The Locked System

Chapter 40

On the forest, the princess, Ellen arrived on a Wyvern, there she found the Wyvern Riders still tied up with a rope under a tree, she was together with two Wyvern Riders but they wore Golden armors

" Princess... " One of the Wyvern Riders that was tied said with a paled face

Ellen didn"t talk with him, she only approaches them to then cut the rope with her sword. She was wearing a black veil that covers all her face, she is wearing a female golden knight armor

The Wyvern Riders kneeled in front of Ellen after they were freed sweating profoundly with nervousness

"What happened here?" Ellen saw them with a cold face "Why you were tied?"

" We don"t know my lady... we... we found a camp with several tents when we went to check its interiors, someone attacked us from behind " One of Wyvern Riders said with fear

" Are you telling me, that you two, were unconscious all this time? even when your Wyverns were killed " Ellen become angrier but she has a gentle voice

" Y-yes my lady w-we are very sorry, but they left this, it says that is for you " The Wyvern Rider start to shake with fear as he shows the letter to Ellen

"Hmm, at least both were useful for something" Ellen smiled sweetly and that calmed the Wyvern Riders but * SWOOSH * She cut off their heads with a quick movement

" F*cking trash! they found them and they lost them immediately, I don"t need trash like you serving me " Ellen said with a voice full of anger then she turned to see one of the Golden Riders " Captain, explore the area, with some luck they could be around here "

" Yes, my lady, let"s go " The Golden Rider said with an emotionless voice, then he climbed on the Wyvern and left together with the other Golden Rider leaving the princess behind

" Now, what is this letter? it must be from that a**hole " Ellen said with an angered voice

Ellen started to read the letter and her face began to turn pale and in the end, she was very angry

" That b*ch! THAT B*TCH!!!!! HOW IS SHE ALIVE!!! " Ellen yelled very loudly and after a few seconds she regained her composure but she was still angry

" F*ck, it had to be that a**hole, I"m sure he found her somehow and he released her from my curse, fine, then I have to do that to kill that useless sister of mine before my father found out she isn"t dead " Ellen grind her teeth with anger then she throws the letter to the ground near the dead bodies of the Wyvern Riders. A few words can be see it at the end of the letter


Ellen waited until the Captain came back, sometimes she touched her face making sounds of pain

" My lady, we can"t find them, but we saw signs of a huge battle and some strange black flames on that place " The Golden Raider said calmly

" ...! " Ellen shivered when she heard about the black flames but then she says " Ok, they must be in the Ballack Kingdom, but we don"t have good relationships with them " Ellen frowns

" My lady, if you wish we can send some knights dressed as civilians, they can search them that way " The Golden Raider answered calmly

" Brilliant idea Captain, but we have to come back it"s almost the time of my treatment " Ellen commenced to smile but then she touched her face under her veil

" Yes, my lady " The Golden Raider bowed and they ride their Wyverns back to the Lyrel Kingdom


Back on the Ballack Kingdom, Hayato was discussing something with Alyra

" Hayato, we have to see the Heroes, I have the feeling that they are not here for the Demon King " Alyra said with concern as she pulled Hayato"s hand

" You are worrying too much Alyra, they are not a threat for us " Hayato responds with an untroubled smile

" Maybe for you Hayato, but they can become a threat for me and Dye, remember that we are not the good guys for the moment " Alyra puts a preoccupied face

Hayato saw her face for a few seconds and he finally accepted then he responds " You are right Alyra, but we don"t need to go near them "

" Eh? what do you mean? " Alyra makes a face full of doubt

Hayato turned to see in several directions until he says " Follow me, you too Dye "

Alyra and Dye respond at the same time " Ok "

Hayato guides Alyara and Dye to an empty alley " I finally found the opportunity to use this little Demon, Syt give me the Demon Eye "

[ " -1 Demon Eye " ]

An eyeball with bat wings appeared on Hayato"s left shoulder, surprising Dye and Alyra

" What is that Hayato!? " Alyra said with a surprised face

" It looks like a monster, but it"s not a monster, right? " Dye inspected the Demon Eye with her eyes narrowed

Hayato smiles and he turns to see the Demon Eye " Yes, it"s a little pet, I will send him to spy the Heroes. Go little friend spy the heroes, but beware with them, fly as high as you can " The Demon Eye flys high on the sky until they can"t see it

Hayato turns to see Alyra and says with a smile " Satisfied Alyra? you will calm down a little? "

" No, until we know the purpose for why they summoned their Heroes I will calm down " Alyra still has a serious face

" Hmm!? " Hayato stopped smiling and he turned to see the sky but he only saw a blurred silhouette falling " What happened? "

Dye and Alyra saw Hayato"s reaction and they turned to see the sky too " Hayato! it"s your pet, they killed it! " said Alyra with surprise, the Demon Eye started to disintegrate in mid-air until it disappeared

" d.a.m.n it, if I had paid for him, I would be very upset " Hayato turns to see Alyra and says " I think I underestimate them, we will go to see them when I found my friend "

Alyra was seeing the sky to as she says " Hayato, I think I will go to see them alone you can go to meet with your friend "

" You really don"t want to wait, heh " Hayato sees Alyra with surprise

" No, we don"t know when they will appear in public again. I tell you something I will go together with Dye " Alyra smirks pointing at Dye

Hayato raises an eyebrow and says " Ok, we will meet outside the alchemist shop, but first we need to know where it is "

" leave it to me " Alyra smiled sweetly

Hayato, Dye, and Alyra left the alley, then Alyra approaches to an old lady and she that gives her the direction of the alchemist

" Alright, I will see you there when I finish " Hayato smiled as he turns around

" Yes, let"s go Dye " Alyra smiled and she walks with Dye behind her

" I think he is on Adventurers Guild " Hayato approached to a nearby people and he asked the direction to the Adventurers Guild. After they tell him he walked for 15 minutes until he arrived

Hayato entered the Adventurers Guild and various female Adventurers see him with desire but Hayato ignore them all

" Hehe, there he is " Hayato saw Wade on a table drinking a beer is easy to locate him thanks to his red hair, he is wearing a black leather armor with a sword leaning next where he was sitting, Hayato walked towards him and he sited on a chair in front of him, making him stop drinking

Wade turned to see him with a very hostile face but when he saw his face he smiled " So you finally arrived "

" Yes, it took me more than I expected " Hayato made a wry smile

Wade starts to laugh happily and says " Haha, so you dealt with the princess, I"m not surprised but where is that lady that was with you before? "

" Oh, she went to see the Heroes with another one of my partners " Hayato responds him with an uninterested look

" The Heroes, so they are back again " Wade said with surprise

Hayato makes a grin and says " It seems that you already saw them "

Wade smiled and says " Yes, they came here a few times, it seems that they wanted someone to help them with their training "

" I see, then I suppose you didn"t know why they were summoned earlier? " Hayato asked with curiosity

" It supposed to be a secret but you know when there is a secret there always will be curious ears, so now there are rumors " Wade said with a serious voice

" Rumors? what kind of rumors? " Hayato said with doubt

Wade makes a wry smile and says " Some say that they are here to help with an infestation of monsters, others said that they are here to help with a war against the Lyrel Kingdom "

Hayato snorts and says with a smile " Hmph, but in the end, they are just rumors, no?

Wade shakes his head with a smile " Yes, you can"t really trust them "

Hayato turns serious and asks " Now Wade the important thing what about your deal with that person? "

" First, let"s leave you don"t know who is listening " Wade stands up followed by Hayato

After they came out Hayato asked " So, now you can tell me? "

" Yes, he wants the beast core of the dungeon boss of this kingdom " Wade responded calmly

" Just a beast core? I thought it will be something more difficult to seek " Hayato said with a disappointed voice

" Well, it won"t be easy, the dungeon boss for what he told me is a dragon so we can expect a tough fight " Wade said with a grin

" I see, that"s interesting " Hayato smirked and they continue walking to the alchemist shop after they arrive, they saw Dye and Alyra standing there, Alyra has a tense face

Hayato saw her and he walked in front of them " What happened you look tense "

" Hayato! it"s just... " Alyra surprises as she turns to see him but she was interrupted by Dye

" One of the Heroines scared her " Dye said with a mockingly smile

" Hah? why? Did you go to challenge them? " Hayato made a face of doubt

Alyra frowned seeing Dye and she says " No, she didn"t scare me, it"s just that we were in the crowd watching the parade that the kingdom made for them and when they pa.s.sed in front us, I could swear that one of them, was watching Dye and me "

Dye makes a thoughtful expression" Now that you mention it, I felt her eyes on me, but she is not a threat for me " but then she makes a confident smile

" You maybe thought that but they are Heroes and we are inside of the kingdom, they could have killed us " Alyra respond her with a serious face

" Yes, yes " Dye makes a careless smile

Hayato laughs as he shakes his head " Haha, you found anything about them? "

Alyra responds with a not so happy face " Kinda, they are trying to become stronger as fast as they could, maybe because they want to hunt down something very dangerous or the worst thing they want to go to war, but that"s impossible "

Hayato smiled and says " Well, that"s what Wade told me before "

" Wade? " Alyra said with doubt

" Let me introduce you, Wade, this is Alyra, I suppose you know who is she " Hayato smiled and points to Alyra

" I never thought that your new partner would be one of the princesses of the Lyrel Kingdom " Wade has a surprised face

" Well, a few things happened " Hayato makes a wry smile

" I see, h.e.l.lo princess " Wade surprises and he bows a little toward Alyra

" You don"t need to do that we are partners now " Alyra responded with a smile

" Alyra you sold the beast cores already? " Hayato asked with a grin

" Yes, I received one gold coin for them " Alyra smiled as she showed the gold coin

Hayato grins and says " Excellent, you can keep it, for the moment we will search for a place to stay and tomorrow we will go to the dungeon "

Alyra makes a surprised face and says " The dungeon!? But the dungeon closes for anyone when the Heroes are around "

" I know princess, but we only need the best core of the dungeon boss " Wade smiled a little

" Oh, only that " Alyra said with sarcasm

" What if the Heroes show up when we are there? " Alyra asked with curiosity

" We will kill the boss before they arrive " Wade said with a confident smile

" But if it takes more time? " Alyra makes a face of doubt

" I don"t know " Wade makes a wry smile

Hayato grins and says " You are a mess my friend, let"s go to the dungeon tomorrow "

" Do you have a way to enter Hayato dungeon? The entrance will be guarded " Alyra asked with a surprised face.

" Yes, don"t worry " Hayato said with confidence

They started to walk and Hayato realizes that Alyra has a thoughtful expression, so he walked beside her

" What"s wrong, you are still thinking on those Heroes? " Hayato asked with a grin

Alyra nods and says softly " Yes, after all, one of them detected Dye, but she didn"t do anything, that kind of behavior is something that the Heroes of legends never did "

" And what if they are like that " Hayato respond her as if he didn"t care

Alyra shakes her head slowly and says " Dye is a divine beast, so she could be dangerous to the kingdom, the Heroine should have been attacked her the moment she detected her, but she didn"t even care, why? "

Hayato puts his left hand on her shoulder and says " You don"t need to care about them when we retrieve the beast core we will leave this kingdom to never come back again

" Yes " Alyra smiled sweetly and they keep up walking

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