The Locked System

Chapter 43

Hayato was seeing the Heroes with a cold face, completely ignoring their reaction but on his mind, he was in doubt after he saw their faces

" What are they doing here?... Maybe the G.o.d of this world chose them to make me doubt, Hmph, he couldn"t be more wrong, this will be a great opportunity to cut my ties with them, but " Hayato sees one of the Heroines and thinks " I really don"t want to hurt her, but if she attacks me I will not have another option "

" They are mine, don"t move or talk to me in the meantime " Whispered Hayato in a very cold and soft voice that only Wade, Dye and Alyra could hear

Hayato puts his left hand under his robe and he appeared his katana again then he walked a couple of steps in front of Alyra, Wade, and Dye

Wade moves his eyes to see him, he didn"t say anything but he can feel that Hayato had some resentment towards the Heroes

" Ok " Dye whispered with surprise

" What"s wrong? " Alyra whispered with a nervous tone

" Sasuke Uchiha! he must be..! he must be the enemy that G.o.d wants us to eliminate! but.. but how we can beat him! and why is he here!? he shouldn"t exist! " Akira yelled in deny

" Calm down you f*cking idiot! Sasuke had a great weakness when he was with Akatsuki! we just need to use it in our favor! " Maya yelled at him as she takes her sword with her right hand

Akira turns to see her with a surprised face " You mean his Mangekyou Sharingan! "

" Yes! if we can make him overuse it, he will go blind! " Maya said with a serious face

" But in the process, he could kill us all! " Akira yelled with a very tense face

" ..... " Maya didn"t say anything, she only bites her lower lip in frustration but after a second she made a face full of resolution

The young blond man and the knights make scared faces when their partners acted like, that but none of them said something until Kaori speaks them

Kaori pulls Akira"s sleeve and she spoke with a worried smile " Why are you two are acting like that? hey... tell me AkirKun? "

" You really are just a dumb b*tch, tell me something, you spent all of your life in a cave or something " Maya answer her with a cold voice

" We are not friends, so stop speaking to me " Kaori turned to see Maya with anger

" What? Does the truth hurt b*tch? " Maya made a mockingly smile

" Grr " Kaori becomes angrier

" He... he is an Anime character, someone fictional, but as you could see he is now right in front of us " Akira was in stunned seeing Hayato

Kaori makes an incredulous face and she turns to see Hayato who is seeing them with a very cold face " But that"s impossible! how are you so sure!? maybe he just looks like him! "

Akira starts to speak with a nervous face " His clothes, his looks, and those eyes, everything matches, he is definitely Sasuke Uchiha, but how did you know him Maysan? "

Kaori smiles mockingly as she was seeing Maya then she says " The filthy prince "

* ZAP * A lightning sound echoes in the room and the Heroes and their companions turn to see who caused it

The moment that Hayato heard her he frowned with anger activating his Mangekyou Sharingan and covering his Katana with his Chidori

" The Mangekyou Sharingan! Everyone! Don"t look him in the eyes! " Akira turned to see Hayato"s feet and Maya does the same, the rest of them close their eyes

" What!? Are you scared now! You don"t want to fight?! " Hayato said fiercely and he began to walk towards them

" Hayato " Alyra whispered as she extended her left hand trying to stop Hayato " Why are you so enraged with them? "

Hayato started to run and before he arrived " Chidori Nagashi! " he hit the ground with his right hand sending a large stream of lightning towards them

The lightning stream advances with great speed destroying the ground were it " Watch out! Speed Boost! " Akira screamed with concern and he grabs Wallace"s wrist and Kaori"s hip who had their eyes closed, then he jumped to his left side. Maya just jumped to her right side ignoring every one of them

" Gah!! " The White Knights yelled in agony when the lightning stream touches them and they fall to the ground one by one. Their eyes turned white and they were releasing white smoke from every part of their bodies

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ][ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ][ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

[ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ][ "Bing!, You receive 500 System Points" ]

All the presents there looked at knights, Wade frowns, Alyra and Dye had startled expressions, the Heroes and the young blond man were horrified

Hayato makes a mocking smile " Ha! Do you really think you are Heroes!? I just killed all these knights in front of you! " then he made a sinister smile " You are nothing "

" d.a.m.n you! " Wallace made an angered face and he began to run towards Hayato

" Wait! Sir Wallace! " Akira yelled trying to stop him " F*uck! one attack six dead... we are too weak to fight against this guy so soon " then he runs after him leaving Kaori behind, who had a scared face

" Fierce Thrust! " Wallace made a fast sword thrust trying to stab Hayato"s chest

" Hmph! " Hayato snorts mockingly dodging his thrust by just moving his body a little

" What"s wrong with him, I never saw him act like that " Dye said with surprise

" I don"t know, even when we attacked the Brywood family he always stayed calm, he never tried to kill the knights, it has to be because of the Heroes, I don"t see any other option " Wade respond with doubt

Alyra didn"t say anything she had an absent face seeing Hayato, she was trembling with her hands on her chest " He is acting just like... her "

Wallace turns around and swings his sword again *SWOOSH* " Die you b.a.s.t.a.r.d! "

Hayato still has a mockingly smile as he raises his katana waiting for Wallace attack *CRACK* Wallace"s sword breaks in two after his sword clashes with Hayato"s katana

" What!? ack! " Wallace had a shocked expression and then Hayato hits his stomach with his right fist making him fall on her knees

" Trash " *PUM* Hayato kicks Wallace"s face sending him flying and he focuses his attention to Akira who arrived behind him swinging his sword from up to down

Hayato jumped backward avoiding his attack and he sees Akira with a cold face

" Wind Reinforcement! " Akira covers his sword with a thin layer of white smoke and charges against Hayato again

" Ha! " *CLANK* *CLANK* *CLANK* Their swords clashed a few times until Hayato grabbed Akira"s wrist making him stop then he kicks him on the stomach an throws him towards Kaori

" AkirKun! " Kaori finally reacted and she aims her staff to Hayato " Fire Rain! " small red vortices appear above Hayato and from then small fireb.a.l.l.s appeared falling against him

" .... " Hayato sees the fireb.a.l.l.s with a calm face as he starts to jump all over the place evading them

*BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM* The fireb.a.l.l.s exploded at the contact to the ground leaving small craters but they keep reappearing

" That will only last a little, are you ok AkirKun? " Kaori helps Akira to stand up

" If we want to live... We have to win... but he doesn"t even take us seriously, maybe we need to escape " Akira has a concerned face as he got up

" Sure, he will let us leave " Maya said with sarcasm

Kaori turns to see Maya with an infuriated face and she says " At least he is doing something! you just stood there doing nothing! hmm? " The explosions stopped and they turn to see Hayato who was walking towards them frowning

Maya doesn"t even turn to see her and she keeps her eyes on Hayato then she says with a serious face " His energy it"s becoming colder, darker with each pa.s.sing second, that only means one thing "

" We have to leave now! Great Speed Boost! " Akira makes an expression of fear and he takes Kaori and Wallace who was still on the floor, then he runs as fast as he can towards the exit, only Maya stayed there looking at Hayato and them

*BOOM* A giant purple skeletal hand slammed the entrance blocking it completely, everyone on the room had astounded faces

" I knew it, the Susanoo " Maya frowned after she saw that

" You will not escape " Hayato smiled evilly as his body emitted purple light and smoke, he walked towards the entrance and the giant purple skeleton hand disappeared

" d.a.m.n you! why do you want to kill us!? " Akira yelled with anger

" ..... " Hayato only smiled smirked coldly

Akira grinds his teeth and he yells " Blazing Warrior!! " His body started to emit red light, then he charged toward Hayato swinging his black sword " Fire Reinforcement! " His sword now emits fire

" You should know, that you can beat me " Hayato grins coldly as he raises his katana covered by Chidori *CLANK* their swords clashed and they began to exchange attacks again

*CLANK**CLANK**CLANK* Every attack that Akira made was useless " d.a.m.n IT!!! " He keeps attacking Hayato desperately

" Haha " Hayato chuckled mockingly

*PAM* " Ugh! " Hayato punched Akira on the face with his right hand making him bleed from his mouth and nose, Akira makes a few steps backward and Hayato jumped towards him *PAM* kicking him on the stomach " Ack! " and he was sent flying

" AkirKun!! Great Fire Ball!! " Kaori raised her red staff and a huge fireball appeared in front her " GO! " She yelled and the fireball begins to move towards Hayato direction

Hayato makes quick hand seals and " Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu ( Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu ) " *BOOM* the fireb.a.l.l.s collide making a huge crater and raising a big cloud of dust

" AkirKun " Kaori runs towards Akira again and she kneels to hug him, then she turned to see Maya " Maya! you idiot! why are you still standing! fight him! " Kaori yelled with anger

" ..... " Maya turns to see Kaori with a careless face

" .... " Kaori frowns and she hugs Akira tightly

" That"s all you got, maybe a little pressure will make you fight better " From the huge dust cloud the big purple skeletal hand reappeared and it extended until it grabbed Wallace

Wallace extended his hands trying to stop the big purple skeletal hand who is grabbing him and he screamed with fear " Gah! what is this!!! "

" Release him! you b.a.s.t.a.r.d! " Akira got up slowly

Hayato smiles coldly and says " Come on Heroes, save him " *CRACK* Wallace arms finally break by the pressure

" AAHHHHH!!!!!!!! " Wallace screamed very loudly and then Hayato made the big purple skeletal hand disappeared

" Ack " after falling Wallace turns to see Maya " Help me, my lady " Wallace said with a hoa.r.s.e voice, but " GAH! " Hayato stabbed his waist with his katana

" Stay there, I will deal with you after your friends...Ugh " Hayato makes a pained expression and he covers his eyes with his hands and when he opened them again Maya was in front of him, ready to cut him with her sword that was emitting a white smoke

" Consecutive Slayer Slash! " Maya swings her sword aiming for Hayato"s face

" ....!? " Hayato bends his head back, dodging the fatal strike but she cut his face a little

*SWOSH* *STAB* Maya makes another sword thrust and she pierces Hayato"s left shoulder

" Argh... " Hayato makes a pained expression and he kicks her, but she rises his left arm to defend herself against the kick, but still she took a few steps backward

" ....!? " Dye was about to interfere when Hayato yelled her " I told you that the Heroes are mine! so stay there! "

" Good job Maysan! " Akira appeared next to Maya and they started to attack together

" d.a.m.n she took me completely by surprise " Thought Hayato when Maya and Akira attack him repeatedly with their black swords and then both of them jumped backward suddenly

" Fire Prison! " A red circle appeared under Hayato"s feet and began to rise up

" Ha! " Hayato jumps and the red circle forms a red dome then he turns to see Kaori and he began to make hand seals " Don"t interfere again, Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu ( Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu ) " a big fireball comes from his mouth and impacts the ground in front of Kaori

" Kyaa!! " Kaori was sent flying by the impact leaving a few marks of burn all over her body

" Kaori!! you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!!! " Akira yelled in anger after she was sent flying

Akira and Maya keep attacking for a few minutes, kicking, punching and swinging the swords without any result even when Hayato has one eye closed and his left arm is bleeding

" That Sharingan makes him invincible, I have to do that now, I would prefer to do it when he was dead " Maya said with frustration

" Grr! " Hayato grabbed Maya and Akira by the wrists making them release their swords, then he uses their own hands to punch them in the face after that, he released them and punch both of them in their stomachs

Maya and Akira retreat a few steps back grabbing their stomachs, finally, Hayato jumped forward and he puts both hands on the ground to then kick them both with his legs sending them near Kaori

" Ha…. ha...we can"t win " Akira stands up again but he has a tired face then he turns to see Kaori that was just getting up from the attack of Hayato

" You can do it AkirKun, I trust you " Said Kaori with a tired smile

" ... " Maya saw them with very cold eyes as she stands up

" Kaori-san, thank you, then... one more time!! " Akira said with a face full of resolution and he started to run towards Hayato when he hears a very loud scream behind him

" KYAAAAAA!!!!! " Kaori was being lifted by a sword of light that was coming from her stomach, she was kicking in panic, but her feet didn"t even touch the ground

" NOOO!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!??? " Akira screamed in panic

" I was waiting for this moment since we arrived at this world " Maya was the one who was raising Kaori with a sword made by a yellow light, she had a very satisfied smile then she said "Sword Trident!" Two more sharp swords come from both sides of the sword and they pierced Kaori"s body from side to side again

Hayato deactivated his Sharingan and he was very surprised by what is he seeing

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