The Lone Dragon

Chapter 17

"Well well well.. looks like we have some interesting company this time around. Were you able to see anything Shi Meng?" Even the usually playful Jian Tan was shocked and puzzled. Shi Meng, who was looking forward to observing Eluraa"s extraordinary sword skills, was staring at the arena with his eyes wide open. n.o.body had seen what happened. The fight was over before they could blink their eyes.

"Hey Ling look at that! Bingo! I was right on target. We finally have an academy student in the top five. My intuitions were correct. She is an exceptional student. It should be interesting how she fares with the other blood academy students. Eluraa is going to really like the Xenon bracelet. I wonder how far she can go now" Max finally paid attention to the arena.

Eluraa"s next opponent was the student who placed fifth in the blood academy combats. After witnessing the previous fight, he was really nervous and dared not to underestimate his current opponent. He hurriedly tried to come up with a strategy to counter Eluraa"s insanely fast opening attack, but was only drawing a blank.

Luckily for him, when the fight started, Eluraa did not imbibe any wind elemental energy and started the match with her normal back slash attack. Though, she did not use any special elemental energy boost, Eluraa still had achieved first stage sword mastery and was fighting him as an equal. She was not pushed behind like the other lower affinity students. Her blocking skills and dodging skills were also well trained and she was able to keep up with the blood academy student.

After an hour long drawn out battle, the blood academy student finally had a slip in his mental focus and left a small opening for Eluraa to attack. She immediately took notice of this and successfully landed a critical strike knock out slash. Though she had originally planned to win only one match and place fifth in the final five students, she felt there was nothing wrong in just using pure combat moves to test how far she could go. The fight finally ended and the opponent was knocked out.

The whole arena bursted with a thunderous applause again and the instructors praised Eluraa"s combat mastery. On the front row, her remaining three opponents, Shi Meng, Reina and Jian, were staring at Eluraa, each with completely different thoughts. Reina had noticed the attention Shi Meng was paying towards Eluraa and was jealous. Jian Tan was wondering if his battle would also take an hour long and was worried about the potential bruises. And Shi Meng was interested and looking forward to see how Eluraa would fare in their battle.

Eluraa"s next battle was with Reina and she knew this was going to be even harder than the previous one. Reina was also mentally preparing herself and the battle was about to start. However, there was a huge noise, which interrupted the deep silence and attention which had penetrated the atmosphere.

The two emissaries who are supposed to escort the final five students on their first live field training arrived. They directly teleported into the main arena hall and created that commotion. Max, Lingtian and the other instructors immediately got up and welcomed them. These two emissaries, Herald and Nidaros have been on a monster hunting team continuously for five months now. Training these fresh students and leading them on a small nearby monster hunt was basically a paid vacation for these two experts.

The current world was an extremely dangerous place with the different clans fighting for resources and protecting what is theirs. Human clan population was dwindling at a much faster rate because the ability to naturally absorb magical energy or mana had disappeared. They had to constantly hunt and scavenge in order to protect themselves and make themselves stronger.

However, not everybody was equipped or allowed to partic.i.p.ate in these hunts and searches. There is an unofficial list of the top ranked thousand experts. Only if you have the skill set and strong levels of multiple attributes in comparison to these experts, you will be allowed to explore, scavenge and hunt for resources and magical creatures.

This is an extremely strict restriction placed for one"s own protection and no one dared to defy it. On top of it, the strong experts guarding the borders of each establishment made it impossible for anyone to slip through. Only the official transportation means, which usually involves teleportation or flying on a trained strong magical beast with expert escorts were allowed.

The two emissaries a.s.signed to the blood academy hall this time were surprisingly ranked at seven hundred and eight hundred. Even Lingtian dared not to be disrespectful towards them. They were extremely strong combat experts at their peak level.

"The official tournament matches hereby conclude and the final five students will be selected based on the fights so far" Lingtian quickly ended the tournament matches and started the grand closing ceremonies. A huge feast was arranged with nutritious magical beasts meat.

Everyone happily dispersed and gathered in the main auditorium hall for the celebrations. Reina was staring daggers at Eluraa and reluctantly left the combat stage. She was really looking forward to this battle to show her strength and put this lower affinity student in place.

Shi Meng and Jian Tan also left reluctantly, but they were more curious about the two emissaries who arrived and were looking forward to their xenon bracelets. The final five students list will be announced and the xenon bracelets would be awarded after the closing ceremonies.

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