The Locked System

Chapter 8

We continue riding in the main street of the kingdom left and right i can see people with medieval clothes and far away in front of us i can see a big castle, i know there isn"t the place were she is going to take me, so

" Well, i"m going to report my father ur return, so i leave to a guard to protect you, see you later " She leaves with a smile and she goes to the castle with the other 7 knights

" Protect me?, ha, he is here to watch everything i do and then report to you "

" It"s already night, Sir Hayato the princess prepare a place where you can stay " The knight says an we walk to good looking hostal and before we enter the knight stops and says

" Sir Hayato i will stay in the hostel in front of this one, just go and speak with the receptionist and tell her that princess Ellen reserve you a room " the knight walks away and i enter to the hostel

I walk to the reception and there was the receptionist. is a girl about 15 years old who makes a surprise face when she see my face

" Haha, that"s Sasuke face for you " i just keep walking normally toward her and " I"m here for a room, the princess Ellen send me " I say in a face without emotions

" Eh!, y-y-y-yes it"s in the second floor here is the key! " She acts so nervously and then hand me the key with both hands and eyes closed

" Thank you " I take the key and i start walking to the stairs i can feel her eyes in me but i don"t care, before i start to climb the stairs i activated my Sharingan and then i arrive to my room.

I enter to the room there is a medium size bed a window pointing to the streat and a door where is the bathroom . I walk to the window and quickly scan the surroundings with my Sharingan and in front of the hostel in exactly window in front of my room i can see the energy front the knight

" So he chose a room where he can watch me, well but i not going to do nothing more today "

I go the bathroom and notice something, my face and hands are dirty with blood and dust but my clothes are clean as new without any scratch

" Syt, the cloths are special right? " I"m touching my clothes

[ "Yes, they are from the same material as Goku use to his clothes no normal attacks can damage it, and any kind of dirt will disappear, you can give anyone the same clothes for free.

The same works with your weapons, but they have special abilities for example: the Kusanagi no Tsurugi(Sasuke"s Katana) is immune to any lighting attack and when you covered with your Chidori is completely indestructible and can you gave one to anyone to" ]

" I see, so that"s why did they cost sistem points and what about the Akatsuki attire, i have to buy the rings appar, or? "

[ "When you buy that, all the rings will be unlocked, so you don"t have to worry" ]

" That"s perfect, maybe later i will form an a Akatsuki group and give the members a Commandment. Is a great coincidence that both of them are ten, but i don"t trust anyone in this world yet so is a, no, for now "

I put my clothes in The Inventory and i take a bath to later i put my clothes again and then i go to the bed.

Tomorrow in the morning someone was knocking the door

" Sir Hayato we have to go, i will waiting for you outside " The knight speaks through the door and leaves

I walk down the stairs and the receptionist say goodbye with a shy face, i only smile a little to her, making her completely red

When i come out, the knight was standing there and we leave. He wanted to take me where the princess was and in the way i ask him some things about the empire, he respond every question

It seems there are more than 2 empires in the human continent, the Ballack and the Lyrel empire are small size empires, but the Ballack empire is the only empire of small size that can summon Heroes, the knight say that is because of their great faith of their citizens in their G.o.d.

The Zypher and Locknar empires are medium size empires, they are the only ones of the empires that are allies and when one goes to war the other one goes to, they can summon Heroes as well, both of them specialize in magic so they have strong Mages capable of use any kind of magic.

And then the Loured empire is the biggest empire of all they have strong warriors and mages, they can summon the strongest Heroes but only one at time, they don"t have any good relations with any other empire.

I ask him more of the Lyrel empire and he response, that the Lyrel empire is specialized in warriors and they are a few strong mages, they have wyvern riders what makes me say if they are monster tamers, but he deny that, he say that when wyverns are born they send them to his next rider so that way they create a bond and only monster tamers exist in the monster continent

The Lyrel empire has his social like in any anime i see and like always the n.o.bles are so proud and arrogant, it seems that the knight is from a medium cla.s.s family so when he speaks about them he seems angry, it looks like he doesn"t have good memories about them.

The economy of the Lyrel empire it"s based in selling monsters skins, monster cores and agriculture.

The currency is pretty basic:

Copper Coins

Silver Coins (10 Copper Coins )

Gold Coins ( 10 Silver Coins or 100 Copper Coins )

Platinum Coins ( 10 Gold Coins, 100 Silver Coins or 1000 Copper Coins )

Normally the villagers and low cla.s.s people can"t never see a Gold Coin in their lives

I ask him about the power levels of this world but he seems reluctant to tell me i think is because of that princess

And finally we arrive to what it seems a training ground and there it was the princess and a handsome young man with an arrogant face, and when he sees me he makes a jealous face

" Sir Hayato, i will go back now, just go and talk to the princess " the knight bows in front of me and when he pa.s.s right besides me he whisper " Don"t trust them " and he leaves the training ground

" You don"t have to remind me " i start to walk towards the princess and when i was in front of her

" Hey!, you lowly country kid, bow your head before me " The young man says in a arrogant face and voice

" Force me " I respond him in a cold face

" What!?, who you think you are speaking to, i"m Bennett first son of the n.o.ble house of Brywood " He says proudly and arrogant

" So what " I respond the same way

" Fufufu " The princess only laughs like always, but i can see that she doesn"t like how i respond that Bennett guy

" YOU b.a.s.t.a.r.d!! " That idiot Bennett put out his sword and he try to attack me

" I going to give you something more that you are not going to like princess, hehe "

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