The Locked System

Chapter 65

Eleven days before the siege on Shokan city, in a castle in the middle of nowhere, four young men were chatting with each other, all of them wear black robes

The first young man to talk was Liam " Zeran, the spy said that the son of the Duke will leave the Loran kingdom in two days, what"s the plan? "

Zeran answer him with a calm face " We will ambush him when he and his knights cross the Forest of Sorrows, I will use Silent Mist to make them speechless that way, they will not be able to organize "

Another young man talk he was Mark " Great! then we enter and kill them, no?

Zeran shakes his head and says " No, we will use Stalkers to weak them first so... "

The last young man makes a proud smile, he was Leon " So, I"m the one who is going to start "

Zeran grins and says " Yes, I"ll need you to create several of them, some of the knights that are with them are dangerous "

Leon puts a hand on his chin and says " Hmm, I can make 800 of them, but I will become really weak after that "

Zeran nods and points to Mark " You don"t need to make too many of them but just in case Mark will protest you "

Mark makes an annoyed face " Oh great! I have to be Leon"s babysitter again! "

Leon responds to him with anger " F*ck you man! the last time doesn"t count! I was fine! you arrive later proclaiming that you saved me! "

Mark makes a mocking face and says " You liar "

" Screw you! " Leon ignores him with an angered face

Liam has a cold face and says " You done ladies? " They see Liam with calm faces and Liam turns to see Zeran " Then what is my job, Zeran? "

Zeran responded with a calm face " Liam, you and I will finish them, be sure to not damage their armors we will need them later "

Liam smiles and raised his hands and shoulders " That"s good for me "

Zeran nods and opens the door of the castle letting a strong cold wind enters " Then let"s leave, it will take us at least one day to arrive there " They left the castle and Mark turns to see Zeran and asks with doubt " Hey Zeran, why don"t we ask for reinforcements? "

Zeran shakes his head and says" It"s not necessary, also, I don"t want to disturb my father while he rests "

" It seems that we have great weather " Leon said with a smile while he stretches his arms and closes his eyes enjoying the cold wind

Mark nods and says with a smile " Yes, I prefer this weather to the one in Loran Desert "

" Let"s go, we have to arrive there before them " Zeran said with a calm face and he began to run with Leon, Mark, and Liam behind him. They ran without stopping to eat or rest until they left the cold dead forest crossing a large meadow until they reach a leafy forest at night

Zeran turns to see his partners, he didn"t look tired just like them " We arrived at the Forest of Sorrows, let"s rest, tomorrow we will prepare everything "

They sleep in the top of the trees, at night sounds of Monsters could be heard beneath them.

On the morning of the next day, they climb down the trees and began to walk through the forest until they arrive at a path of dirt

Liam kneels and touches the ground " There are some Monsters near here, these footprints look fresh "

" Good, we will bring some of them near the ambush point, Leon prepare your spell " Zeran turned to see Leon

Mark makes an excited face, stretching his arms with a sword in his right hand " Great I was waiting for some action "

" Let"s go " Zeran, Mark, and Liam run to different directions leaving Leon behind, Leon puts out bottles of blood from his black robe and he began to create small circles with strange letters all over the place, after a few minutes Zeran, Mark and Liam bring unconscious Orcs, Goblins and Steel Wolves.

The Steel Wolves are silver in color his hair looks fluffy but their teeth looks like small knives.

They finished their preparations until was the day of their arrive

" *Sighs* this what I hate of being a Necromancer, almost all my spells require handwriting. " Leon said with boredom

Liam arrives next to them and says " I erased the footprints and all the things that will make then suspect, I spread the Beasts in front of the path as you said, they will wake up in a couple of hours, but if not we can wake them by force "

" Great, wear these necklaces, it will hide your presence for a couple of hours " Zeran gives Leon, Mark, and Liam, a small black collar that they wear

" So, they are ready " Leon makes a surprised face as he wears the necklace

Zeran nods and says " Yes, it took me more than I expected to made them without my father"s help "

They waited for half an hour

" Why they are not here yet? " Mark said with doubt

Liam turns to see him and answers " The spy is in their group, he said that he will give us some time to prepare the ambush, I suppose we did the preparations earlier "

" I will start now " Leon roll up his sleeves and claps his hands together but Zeran stops him

" No, let"s wait, until they come close to the Monsters, they could suspect if you do it now, when I use Silent Mist Liam will awake the Monsters and when the Monsters attack, you will attack them from behind with the Stalkers, Now let"s go to our positions " Zeran said calmly and they scattered, Leon stays there Zeran and Mark went to the other side of the path and Liam went far in front of the path

An hour later, they could hear voices in the path and see some lights too, on the path they saw a group of 6 horses being ridden by Knights wearing a complete Green armor with the symbol of a blue dragon on their chests, behind them was a luxurious carriage driven by two other Knights, one has a bow in his hands and the other one is pulling the strings of the horses and lastly behind the carriage there is a group of at least 50 knights, the man that was guiding the group wears a helmet with a few feathers on it. He stopped suddenly and raises his right fist yelling " Halt! "

One knight approaches him by the right and says " What"s wrong sir? "

" There is a group of Monsters in front of us. " Said the man with a serious voice

" Are you sure sir? " The knight looked surprised at the path in front of him

" Yes, get your weapons ready! " The man yelled as he takes out his sword and all the knights obey him

Another knight approaches him by the left and with a nervous voice, he said " Oh! calm down sir, are you sure they are a threat to us? "

" Well, now that you say that, they seem to be very calm, like sleeping" The man scanned the area with his eyes again

The Knight replies with a relieved voice " Then, why do we worry about them? lets past them quietly, I don"t want to risk I have a wife and children waiting for me at home "

" He is right sir, don"t you think it would be better to avoid an unnecessary fight? " The knight on the right makes a solemn face

" Hmm " The captain doesn"t say anything, he stays still looking at both sides of the path

" What"s wrong, captain? " The voice of a young man comes from the luxurious carriage, after that he cames out from the carriage, the young man he looks around 20 years old, he wears a golden armor with the same symbol on his chest as the knights, the young man doesn"t have good looks, he was kinda ugly and fat but he has clear blue eyes and short blond hair. He was seeing the captain with anger and he says " Why don"t you answer me? "

The captain dismount from his horse and kneels in front of the young man " My lord, there is some Monsters scatter in front of the path, but they seem to be asleep "

" Let"s go, captain! I don"t have time for small matters! " The fat young man said with anger and he went back to the carriage

" As you wish my lord " The captain stands and he rides his horse " ... " The captain moves his hand from up to the front and all of them began to advance

Mark was watching them behind a tree " Perfect! the spy managed to convince them and that fat idiot help him, haha " Mark smirks and turns to see Zeran, Zeran sees him and Mark nods then Zeran turns to see the knights

" The Monsters are coming! " the captain yelled after seeing 15 Orcs, 20 Goblins and 10 Steel Wolves

" Be ready to fight! " the knights that were behind the carriage move in front of it

Seeing that Zeran claps his hands together and he separates them in a second, creating a small black orb between his hands " Silent Mist " the orb shines a little and Zeran hits the ground with the orb *BOOM*

" Beware there is a....! " *ZOOM* The captain didn"t finish talking when a small black mist covers the entire area, Wrapping the Knights, the Monsters and even Zeran and Mark, the horses throw his riders in panic and they escape, but the horses in the carriage were moving in panic without making any sound

" ..!! ....!!!! " The captain wants to yell, but he is not able to, he even turn red and some veins can be seen all over his face, he gets up and he started to fight the incoming Monsters, turning to see both sides of the path in some occasions, waiting for something

On the other side of the forest, " I only made 100, I hope that"s enough " Leon had his hands clasped together and a grey aura covers his entire body " Summon! Stalker! " he eyes flash red for an instant and all the red circles of blood that he painted shine, to then release a small black column, after a second the black columns turned in humanoid monsters with red eyes, sharp teeth and larger arms with long claws " Go " Leon orders the 100 Stalkers and they began to move behind the knights without anyone of them noticing them

*SWOOSH* *SWOOSH* *SWOOSH* The Stalkers killed the knights that were behind, killing the knights that were in the carriage, after that, the Stalkers ignored the carriage and they begin to kill the knights from behind, some of them turned to see behind them, when the bodies of his companions touched them when they died, but they were unable to warn their companions in front of them, some knights confronted the Stalkers using Light Magic against them

Zeran grins after seeing that " Light Mages, they are not strong enough to break my spell " The knights killed the Monsters after a few minutes and they turned around to fight against the Stalkers, it wasn"t a loud fight only the sounds of magic and swords could be heard

After the Knights killed all the Stalkers, they look really tired and their numbers had been reduced in less than half " ...!! ...!!! " The captain tries to warn his men about the danger that lurks on the forest, by hitting the Knights on their shoulders or raising up some of the knights that were on the ground resting, the Knights see their captain with doubt but they still get up but *SWOOSH* *SWOOSH* *SWOOSH* Some of the Knights died in a flash surprising all of his partners

" There they here..!! " The captain yelled and surprises after hearing his voice again but " Close formation!! " he screamed and the rest of the knights move side by side with the captain they are less than 10 Knights now thanks to the attack of Liam and Zeran

" How you dare to attack the knights of the Duke of Loran!! " The captain yelled but he only received mockingly smiles from Liam and Zeran

" It seems that your spell didn"t last long " Liam said without seeing Zeran

" Well, the greater their number, the shorter the duration, now let"s kill them " Zeran made a careless face and he runs against the Knights

" Light Spear! (x3) " The remained Light Mages send long light spears at the same time, the spears illuminate their way towards Zeran

" Earth Wall " Zeran stopped and a 3x3 meters wall appeared in front of him *BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM* the light spears exploded at the contact with the wall leaving some small holes in the earth wall

" Fall back! " The captain yelled but only he and other 4 knights reacted in time " What!? " The other 6 Knights began to sink in the ground a high speed until the half of their bodies were buried

" Mud Trap! you are a Magic Swordsman! " The captain said with surprise *SWOOSH* Liam appears and decapitates the knights that were buried in a flash, all of their heads began to roll

" You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Blazing Warrior!! " The captain yelled and runs towards Liam

" It looks like he is a Sky Warrior " Liam makes a grin

" Yes, he is mine, help our friend with the other 2 " Zeran said with a calm face, surprising the captain

" What!? " The captain turns to see behind him and sees two knights fighting the knight that convinced him to not fight the Monsters, the captain grinds his teeth and yells " You f*cking traitor!! " the captain turns around but

" Don"t get distracted " Zeran appeared behind him and *PAM* he punches him in his left ribs " Ack! " The captain retreats back coughing some blood

The captain turns to see Zeran with a surprised face " You are an Intermediate Sky Magic Swordsman! " The captain yelled and runs towards Zeran again

" Hmph " Zeran smirks to then " Blazing Warrior " Zeran shines in an orange light

" Die!! " The captain swings his sword aiming at Zeran"s head

" No, you are the one who is gonna die " *SWOOSH* *CLANK* CRASH* Zeran swing his sword against the captain sword and when they clashed, the captain sword blows up in pieces, Zeran didn"t stop his movement and stabs the captain stomach " Ugh... " The captain narrows his eyes with pain " Your overconfidence took your life, Great Strenght Boost " Zeran takes out his sword out from the captain stomach of and *PUM* *CRACK* he punched him in the face breaking his neck

Zeran has a cold face and turned to see Liam and the Spy next to him " You done? "

" Yes, those two were at the level of Super Warrior, so it was easy. " Liam said with a calm face, then he says " Now, the fat guy on the carriage, go for him Gareth "

" Ok " The knight next to Liam nods and walks towards the door of the carriage

" So, you are Gareth, I couldn"t recognize you thanks to the helmet. " Zeran said with a little surprise

Gareth takes out his helmet revealing a handsome young man with brown eyes and short black hair. He has a scar on his lips from up to down he turned to see Zeran and bows a little " Yes nice to meet you young lord Zeran, I"m the leader of the spy division "

" The guy that my father trained personally " Zeran makes a serious face

Gareth opens the door of the carriage and " Come here! " he grabs the fat young man from the leg and throws him in front of Zeran

Gareth shakes his hand with repugnance and says " This fat b.a.s.t.a.r.d sh*tted himself! "

" Zeran, why are you so relax smelling this? " Liam covers his face with his right hand

" P-P-Please let me go " The fat young man turns to see Zeran while she was crying and shaking

Zeran sees him with a cold face " I"m here for the symbol of the Duke "

The fat young man takes out a medal from his pocket " Here, here, take it, take it " the young man extends his hands giving him the medal

Zeran didn"t grab the medal and says " Defuse it " The young fat man makes a surprised face and with a shaking voice he says " W-W-What do you mean? "

Zeran frowns and says coldly " You take me for an idiot? defuse the tracking spell in it, now " The fat young man surprises and turns to see Gareth askance, the fat young man bows his head and began to yell " M-My father is gonna kill you all!!! even that f*cking traitor!!! " *SWOOSH* A sword cuts the head of the fat young man

Zeran turns to see the culprit and with a calm face and says " Why did you do that? " he didn"t grab the medal from the floor

Gareth was cleaning the blood from his sword and turns to see Zeran with a smirk " He was no longer useful, I know how to break the spell, we need the Necromancer that is with you "

" Leon? " Liam says with surprise " Then I will go for him " and he walks to the forest after a couple of minutes he came together with Mark and Leon

Zeran sees Gareth with doubt " Now what? "

Gareth points at the decapitated body and says " We need to turn this fat young man in an Undead now "

" Ok "Leon claps his hands together " Raise!! " a grey light came from Leon"s body to then move to the decapitated body of the fat young man *CRACK* the body shocks a little and gets up to then stay still

" Now, make him grab the medal " Gareth said to Leon and he walks behind the Undead, Leon made the Undead grab the medal from the ground

Gareth puts his right hand in the back of the Undead then he began to release some magic energy, *SHINE* The hands of the Undead shine in a gold color then *CRACK* *BOOM* the medal glows and that light breaks like a green crystal and then the green light disappears

" What was that? " Mark said with surprise

" It was the tracking spell when someone grabs the medal without the consent of the Duke family or try to remove the spell, the green light from before will attach to them and it will reveal their localization to the Duke " Gareth said calmly as he grabs the medal from the hands of the Undead to then give it to Zeran

Zeran makes a calm face and says " Now, we just need to take some of the armors of this knights "

" You should take the armor from the fat young man, well if you manage to make it thinner " Marks makes a mockingly smile and they started to take the armors from the dead knights they only take three and the ones who are less damage, Zeran took the armor of the fat young man but he only can wear the top of the armor normally, the other parts are too big for him, after they finish Zeran says " Let"s go back to the castle, there is the second part of the plan "

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