The Locked System

Chapter 69

Hayato, Maya, Alyra, and Dye were in the entrance of the kingdom, near the post of where the knights stay. Alyra, Maya, and Dye were sat on a rock bench, they had tired faces cleaning the blood from their bodies with some water and a piece of cloth that Hayato brought them

Their clothes were a little messy, but they are still useful with the exception of Alyra"s sweater that has a hole on her stomach, she wanted to give Hayato the black sweater they bought him but he gave it to her saying that she needs it more than him and she wore the sweater it fits her almost perfectly but she said that was a little tight on her chest area

( Hayato POV )

I was seeing Maya with a calm face, she had her head still bowed cleaning her face, I turn to see Alyra and Dye they had faces full of doubt, but no one of them said nothing they just smile at me

" You are going the let me see that necklace or not? " I asked Maya with a calm face

Maya extended her hand with the necklace in it, she didn"t see me to the face, I smile a little and Alyra and Dye have faces of doubt seeing Maya acting so shy

I grabbed the necklace to then open the little sun that contains a photo of my previous self and when I see the picture I was surprised " This photo is when I painted the garage, I thought she left that time " I speak to Maya again without taking my eyes from the photo " So it was true it really has a photo of my previous self "

Alyra and Dye see my face with uncertainty, they don"t understand what I meant with my old self

" Are you angry? " Maya asked me with a shy voice as she has her head bow

I smiled her a little I returned her the necklace to then say her " No, I don"t really care if you have a photo, but you never told me that you took me a photo when I was painting that garage, I wonder, how many did you take? "

Maya has her head still bowed and says softly " I-I just maybe took two or maybe six "

I make a wry smile when I hear her " Well, let"s forget about that, we have a mission to do, I think this time you three will stay, I will give you my collar this will ensure your safety " I pointed to my neck while I was talking to them

Maya surprises and stands up to then say with a serious face " I"m still too exhausted to fight, but at least I want to go with you, I believe that Alyra and Dye think the same as me "

" Here we go again, why she doesn"t want to stay here and rest " I shake my head and say " No, you only will get in my way, you said it before, the Banshee is very dangerous! " I was annoyed and I show her my Sharingan, maybe she will stay if I threaten her a little

Maya grinds her teeth and she begins to yell at me with an angered face " Even if you show me that Sharingan of yours! there"s no way that you can separate me from you! and much less when you are going to fight a Banshee! " She walks in front of me until we are face to face, some adventurers turn to see us, some of them had very obvious thoughts like " A lovers quarrel? " or " FIGHT A BANSHEE!? "

Alyra takes Maya"s hand from behind, she starts to speak to her with a nervous face " Maya, maybe we should listen Hayato " Dye was seeing us with surprise but she didn"t say anything

Maya frees her hand from Alyra"s grab and she shouted her " NO!! "

She starts to annoy me so I yelled her another one of my reasons " d.a.m.n it, Maya! you don"t get it! we are being followed by those guys from the Shokan city! you three will be safe here! "

Maya starts to cry a little and she screamed with anger " Of course I know! I felt those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds from the moment we arrived here! "

I saw her with surprise " I forgot that she can also feel the presence of other people " but I still want her to stay so I yelled her with a cold face " Then why are you so stubborn!? just stay here with Alyra and Dye! "

" I don"t want you to leave me!! " Maya screamed with a painful expression while a lot of tears began to fall from her beautiful eyes. She runs against me to embrace me, I can feel her soft and delicate body through her armor and my robes. She hides her face in my shoulder, I can feel that she is shaking, then she begin to speak with a very hoa.r.s.e voice " You don"t know how much pain I felt the last time... if you are going to die... at least let me die with you "

" Maya... " I move my head to see her and I pat her head " You win, okay, now let"s go before it"s night "

" Umm " Maya only nods softly but she didn"t separate from me, Alyra and Dye was seeing me with sweet smiles, I only smiled them the wryly, after a few minutes Maya finally release me, she isn"t crying anymore, but her eyes were a little red, she sees me to the eyes and smiles sweetly

I flicked Maya"s nose as I say " I have a map that will guide us there, you three won"t fight against the Banshee and I will leave a clone to protect you "

Maya covers her nose with both of her hands and nods with a happy face, we walked to the outside of the city, where I take out the map that the Vice-Guild Master give me and I began to read it " Well, I just need to go to the east, the Vice-Guild Master said that it will take me a day to arrive at the swamp, it seems that we can"t use any transport to go there, that"s a shame "

" Hayato where we need to go? " Alyra asked with a smile

" We have to go to the east, but I have a great idea that will save us some time " I took out a kunai and I throw them to a bunch of trees, I aim at the tree in the middle, the kunai impacted the tree and stays there

" What are you doing Hayato? " Dye made a curious face

" Wait a second " I smile at her and I began to make hand seals " Kage Bunshin No Jutsu! (Shadow Clone Jutsu) " *PUFF* a clone appears next to me " Now wait here " I activated my Raiton Chakura Mōdo (Lightning Style Armour) to then start to run at my full speed to the east

Alyra, Maya, and Dye saw me in shock and they turned to see the clone " What do you have on mind Hayato " Maya asked with surprise

The clone turns to see her and says " He will cover a great distance that way and when the original arrive at the Black Swamp, he will leave a mark of his Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder G.o.d Jutsu) he will teleport you there "

" That"s a good idea, but he will take a few hours to arrive there, we can use that time to rest a little " Maya makes a little smile and she sits on the ground, Alyra and Dye follow her the clone stay still watching the entrance of the kingdom " They are only watching, why they don"t try to attack us now? " the clone makes a serious face


( Author POV )

Inside a room on a Hostel. A group of men that look like adventurers are seeing at the direction of the entrance of the kingdom, from this angle they can"t see Hayato and his group

" Now, my lord? " A middle-aged man said with a serious face. he has a scar on his lips, black eyes, and black hair

A young man with brown hair and blue eyes began to speak " No, after what happened on the street before, I noticed what kind of power he has and no one of us can beat him " The young man was Roland Keller, he has a very cold face as he is seeing the entrance from the window

" Then we need help " The middle age man approaches him with a serious face

Roland takes out a broken green stone from his pocket then he says " I already break the amulet that my father gave me, he will come here with reinforcements soon, we just need to track him "

The middle age man nods and sees through the window " I see, my lord "

" My lord! " A young man around 25 years old entered the room

The middle age man turns to see him and says " What"s wrong, Cain? "

" The guy took a quest from the guild! " The young man responded with a serious face

" We already know it " The middle age man makes an annoyed face and turns around to the window

" Well, that"s right, captain but he is going to fight a Banshee! " The young man spoke with a scared face

" A Banshee! That"s crazy! " The middle age man turns to see him with shock and some other of the men that were in the room react the same way as him until...

Roland snorts coldly and says with an angered voice " Hmph, that idiot I hope he doesn"t get killed, I want to torture him to death for what he made to my brother "


Hayato kept running to the Black Swamp leaving a trail of dust where he pa.s.sed he crossed a big frozen place without any trees, he saw a few small monsters on his way, but nothing that worth his time, until he arrived at a place full of trees with lianas hanging from them and a lot of water under the trees " it must be here " Hayato looks from right to left " Well, if I"m seeing to the east, I only need to go to the left inside the swamp and she will be there " Hayato entered the swamp and *Cough* he coughs the moment he entered then he jumped back " What a horrible smell, I suppose I have to do it outside the swamp " Hayato throws a kunai on the floor and disappears

The clone and disappears without leaving a cloud of smoke and Hayato appeared in front of Maya, Alyra, and Dye and he smiles

Maya stands up and smiles " You only took two hours to arrive there, so we leave now? "

" It was a very clear path, now give me your hands I will take you there " Hayato stretches his hand towards them and they grab it, then they disappeared

A man hiding behind the trees where Hayato throw his kunai looks out from behind a tree " Thank G.o.d, I thought he saw me before, I have to report this to my lord, he not only can clone himself, he even can use s.p.a.ce Magic "

" Don"t forget that he can use Lightning Magic " A voice sounds behind him, together with the sound of chirping birds scaring him a lot, he turns around and *STAB* A hand penetrates his chest. It was the clone that disappeared, the man had an incredulous look and his head begin to hang from his body

[ " Bing!, You receive 1000 System Points " ]

" Well, that will save me a lot of problems, time to go " the clone changed the place of the kunai and *PUFF* he disappears leaving the dead body there

On the edge of the Black Swamp, Hayato was smiling with satisfaction

" Why are you smiling from nowhere? " Dye asked with a smile

" I remembered something funny, now let"s go " Hayato walks near the swamp and takes out Tobi"s mask from his inventory to then wear it

Maya smiles widely " Tobi"s mask! looks great! " She walks in front of Hayato with admiration

Hayato was following Maya with his head while she was moving her head around, inspecting his mask " This will help me to breathe inside the swamp, I don"t know what"s going on but the air there is really disgusting "

Alyra makes a serious face and she asks " What kind of smell? "

Hayato turns to see her and says calmly " I don"t know the smell but is bad, it made me cough the moment I entered the swamp "

" There is a Vampire Vine there! " Alyra yelled with shock, surprising Hayato

" A Vampire Vine? what is that? " Hayato asked with curiosity

Maya began to speak with a very serious face " The Vampire Vine is a monster with the form of a plant, it drains the blood and energy of everything that crosses his way, it has the appearance of an octopus, that thing uses his vines to move slowly and it can spread them in a long distance, trapping living monsters or people with a very sticky resin, the odor you said before fits perfectly in how the resin smells "

" But if it smells that bad, how that thing trap something? " Dye makes a face of doubt

Alyra responds her with a serious face " For a monster is the normal smell of another creature but humans can detect it, it causes coughs, so I think you can smell it in your human form Dye, but when you transform the smell will change for you, that"s why there aren"t so many human victims, but if the smell is strong that means that the vines are at least a few kilometers long "

" d.a.m.n, then I have to beware about that thing too " Hayato shakes his head and thinks " That thing wasn"t on the quest request "

Alyra walks in front of Hayato and she grabs his hands to then say with worry " Hayato be very careful! if the Vampire Vine traps you with his extremely adhesive gum it will almost impossible to cut it or free yourself from his grasp! "

Hayato nods and asks " Okay and how his vines look? "

Alyra speaks with a serious face again " His vines are black in color, nearly black hue and they are always on the ground so watch your steps "

" Okay I will go now " Hayato turns around and walks to the swamp " It"s already night but I don"t have time to waste I have to become stronger "

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