The Lone Dragon

Chapter 31

Swissh.. Eluraa almost fell down from that loud sudden voice coming up from behind her. She quickly turned around to see what was happening. But, just stood there frozen with the other two.

In front of them, was this huge majestic dragon calmly and silently lying down and stretching its paws. It looked extremely n.o.ble and all its scales were glowing. It looked as if it possessed infinite power and bring destruction to the world in a second if it wanted to. It really did look like it was a mythical creature stepping out of the legends.

However, it took Eluraa less than a minute to get out of her stupor. After all, she has lived for many life times combined. She, then, slowly observed the magnificent creature in front of her again. Something seemed a bit off. How did it silently appear right next to them. And where did their resting place boulder go.

What really tipped her off was the statement "You have been blessed with heaven defying luck". f.u.c.k it, only she knew just how much of a rotten luck, she really had.

On top of it, why did the dragon choose a beast binding technique from her original era and call it a master contract. A beast and a cultivator silently pledging over a drop of blood willingly is the basic beast contract. Their energy is then shared and in some rare cases they are even able to communicate mentally.

More importantly, the cultivator is able to shatter the soul of the beast on his or whim. So, unless, a beast truly trusted a cultivator, it would never willingly form a beast contract. The only exception is when a cultivator fights and conquers a beast completely. Even then, some beasts would rather choose death than willingly be the cultivator"s bound beast.

"Child.. You seem to be lost in your thoughts. I was travelling to a different cosmos urgently and stopped on my way there to take you in as my disciple. In fact, I need to leave right away after imparting some legendary techniques to you. So please hurry up and place your blood here", the boulder/ dragon creature was getting impatient.

It silently thought to itself, "What the heck man. Why is she taking so long. It has to be done willingly. Else, life would be so much easier for me. All that stored up energy. Binding with her, should heal me up right away. And she shouldn"t know any details about the beast contract. So I can just take off right after. Perfect plan ! So why is she not responding faster...."

"I knew it. I should have made my dragon image bigger, bigger scales, bigger teeth and bigger tail. Hmm.. Come on woman hurry up"

Eluraa was still debating what to do. On one hand, she didn"t know what this creature was upto, trying to scam her. On the other hand, it is a harmless beast contract and to top it off, she would be getting an extraordinary majestic dragon as her bound beast?! Should she just go with it ? Eluraa was still trying to decide.

She is not strong enough yet. So, she was worried, the dragon might take some drastic measures if she refused it, though it didn"t look very threatening right now.

The beast was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with energy. So the energy sharing part shouldn"t be a problem as well. So really, no harm can come of it. Plus, she was also accountable for the two students standing next to her, who now looked like they both got paralysed.

Concluding that she didn"t have much of a choice now, Eluraa slowly moved forward. She bit her finger and placed a drop of blood on a stone. The dragon/ boulder then placed a drop of its own blood. A quick wave of energy pa.s.sed through both of their body and Eluraa staggered and fell on her back.

She suddenly felt very weak and lifeless. It was as if all her energy was drained away. Even more surprising was that, the huge majestic dragon just disappeared into thin air. Shi Meng quickly hurried and helped Eluraa sit up. "Hey are you okay? What happened? Does it hurt anywhere?", he calmly supported her and gave her some water.

"Ya. I am okay. I am just feeling a bit tired and kind of empty. What happened though? Where did that dragon ?" Eluraa patted herself and stood up. "It just kind of vanished" Jian Tan replied.

"Hmm.. This is weird. Ok one second. Let me try something". Eluraa tried reaching out to the dragon mentally. But got nothing.

Meanwhile, on the side, someone else was celebrating. "Wow. That plan worked brilliantly. I am almost completely healed. She was totally a fat energy balloon. With this, I can hide from those druid jerks for another decade. Hmm should I just leave now? No. I should wait for those druid jerks to completely leave this vicinity and then disappear from here", the boulder/ dragon murmured. Rather, it was now a small blade of gra.s.s on the forest.

Eluraa mentally tried to contact the dragon a couple more times but nothing. Everything seemed as it was before. It was as if nothing had happened at all. "Hmm what should I do now?" Eluraa was completely puzzled.

The trio agreed that all of these events might have caused too much of a commotion and it would be safer to move a bit further away and camp again. Before leaving, Eluraa decided to try something for one last time.

She then loudly said, "Hmm.. Wow.. Everything feels like a dream. I did finish a beast contract successfully, but my bound beast seems to have disappeared without informing me ! Wonder if I should punish it by shattering its soul. Seems like a fit punishment."

The think blade of gra.s.s immediately started trembling, "s.h.i.t.. s.h.i.t .. s.h.i.t.. How does she know about the f.u.c.king beast contract? That was something from a million years ago. Don"t they use something else now for the beast contract. How the h.e.l.l does she know the soul shattering power? f.u.c.k me. That a s.h.i.tty plan. That was a really s.h.i.tty plan."

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