The Lone Dragon

Chapter 9

Eluraa put away the complex thoughts in her mind and let herself completely enjoy her childhood. Carried over to this lifetime, Eluraa continued her daily meditation on the elemental energies. One thing was for sure, the world had changed a lot. She could only feel the faintest connection to the elementals and could barely absorb any energy at all. But she was elated to again feel this bond. She was too scared to even start approaching the divine elemental spiritually. But she enjoyed meditating on the other elementals and taking in their energies. Enveloped by their blessing, she again felt warm and loved again. She couldn"t wait to try out all her tailor-made spells. She had conjured a tremendous number of spells utilizing bare minimum elemental energies during her prison statement for a million years.

But she decided to wait. Now is not the time. She needed to slowly and steadily build up a foundation. She needed more information about this new world. She heard a lot of horrendous stories about people getting killed and squashed like bugs. This was her second chance, her second lifetime. She will not let herself be weak anymore.

With the help of her mom and dad, Eluraa learnt the new language people used in this era. Her parents were very happy with her bright intellectual nature and quick learning ability. Eluraa seemed most interested in history books and books written by famous adventurers. But since she was a child, her parents mostly indulged her in comics and other children books. Eluraa could only sigh and continue reading and following the daily newspaper. That was her only source of any consequential information.

Eluraa"s mom was a violet-level skilled tailor and her dad was a cyan-level skilled blacksmith. They were a simple and middle-cla.s.s family and Eluraa was their most prized possession. As such, they couldn"t offer her much amenities or resources or even complete basic information. They lived their life happily and cheerfully day to day. Eluraa needed more than that. She needed to stand at the top and bend the heavens to her will. She needed to protect her parents and herself at the least in this lifetime. To do this, she needed to join a formal education center soon and equip herself with more skills. This would be her first step and her true beginning.

Her dad taught her some basic self-defense sword moves and promised to gift her a personal sword for her fifth birthday. A child"s fifth birthday was special. The current scientific advancement has established that age to be pivotal in soul, mental and core development and new technology was developed to identify affinity of people to different magical elements. Even though the concept of cultivators was completely lost and disappeared, lore and historical information were still pa.s.sed down generations.

Occasionally teams of combat experts would be successful in hunting down a wild wolf or gigantic crocodile. The core of these animals which gathered their life energy and magical energy was very valuable and a select few elite individuals could absorb the energy and a.s.similate that energy within them. This greatly increased their strength and some elite combat experts were even able to cast spells.

Affinity of a person to absorb and integrate these magical sources of energies greatly varied between different individuals. The affinities ranged from violet to white.

Violet < cyan="">< blue="">< green="">< yellow="">< orange="">< red="">< black=""><>

Most people were born with violet or cyan affinity. They usually chose an intellectual or professional training route and trained themselves in common skills such as cooking, tailoring, blacksmithing and scientific research. One in a hundred were born with blue or green affinity and they had huge latent talent for providing auxiliary support and training their body in martial arts for combat. People with yellow and orange affinity were one in ten thousand and had the potential to become elite strong combat experts and some were even able to tame some magical creatures and use them for combat.

People with red affinity were as rare as phoenix birds and they were highly respected, feared and celebrated. These experts were able to cast magical spells; Spells which can even turn a human into a sheep. The emperor and the different territory kings had red affinity. They are great heroes and top combat experts and are able to protect huge populations when needed, even at the cost of their lives. The affinity stone hasn"t identified any black or white affinities so far. The research did indicate that these affinities existed but no one since the dawn of this era had ever shown a black or white affinity and many experts were skeptical of its very existence.

The only exception was the fifth prince of Alexandria territory. When he turned five this year, he shocked everyone and showed a deep dark red affinity, almost black in color. This information was heavily guarded and only the top-level experts in charge of guarding the human race knew of his affinity. The public only knew that he tested with red affinity.

Every child was tested at five years of age in order to determine their affinity and type of training suited for them. Different academic inst.i.tutions accepted children with different affinities and were specialized in teaching and training for different skills. In 3 months, when the term starts, the fifth prince, Shi Meng, will be attending the extremely exclusive blood academy, located in the Elywn province. The very province was hidden and clouded in mystery. Only the red affinity experts were allowed to enter the territory.

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