The Lone Dragon

Chapter 44

Huff huff .. Sprinting for a short distance, Eluraa stopped and looked around to check if they followed her. "Oof ! What the heck ?! What am I afraid of !? We are not supposed to fight within the city limits anyways."

Adjusting her golden locks, she decided to walk back to the guild"s base. The available missions are usually updated around noon everyday and it was almost time.

As expected, the guild base was crowded, with lower level life style combatants gathered around the mission board. Sally looked at Eluraa and smiled helplessly.

Though, after only a few short minutes, the crowd cleared out quickly, leaving behind one or two stragglers lost in their thoughts. To her surprise, Eluraa saw Lu Su, with a very serious expression on his face, staring at the mission board.

"h.e.l.lo senior", she politely greeted him.

Nodding at her, Lu Su joined six others, who were also standing near the mission board. It looked like they were all seriously debating over something.

Without disturbing them, Eluraa silently leaned over from the side and glanced at the mission board. "Woah woah woah.. Finally ! A level 1 mission. Hmmm.. the rank is B though. Is this what, they are discussing about."

Hurriedly, before someone else could claim it, Eluraa accepted the mission and looked very satisfied. "The mission actually doesn"t look that complicated. Wonder why its left untouched.. Hmm.. Maybe people just felt it was too trivial.. After all it is a level 1 mission."

She then walked out to look for Shi Meng, with a big grin on her face. Originally, she had planned to tackle this one alone by herself. But this guy has been pretty reliable and trustworthy so far.

He always greeted her with a smile and was literally her only friend here. So she might as well check with him once before leaving. It was after all a B rank mission and she didn"t want to put him in any unnecessary danger.


"Man look at this ! Now that mission is already claimed. I told you guys we should take it ! I mean first of all the possibility of a mutated beast is extremely low. Half of these scouting a.s.sholes give the wrong information all the time !"

"Calm down Lu.. It"s ok. Let it go. Just a level 1 mission. It won"t give us much Exp anyways.."

"But man.. think about it ! If by chance it was a mutated beast, we can get a really good high mana beast core !"

"Shut up you idiot. Do you think mutated beasts are child"s play ?! Though, mutated beasts can be a couple of levels higher usually, I have heard reports of them being a whole 20 levels higher than expected ! Do you really want to take that risk for a level 1 mission !?"

"Arghh.. Fine.. Wish something better shows up tomorrow.. Sigh.."


Dripping in sweat and smiling softly, Shi Meng greeted Eluraa.

"Wow you have been busy !"

"ha ha.. no not really. Just hot in here."

"So I have some amazing news I think ? I luckily happened to find an available level 1 mission !"

"Awesome. And here I thought we might have to wait for weeks for my brother !"

"Ya. I was surprised too. Do you want to do this together ?"

Being very excited, Shi Meng quickly blurted out "Yes ! Of course. Thanks for inviting me. Are we leaving now ?"

Smirking, Eluraa teased him slightly, "Hey hey.. Don"t you want to know what the mission is first ?"

"I have complete faith in you, our leader ! aha ha"

"Ahem ahem... So it is a rank B mission ... "

"Oh .. But .."

"Before you say anything, I took it, mainly because we are already familiar with the beasts. We have to kill a group of five ravage wolves outside of the Chang-Bai farmlands. And there is a chance that one of them might be mutated."

Immediately, the smile was replaced with a serious look on Shi Meng"s face and he was considering things carefully.

"Hmm.. I am not sure if it is the right decision for us to go on this one. I would at least suggest getting some other guild members as team mates maybe."

Eluraa looked a bit hesitant.

"I know that you are already level 2.. But they do stick together as a pack. It might be difficult for just the 2 of us to handle 5 of them .. And on top of that there is a possibility of a mutated beast. Mutated beasts can be entire levels higher than the original beast. We could be dealing with potentially a level 5 wolf boss here."

Patiently nodding at all of Shi Meng"s responses, Eluraa still looked firm and filled with resolve.

"Of course, I have a plan to deal with that. But, it might still be risky. And I would really prefer if it was just the two of us or even just me. You don"t have to put yourself at risk. I understand."

Thinking for a minute, Shi Meng moved closer to her and whispered in her ears with a low voice, "Were you able to successfully restore your high mana capacity?"

He was so close to her, that she could almost feel his warmth. Blushing slightly, Eluraa quickly took a step back and replied, "No no. Not that."

Looking at a puzzled Shi Meng, she further continued, "So.. we have 5 days to finish this mission. Else we have to turn it over back to the guild. Let"s meet up after 4 days and then you can decide the feasibility of us doing this."

Eluraa figured it was best to show him her plan, rather than explaining the details. Also, she herself was not a hundred percent sure.

Still looking doubtful, Shi Meng reluctantly agreed.

Looking at her retreating figure he couldn"t help but sigh, "Hmm .. Hopefully bro would be back by then.. I really did expect Jian Tan to be killed because of a girl before me.. sigh.. "


In other parts of the world... Achooo... "wonder who is thinking about me .. he he " Jian Tan was happily skipping to his next cla.s.s.

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