The Locked System

Chapter 38

Hayato opens his eyes slowly " What happened? " He was leaning on a big tree and didn"t know how much time has pa.s.sed

" Hmm? " he has his left arm again, he blinked a few times to regain his sight until he saw Dye in front of him, she was in her Divine Beast form, she was seeing the sky without making any movement

" What is she doing? " Hayato was curious about her behavior but just when he was about to stand up he felt something on his right shoulder "Wha..? " it was was the sleeping beauty Alyra she was leaning on his shoulder in very deep way

But just when Hayato was about to wake her up, Dye spoke

" Here is the sixth one, they know that we are near here " Dye said with a hostile voice as she was looking the sky

Hayato turned to see the sky and he saw a black silhouette on the sky

Hayato narrows his eyes and he pays more attention to the black silhouette " It"s a Wyvern? The Lyrel Kingdom already found us?... No, that Wyvern isn"t descending, I think they are searching for us " Hayato turned to see Dye and he saw several cuts all over her body

Hayato frowned and said softly " Dye, what happened to you? "

" Hayato you wake up " Dye said with a happy but soft voice

" Yes, now tell me why are you injured and why is Alyra sleeping so deeply? " Hayato responded with a soft voice

" We fought a man with a girlish face, this was the result and about Alyra she used all her magic power to heal you, so she is very tired " Dye said calmly but that causes a big surprise on Hayato

" What!? They fought Haku! then they were the ones who distract him before "

" Thank you... both of you " Hayato said softly when he was seeing the sleepy Alyra and she smiled a little " So she is awake " but only Dye responded

" Eh? mmm, no problem, I think " Said Dye with a surprised voice

" Let"s wait until that Wyvern leaves " Hayato said calmly and he closes his eyes again

They waited for a few minutes until the Wyvern left the area

" Dye, transform back to your human form, that way you call to much the attention " Hayato said calmly

" Ok, but I won"t let you see me naked again " Dye makes a teasing smile

Hayato grins and he says with a surprised voice " Since when did you care about that? "

" Well, Alyra told me that a lady never walk naked " Dye makes with a pout like she doesn"t want that

" So it was thanks to Alyra, heh " Hayato smiled and throws some clothes to her " Change quickly " he closed his eyes and waited

" ....Hayato, I"m ready " Dye said with a happy voice, then Hayato opened his eyes and saw that she has small cuts on her face, arms, and legs

" Then, now... " Hayato stands up but he takes care of not waking up Alyra, he left her leaning under the tree " Syt give me all the Senzu Beans I have "

[ " -2 Senzu Bean " ]

Hayato received the Senzu Beans in his left arm, but he can"t raise it so easily

" Hmm? seems that I"m not healed completely but thanks to Alyra I didn"t die, I was thinking in give one to each of them, I guess I have to buy another later "

Hayato kneeled in front of the sleeping Alyra and he touched her cheek gently making her open her eyes a little

" Hayato…. you are awake…. thank G.o.d " Alyra smiled as she responded with a tired voice

" Yes, now eat this " Hayato smiled and he showed her the Senzu Bean

Alyra shakes her head and responds with a smile " It"s that strange medicine again... but I"m not hurt... it"s just fatigue "

Hayato makes a happy grin and says " That"s not a problem just eat it "

" Ok... " Alyra smiled and Hayato put the Senzu Bean on her mouth and When Alyra eats it she gets up with a surprised face " Wow! you were right! "

" See, I told you " Hayato grins and he turns to see Dye " Now Dye come here "

" Ok, what? " Dye smiles as she walked near him

" Eat this too " Hayato tried to put the Senzu Bean on her mouth

Dye covers her mouth with both f her hands and said with a wry smile " I don"t like seeds! "

" Just eat it would you " Hayato said with exasperation

" No! " Dye makes a pout

" *SIGH* Ok then just say Ah! as loud as you can " Hayato said with a serious face

" Mmm? ok, AAAAAH! " Dye opens her mouth and Hayato throws the Senzu Bean directly in her mouth " *COUGH* *COUGH* *COUGH* For what did you do that!? " Dye said with a cute angered face

" How do you feel better, no? " Hayato said with a grin

" Grr… I guess so " Dye makes a pout

" Haha " Alyra giggles seeing them interact that way

" Then let"s go for our stuff before more Wyverns of the Lyrel Kingdom come " Hayato said with a smile

" Yes " Alyra and Dye respond at the same time

Hayato Dye and Alyra started to run to the tents on his way Hayato began to speak with Syt

" Syt buy me a Senzu Bean "

[ "-5,000 System Points" ]

[ " You buy: x1 Senzu Bean " ]

[ " You still have: 101,850 System Points " ]

" Wow! I forget that I gained that many points, but before to buy something, can you tell me what did I unlocked? " Hayato eats the Senzu Bean and he now he can move his left arm like before

[ " Yes….. it seems that you have access to some bloodlines " ]

" Eh! that"s awesome! then show me the bloodlines "

[ "High-Rank Demon Bloodline: 200,000 System Points (Requires: Meliodas or Zeldris Fighting Style)

Senju Bloodline: 180,000 System Points (Requires: Senju Hashirama Fighting Style)

Yuki Clan Bloodline: 50,000 System Points

Hyūga Clan Bloodline: 100,000 System Points

Uzumaki Bloodline: 90,000 System Points

Kaguya Clan Bloodline: 60,000 System Points

Jūgo"s Clan Bloodline: 90,000 System Points

....... " ]

" What!? all most of them are from Naruto, where is the Legendary Super Saiyan Bloodline? and what about the Requirements on Senju and High-Rank Demon Bloodlines? "

[ " Well, it seems that only the more powerful bloodlines have that requirement and about the Legendary Super Saiyan Bloodline, it seems that is still locked just like the other Dragon Ball bloodlines " ]

" *SIGH* I see, then I have to pa.s.s more test to unlock Dragon Ball bloodlines, whatever, then tell me about Ddraig and Albion they are unlocked? "

[ " It seems they are " ]

" Yes!! show me! "

[ " Boosted Gear: 500,000 System Points

Divine Dividing: 500,000 System Points " ]

" Ugh! so expensive, I think I will wait until I have enough to buy them "

[ " Then Hayato, you want to buy something? " ]

" No I think that I"m going t wait until I have enough to buy the High-Rank Demon Bloodline because when the Wyvern pa.s.sed flying I couldn"t saw him very well, I think that I damaged my eyes more than I expected "

[ " Ok Hayato, tell me when you needed something " ]

" Yes thanks Syt, i will need at least 220,000 System Points for that if I gather 250,000 System Points, I can buy the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and that way I will not suffer from the excessive use but Syt told me that if I unlock the second level of the Demoniac Transformation, the dark powers can cure my eyes but how I unlock the second level? "

" Syt, how I unlock the Second Level of the Demoniac Transformation? "

[ " You need the High-Rank Demon Bloodline and then you can buy it like a technique, it has the price of 20,000 System Points " ]

" Then I will need 240,000 System Points is still cheaper than the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, then I will choose that path it will be two birds one stone, I will gain power and I can cure my eyes too, Oh! I almost forget where is the Uchiha Bloodline? "

[ " You already have it " ]

" What? but I didn"t buy it "

[ " Yes it seems that is thanks to your body " ]

" Oh pretty convenient, now Syt can you show me my stats "

[ "Name: Hayato Uchiha

Age: 15

Bloodline: Uchiha bloodline

Fighting Style: Sasuke Uchiha

Category: Earth Magic Swordsman ( Super Magic Swordsman (Fake))

Realm: Amateur(Lv.2). ( Advanced(Lv.10) (fake))

Jutsus: Sharingan(3 tomoe), Mangekyou Sharingan, Chidori, Chidori Senbon, Shadow Clone, Fire Style: Fireball, Rasengan, Rasenshuriken, Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame, Transformation Jutsu, Flying Thunder G.o.d, Earth Style: Earth Dragon Bomb

Techniques: Full Counter

Transformations: Demoniac Transformation (Lv.1)

Weapons: Kusanagi no Tsurugi(Sasuke"s Katana) " ]

" There it is, but why didn"t appeared before "

[ " When the Bloodlines were Locked, they were hidden, that applies to the Fighting Styles too because they are linked " ]

" What? I thought they were just knowledge, but it seems that they are more than that, I have to gather all those points, well let"s just concentrate on go to the Ballack Kingdom, I will think about that later "

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