The Lone Dragon

Chapter 46

Yawning loudly, Eluraa woke up and stretched her hands. They had a long day ahead of them. After getting ready, she went downstairs and greeted Shi Meng, who was already waiting for her, with a bright smile.

Three days ago, Shi Meng had watched her purchase about 300 level 1 beast cores. On their way back to the guild base, she explained her strategy to him. Nodding attentively, he finally felt comfortable in going along with this insane plan.

It was a harsh morning with the sun shining brightly in the sky. After walking a while and weaving through the crowded streets, they soon reached the teleportation point. Shi Meng paid the required fees of 5 gold and asked Eluraa to step aside for a minute.

He took out one equipment after another from his xenon inventory and handed it to Eluraa. These were only common grade. Sadly, he couldn"t find any better equipments for their level these past few days. Nevertheless, these should still be able to give them good support and boost their stats a bit.

After putting on everything, Shi Meng even gave Eluraa a pair of glowing daggers, which she preferred to use. Was he fawning on her a bit ? h.e.l.l no! He felt that this is the least he could do to complement her ridiculous plan....

After the second time, Eluraa actually had not put up anymore of her runes for auctioning. She doubled down inside the guild rune unit and started making common grade spell runes without any break.

After 3 days of hard labor, she was finally able to get a whopping score of 12 common grade spell runes. All of them were basic fire blast spells with a power of about 5000 damage per blast.

And the ravage wolves were level 0 beasts with a health of about 10000 and attack power ranging from 50 to 100. A mutated ravage wolf will probably have at the maximum five times this health and attack power. Their plan is to instantly take out the mutated wolf and then spar physically with the remaining two normal ravage wolves.

With this many pre-made spell runes both Eluraa and Shi Meng were pretty confident about dealing with the 3 wolves. In addition, Shi Meng had also prepared one instant teleportation scroll for each of them as their last resort.

With everything planned and settled accordingly, both Shi Meng and Eluraa teleported to Chang-Bai farmlands. The array activated and a cube of brilliant light enveloped both of them. When the light dispersed, they were in their destination portal point.

Chang-Bai farmlands was one of the more heavily occupied human settlement. The lands in the settlement area are extremely fertile and they are organised brilliantly for agriculture and herb farming.

One could even say that this was one of the most expensive and lucrative settlements built. Several different valuable herbs are planted in huge patches and quant.i.ties. They are looked after cautiously and guarded air-tightly.

Once in the outskirts of the village area, you can see acres and acres of farmlands. The monsters in the nearby areas had been cleared thoroughly and the mountains surrounding the vast areas of farmland provided a natural boundary.

However, the dense forest areas on the string of mountains also provided increased stealth and camouflage to the monsters. So, from time to time groups of monsters keep swarming in and out. In fact, this area alone makes up for about 1% of the total quests sent out.

Equipped with all their gear, Shi Meng and Eluraa walked over to the outer boundaries of the village and entered the farmland areas. As they were about to proceed further, a panicked voice rang out, stopping Eluraa right in her tracks.

"What is it ?" Shi Meng patiently enquired.

"Just give me a minute." Eluraa then looked towards the voice source and angrily stared at the sheepishly looking fox.

"So ... I really don"t think you should go to the location you are heading to now."

"Hmm.. Aren"t you extremely weak and recuperating ? Why are you here and what is with this nonsense ?"

"Hey hey.. This Lord had to break his sleeping schedule ahem.. recuperation.. to relay this important warning to you ! Listen to me .. Do not go there."

"Oh of course. If you say so. Your wish is my command ! Hmph. f.u.c.k off. By the way why do you still look like a fox. Aren"t you supposed to be a dragon ?! Are you a dragon with a weird fox fetish ?"

"Huh.. Hey listen.. You idiotic human.. This is my final power that I am disclosing to you right now. We dragon kind have certain degrees of divination abilities. I get a tingly sensation when something is going to happen."

Having a deadpan expression on her face, Eluraa angrily retorted, "And ? Oh even I have a tingling sensation in my hands right now. Come here. I promise I won"t kill you."

But the fox still continued speaking earnestly, "If I get a tingly sensation, that means either we are going to have heaven defying luck or h.e.l.lish bad luck or nothing of significance will happen. Do you understand now ?"


"What ? Do you still not agree ?"

"What you are saying is .. something bad can happen or something good can happen or nothing of importance will happen ? "

Nodding its head, the fox folded its tail and stared at her like a boss.

"Ya.. You see.. that"s called life !?"

"Huh ?"

"Every event is either something good or bad or nothing. Now, if you have nothing else to say ...."

"No no you don"t understand.. when I said good I meant heaven defying good luck.. bad means"

Before the fox started mumbling nonsense again, Eluraa grabbed Shi Meng"s hands and briskly started walking away towards their coordinates.

"Fine.. Go ahead and die b.i.t.c.h. And drag me to h.e.l.l with you !!!!" The fox angrily tailed behind them. "Hmm looks like this Lord has to interfere this time around. What a stupid.. stupid.. stupid.. stupid human."

"I can hear you !" Eluraa rolled her eyes at the tailing fox and relayed what had happened to Shi Meng. It was a long story but since his safety was also involved, she decided to tell him most parts.

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