The Lone Dragon

Chapter 24

"What was that all about ?" Reina enquired her friend. She was grinning from ear to ear after listening to the transpired events. She threw a quick glance at Shi Meng and saw that he was intently observing the head alchemy instructor.

The head instructor picked up the cases of the five partic.i.p.ants. He took a superficial look at the herbs processed and started announcing his preplanned results.

He was more annoyed than expected with this batch of students and just wanted to finish this quickly. He cleared his throat again and loudly reported, "This year the alchemy department is unable to find any satisfactory students and won"t be accepting disciples." He then turned around and walked back to his office swiftly.

There was a complete pin drop silence for a few minutes. Then the students started murmuring slowly. Reina completely forgot that she didn"t get selected as a disciple and was overjoyed that Eluraa had embarra.s.sed herself severely this time. There was no way that Shi Meng would be impressed by her after this. She nudged her friend and prompted her to say something. Eluraa was sweating on the side, "f.u.c.k. Why do I have such really bad luck !".

But, before anyone could utter a word, the head instructor had returned back with the same speed, "Eluraa, accompany me to the alchemy department"s main office. Other students can proceed to the main study hall to continue with the rest of the for the day". "Phew" Eluraa heaved a sigh of relief and followed after him. Reina"s friend consoled her, "Don"t worry. It must be for punishing her. She did create a ruckus earlier."

The head instructor closed the door behind him, "Sit down Eluraa and explain to me how you identified these herbs". Eluraa had half-expected this question and slowly explained her whole thought process.

After she finished her descriptions, head instructor Chi Yan again asked her, " Why did you label this specific herb as the seventh grade netherwine and not the common grade fellgra.s.s?" Eluraa replied calmly, "Though both the herbs have similar physical structures and l.u.s.tre, I could feel a barely perceptible flame energy emitted by the herb and hence concluded that it was the netherwine herb."

Chi Yan"s eyes shined. It almost looked like he had found another promising disciple. "I suspected as much. It is rare to come across high grade herbs but it is even rarer or even impossible for beginner students to correctly identify them. Apart from the mental capacity to learn about the different herbs and different concocting methods and procedures for diverse recipes, the most important requirement for an alchemist is to have an innate talent in flame type mana".

"Since you were able to successfully identify netherwine herb without even starting any of the mana spell training, I believe you might have a higher innate talent than normal students in flame type mana. You have cleared the entrance exams and you are free to join as a department disciple."

Eluraa immediately bowed to Chi Yan and accepted the offer. Chi Yan, further, personally instructed her on the training regimen and gave her the basic spell series on materialising, controlling and enhancing common grade flames. As a alchemy department student, she would be given a list of herbs every week and they must be collected from the academy"s herb gardens and forests, processed and submitted.

Apart from her weekly herb gathering list, for the first year, she only needed to practise the flame materialising and controlling spells. At the end of the year, she is required to successfully materialise and sustain the flame for heating a basic cauldron.

"The basic spells are explained in detail in the introductory manuals. If you have any further doubts, you are welcome to personally approach any of the alchemy instructors including myself and ask questions."

"We previously waited for a year to train the student in basic flame controlling techniques. However, you should approach me when you are able to maintain a steady flame for two hours. The first basic potion recipe you will be learning requires two hours of steady flame energy to prepare some ingredients. You can practise your flame techniques while preparing ingredients for your potion practise"

Eluraa then collected her department badge and her weekly herb list and went back to the cla.s.s hall to join the rest of the students. Most of the students were preparing for their upcoming profession tests and all the gossip and ruckus had died down.

Smirking slyly Eluraa entered the cla.s.sroom and acted like she was silently sneaking in from the back. Himrann, who was patiently waiting for his revenge, of course noticed her and saw that she was also looking pretty sad, "Hey hey.. Look who just got back! Please tell me you were not expelled. I really need someone to do my Engineering profession exams are cruel" and laughed loudly.

Shi Meng immediately got up and went up to Himrann. He was actually extremely pleased with this situation. He finally had a chance to help this girl out. Before he could say something, he saw that Eluraa had also walked upto Himrann. She didn"t say anything and silently banged something on the table in front of Himrann.

Everyone near Himrann, including Shi Meng, were shocked and puzzled. The head instructor had clearly said that he did not accept any disciples this year. Then, how is there a alchemy department badge on the table.

Eluraa reached out her hand and grabbed the ten silver coins near Himrann"s desk. Smiling gently she took her badge and walked back to her desk.

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