The Lone Dragon

Chapter 27

"pheww" Eluraa heaved a huge sigh of relief. She was almost there. The emergency portal room is just past a couple more offices. Though, something felt out of place. The whole area was eerily silent.

Cautiously observing her surroundings, Eluraa proceeded forward. She barely took two steps ahead, when she heard a low snarl, followed by a earth shattering growl.

"f.u.c.k! My heartbeat stopped for a second there." Double checking her concealment spell and her defensive set ups, she still continued moving forward.

"There is no other way. I have to reach the emergency portal room. I have to take a risk here. Else, if higher level enemy combat experts reach the academy insides, there will be no chance of escaping then."

The first room around the corner would be the emergency portal room. Strengthening her resolve, Eluraa held her breath and slowly turned the corner. There it was .. the enormous two-horned sabertooth. "That animal is clearly several levels above me. I should avoid fighting it at all if possible", Eluraa decided. The huge animal had saliva dripping on its teeth.

Surprisingly, she also saw two of her cla.s.smates caught in front of the sabertooth. "Help Help" Jian Tan was screaming at the top of his lungs. This only further annoyed the agitated beast. With a loud roar, the sabertooth was pouncing on him and almost slashed him. When it suddenly stopped mid air.

At this point, Eluraa was conflicted about involving herself in this battle. She didn"t want to delay her escape any longer. With every pa.s.sing second, she was putting herself in more and more danger.

But then again, this scene reminded her of her previous life. She was just a innocent girl, helpless and weak and was surrounded and attacked by those ravages. She shuddered. She hated being weak above all. Looking at these two guys cornered, she couldn"t just abandon them like this.

While she was still deciding whether to intervene or not, Eluraa noticed that the sabertooth had suddenly stopped. It turned around and sniffed the air. All the hair on its back were standing straight. It was almost as if it could detect her concealed self and was probing the danger in its surroundings. Unable to find out what was causing this uneasiness, the beast let out a huge roar calling for it"s allies.

Higher level beasts often can use some magical abilities. Realising this, Eluraa prayed that it couldn"t use any special abilities. "This is it. I do not have any more time to waste", Eluraa made up her mind and immediately cast a series of freezing spells. The huge beast didn"t see this coming and was frozen in its spot in the split second.

Overjoyed, Eluraa revealed herself, "Excuse me. Hurry up. This way please. We can use the emergency portals inside". She quickly signalled Jian Tan and Shi Meng to get inside the room.

"What.. what just happened.. I am not dead yet?" Jian Tan blurted out. He staggered and fell down on the floor, with tears flowing down his eyes. Shi Meng had accepted his death and was bitterly wishing for a second chance. So he reacted better and quickly understood what had happened.

Eluraa had saved them somehow. Was she actually invisible? She actually could conceal herself? And on top of that she cast that freezing spell, with such an enormous effect. How did she not run out of mana? No, how did she have such high mana in the first place to do all this. Casting aside these thoughts, he immediately lifted up Jian Tan and rushed to the portal room.

Fortunately the portal room was not kept locked and the trio entered it successfully. Since Shi Meng was the prince of a country, he had accessed teleportation portals more often than the other two and was familiar with its mechanisms. He activated all the necessary protocols and set the destination to the main empire.

It was their duty to first and foremost send in the reports of this attack. The whole process took a total of ten minutes. Now all they needed was an undisturbed ten minutes for a successful teleportation.

Eluraa remained on high alert near the door. She couldn"t let any beasts rampage and destroy the teleportation discs or the energy modules. She was a bit more confident in herself and her spell casting, after her previous encounter.

59.. 58.. 57..

They were on their last minute and Eluraa entered the teleportation spell s.p.a.ce as well.

10 .. 9 .. 8 ..

"Growl..." The frozen sabertooth had thawed faster than expected. The beasts had a higher core heat, which enabled them to stay alive even in frozen condition, for shorter periods of time.

7.. 6.. 5..

The sabertooth had sniffed them to this room and violently rushed forward. A powerful beast, toyed around by these puny ants, the sabertooth was enraged. It leapt forward and ripped at the trio.

The whole thing happened too quickly. Eluraa threw a bunch of defensive spells every where in the room, trying to protect all the parts. Shi Meng"s eyes almost popped out. How the h.e.l.l is she doing this ?!!!

4.. 3.. 2.. 1..

Bang.. crash.. zzz..

Something was damaged, Eluraa could feel it. But, it didn"t matter now. Looked like the teleportation was successful. The room slowly spun out of sight. They were now in some green pasture area. It was clearly not the empire"s capital. There were just trees and lots of plants. It looked like they were in the middle of a forest area.

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