

" Yes! I know how my mother died! " Kara shook from the anger

" ... " The city lord makes a surprised face and he stops talking

Kara began to shake by her anger and she turns to see the city lord to then say " Do you remember the letter that my mother left me a for this day!? she wanted me to find true happiness! even if I"m like this! so after I finish these two! I will leave and never come back! " Kara has some small tears in her eyes

" Let"s go with Wade quickly! " Maya orders Alyra and Dye and they went towards Wade

" ... " Hayato frowns hearing her, Kara raised her left hand and the cube vibrates a little, then she began to attack Zeran

Kara makes a cold face and she throws a blue fireball from her hand " You will die first! "

Zeran smiles and uses both of his arms to cover his face from her attack *BOOM* the blue fireball explodes on Zeran arms then he turns to see Kara with a mocking grin

" You will come with me, even if I have to cut your arms and legs " Zeran makes a malicious smile and he activates his Blazing Warrior technique again * ZOOM * Zeran charges against Kara but he is a bit slower in comparison when he was fighting against Hayato

Kara frowns and her body began to cover itself with the blue fire and when Zeran arrived near her he tries to kick her

" Hmm? " Zeran was burned before he made contact, then she kicks him in the face making him retreat with a serious burn mark on the face

Hayato was seeing Kara with interest " What kind of power is that that blue fire "

Kara turns to see Hayato with an emotionless face and says " You will never have me " Hayato raised an eyebrow and she ignores him

Kara raises her hands creating small blue fireb.a.l.l.s to then throw them to Zeran

Zeran raised his guard again and *BOOM* *BOOM* the fireb.a.l.l.s exploded in his arms again " Hehe, come on, you can do it better " Zeran grins mockingly despite being seriously burned. He extends his left hand towards Kara and says " Ice Spears! " dozens of ice spears come from Zeran"s hand

But before the ice spears arrive they melted, hey didn"t even turn into water, they become vapor instantaneously

Kara raises both of her arms above her head and a blue fireball began to form, the fireball keeps growing and in a few seconds it was bigger than Kara

" Turn into ashes! Ha! " Kara throws the big blue fireball to Zeran

" .... " Zeran narrows his eyes and he jumps back, but the fireball moves faster than him and *BOOM* it explodes near his body, creating a cloud of black smoke that covers the area where Zeran was

Kara walked near the crater she made and when she arrived she saw Zeran"s body, he is seriously burned and his clothes are made a mess, he even lost his left arm

Kara ignores him and turns to see Hayato with a hostile face " That one is no longer a problem, now I will deal with him, I"m sorry, but you shouldn"t come here "

*SWISH* " Ack! " A spear made by stone cuts her right cheek making her bleed a strange blue blood, Kara surprises and jumps back, she saw her attacker. It was Zeran, he replaced his lost arm with a sharp stone

Zeran licked the blood from the sharp stone then he makes a crazed smile and points at Kara with his stone arm " It seems that you didn"t pay attention to the battles! that guy outside used that trick on me! now I will cut your legs and arms! "

" ....!? " Kara sees Zeran with surprise, then touches her left cheek and burns the cut part of her face with a finger cauterizing the wound

Hayato makes a surprised face " Blue blood? what the h.e.l.l is she? that Zeran guy seemed to know about that "

" d.a.m.n you! I knew you came here only for my blood! " Kara yelled in anger

" Kara! get out of there right now! " The city lord screamed kept screaming trying to make her daughter come out, it seems that those who are outside don"t know what"s going on inside the blue cube

" Dieee!!! " Kara rushes towards Zeran with an angered face

" Hehe, Earth Prison! " Zeran makes an evil smile and raises his right hand aiming at Kara then various big rocks surrounded Kara immobilizing her

" Ack! " Kara makes a face of pain and the only thing that is not covered by the rocks is her head

Zeran approaches her with a malicious smile and says " Now you can"t resist "

" Grr! " Kara grinds her teeth with frustration and she increases the size of the blue flame she emits, raising the temperature inside the cube

Hayo avoids to look at her and Zeran jumps backward. The ground around her begin to melt and the rocks that surround her changed their color from brown to a bright red, but the rocks didn"t melt, after a few seconds the blue fire that covers her body begins to disappear and Kara starts to look very tired

Zeran makes a cruel smile as he walks towards Kara again " I knew it, you have a time limit, 9 seconds to be exact, well, at your max capacity "

" Ha.....ha... " Kara pants from tiredness and she turns pale as a sheet of paper " No...i will die in the hands of this disgusting man..... me... " Kara bites her lower lip and some tears began to go down through her beautiful face

*ZOOM* Hayato appeared in the middle of them and *BANG* he punched Zeran with incredible strength, Zeran was sent flying by the punch and he bounces against one of the walls of the big blue cube

" ...!? " Kara has an incredulous look on her beautiful face, Hayato has his body covered with his Raiton Chakura Mōdo (Lightning Style Armour) again, his color was purple, Hayato turns to see her with a cold face

" ...!! " Kara shivered seeing his red cold eyes, Hayato approaches her and destroys the rocks that surround her with a few punches, leaving Kara dumbfounded

" Don"t misunderstand this, I don"t know and I don"t care what you are, I came here for another purpose, not for you, and now that I lost that, they will pay! " Hayato said with a very cold voice

" ..... " Kara has an incredulous face

" Now, undo this blue cube, I have to "talk" with your father " Hayato frowns and said with anger

" .... " Kara bits her lower lip and " Raa!! " Zeran reappeared again behind Hayato, he tried to stab him with his stone hand *CRACK* the stone spear breaks at the contact with the Raiton Chakura Mōdo (Lightning Style Armour) and Hayato grabs Zeran from the neck in an instant

Hayato is grabbing Zeran with his left hand " You will pay for what you did! " then he raises him into the air and " Die! Raigā Bomu!! (Liger Bomb) " *BOOM* Hayato slams Zeran to the ground and he turns to see Kara

" Hurry up! " Hayato said with anger

" ... " Kara bites her lower lip, she raises her left hand and the blue cube disappears then she starts to run leaving the platform to then jump to a nearby roof leaving the area

" Kara!! " the city lord jumped from the special area trying to chase her but Hayato appeared in front of him making him stop

Hayato has a cold face and says " Where are you going, old man? you owe me an explanation "

The city lord jumps back from the shock " Wha... you are a demon!? no that"s impossible, demons can"t use human magic, what the h.e.l.l are you? " then the captain arrives near them

" You really are strange kid, but is not time to discuss that, I understand your feelings, but I need you to calm down, I will give you the reward you deserve " The captain said with a calm smile

Hayato turns to see him but when he was about to speak he heard Alyra scream

" Hayato! this guy! this guy wasn"t human!! " Alyra screamed from the platform, she was near Dye, Maya, and Wade

" Hmm!? " Hayato frowns and he went towards them

Hayato arrived near Alyra and saw a pool of black mud with a few bones in it " What!? this is where I killed Zeran, then what is this? " Then he makes a shocked face " Hmm!? Now that I think about it! I never received System Points from his death! "

*BOOM* " GYAAA!!!! " One side of the benches exploded killing every spectator that was there

" RAAAA!! " A huge black monster about 20 meters came from behind of the benches that exploded. The monster looks like a cloud of smoke with sharp teeth huge arms and purple eyes, he looks like a gorilla

" It"s a Shadow Reaper!! " The captain yelled and he takes out his sword

Behind the monster, more small monsters came, they have the same characteristics that the first one, but they look more like humans with long arms with claws " Graaa! " " Gyaa! " The monsters began to kill the rest of the spectators bitting them with their long sharp teeth or cutting them with their long claws

" What the h.e.l.l is going on!? " Maya screamed with doubt


Kara was jumping from roof to roof, she looks very sad face and she begins to clean her tears but then *SWOOSH* " KYAA!! " someone appeared beneath her and cuts her beautiful face, from her left cheek to the right side of her forehead. she didn"t even have the time to react

Kara falls and bounces on the next roof an A blond young man wearing a black robe lands behind her and laughs mockingly " Haha, I can believe it, he was right, you really went through here "

Kara makes a pained face as she touches her face, then she turns to see her attacker " Ugh... You... you are one those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds that were with Zeran! "

The one who attacked her was Mark he has a mockingly grin and says " Well, h.e.l.lo again, haha " he cleans the blue blood from his sword with his fingers to then he storage that blood in a test tube

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