The Lone Dragon

Chapter 2

It was a bright afternoon and Eluraa was finishing her daily meditation. Cultivators had to meditate and contemplate on their spiritual connections to the elementals. Eventually the cultivators who have reached the highest stage can summon the full power of elementals and can destroy continents with a snap of a finger. However n.o.body except the rumored demon king had achieved this peak aura. Most cultivators merely aim to achieve enough synchronization to cast simple spells with the aid of the elementals" spiritual power.

They needed this power and desperately tried to improve themselves in order to guard against the ever growing and evolving beasts. After all everything is about natural selection and only the strong survive and thrive.

Eluraa had showed affinity towards the water elemental in her crystal test and this was a pleasant surprise to her parents. Cultivators were celebrated and received a lot of respect from common people. After all it is only because of the cultivators that common folks can live a peaceful and harmonious life. Every day morning Eluraa made it a point to sit in front of the beautiful pond in their courtyard and silently contemplate the connection she felt with the water. The morning light of the rising sun, the beautiful reflection on the pond water, the tranquil atmosphere and the water elemental aura enveloping her body, made Eluraa look like a G.o.ddess with her eyes closed. Even her mother who had raised her for 16 years couldn"t help but stop and adore the sight of her meditating every morning. Eluraa"s beauty had exponentially increased when she had first felt her connection with the water elemental. She gave the feeling of peace and tranquillity to anyone who looked at her. Her eyes were azure colored and her calm temperament instantly made people like her.

Eluraa"s village chief was the great grand son of a fire elemental cultivator, who was now employed in the royal empire. The great grandson enjoyed his position as the village chief and took good care of the day to day village affairs. He was fair and impartial in general and had earned his respect among the villagers. However, he had lost his wife soon after childbirth and as a result heavily doted on his only son. Unfortunately for him, his son turned out to be a rotten spoilt fatso. He was born with decent talent but never worked hard on anything in his life. Day in and day out all he cared about was lavishly indulging himself with various delicacies. With age, he slowly started showing more perverted nature. Many villagers secretly used their daughters to curry favor with the fatso and begged him to put in a good word with the village chief. The chief distributed 3 elixirs yearly to improve one"s connection to the elemental and there is a huge compet.i.tion for this opportunity. The fatso was one of the judges and villagers needed him to favor their sons.

That fateful day, it was Eluraa"s father"s turn to watch over the village boundaries for signs of dangerous creatures and Eluraa decided to accompany him that morning to cultivate in front of the village river. Little did she know that she was making the biggest mistake of her life. The fatty had slipped out his house that morning to meet with a woman he had previously been gifted. He had to secretly enjoy his gifts since he would be skinned alive if his father ever found out. When fatty was returning back satisfied to his house, he spotted Eluraa by chance and was breath taken by her beauty. He was crazed with a urge like never before and resolved to make her his own.

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