The Lone Dragon

Chapter 29

Finishing out their last break, the trio proceeded towards the academy barrier. Once, they are outside, they have a much higher chance of encountering dangerous and violent magical beasts.

"Are you guys really sure this is the right move ? The blood academy is rumoured to be located in an extremely dangerous position on the continent for the richer magical energy. I mean, we could just stay low and hide ourselves near the border. We don"t really have to move out of the academy grounds", Jian Tan hesitantly spoke.

Shi Meng once again persuaded him gently, "If our enemies decide to do one last sweep of the whole academy to eradicate any potential survivors, we would be sitting ducks and totally done for. Hence, it is definitely safer for us to stay low and hide ourselves outside the academy barrier".

After a couple more hours of walking they had finally crossed the barrier and reached the main magical continent area. "Here we go. You better keep saving my a.s.s Shi Meng" Jian Tan whispered.

Their journey was pretty smooth for the first few hours.

"sshhh. Stop stop. I think there might be some lower level magical creatures ahead. I sense a dense magical energy aura a few miles in front of us. I think we should take a turn here and see if we can head in a different safer direction" Eluraa stopped them.

"Heh.. What do you mean by lower level Eluraa? We are all at level 0 here. So, any beast can basically swipe and kill us at will. Unless, you are at some level 50 or something secretly? But ya, let"s head in a different direction I guess", Jian Tan spoke dejectedly. All of them were pretty tired from travelling without any aim or hope or even a destination in mind.

Eluraa didn"t mind him and just replied bluntly, "The magical creatures ahead should probably be around levels 0 to 1. Though, we don"t have the appropriate armours or weapons this time around, we should still be able to manage an attack by a couple or so beasts of that level".

Shi Meng further added, "Ya, she is correct man. Just think back to our live combat training. We might really be able to handle ourselves in case of emergencies. I actually happen to have 2 common grade long swords in my xenon slots. If you don"t mind Eluraa, can Jian Tan and I equip them to better ready ourselves? What do you think?"

"Yes, definitely. You should both immediately equip them. Though, I still think we should take a different direction and try to avoid any combat as much as possible. We are almost at a safe distance from the academy. I don"t think moving further forward is a wise decision. Let us get past this pack of magical beasts safely and just wait it out."

Agreeing with Eluraa, the trio then proceeded to walk a bit more in a different path. But, unfortunately for them, a couple of venomous boars decided to wander off their pack that day, and happen to sight these three easy prey.

But, Eluraa sensed them first and immediately started casting basic fire strike and fire blast spells. In the blink of an eye, both the boars were dead before they even reached the trio or made any sort of commotion. Both, Shi Meng and Jian Tan, ended up simply watching her with their jaws dropped.

Ding. +250 exp

Ding. +250 exp

Ding. You have levelled up.

The sudden notifications surprised Eluraa.

Shi Meng noticed her glowing xenon and exclaimed, "Now that you are fighting in real life with actual levelled magical creatures and not simulated ones, you should be starting to acc.u.mulate experience. Wow, that"s amazing. Did you actually manage to level up?"

Before Eluraa could reply, a system wide notification beeped on all their xenons.

Ding. Congratulations to Eluraa for becoming the youngest level 1 combat expert.

Eluraa "...."

Shi Meng "...."

Jian Tan "....."

However, this reminded Eluraa, "f.u.c.k ! the distress signal in xenon might be working now. Let"s try sending one again." And all three of them managed to successfully send their distress signals out. "Phew.. Now all we have to do is just wait a bit more", Jian Tan happily chirped.

Smiling Eluraa moved forward and collected the meat, skin and magical cores from the two boars. Surprisingly, they also had huge venom sacs. Eluraa carefully removed everything and stored in her xenon slots.

Meanwhile, Jian Tan silently whispered to Shi Meng, "s.h.i.t dude ! She is a monster. What insane levelling speed is that ? I mean this is totally ridiculous. She is completely over powered. At this rate, she will be the next empress or something of the whole continent. She didn"t even break a sweat and killed those two boars. How did her spells have such high intensity? And how did she even have enough mana to cast those spells at level 0 ! I am going insane here !"

"Ya.. I am surprised too. I haven"t heard of anything like this before. There aren"t any recorded reports in history as well. It looks like she has her own secrets Jian. Let"s not discuss about it anymore. I am just grateful that she is willing to protect us", Shi Meng calmly added.

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