The Lord's Empire

Chapter 1082: Equality

Chapter 1082: Equality

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Everyone present looked incredibly confused and did not dare to believe their eyes. This prestigious official was actually kneeling on the ground trembling, calling that young man ‘Your Majesty’– did that mean this young man was Great Qin’s Emperor?

Thinking about that, everyone present hurriedly knelt and cried out, “We greet Your Majesty! Long live His Majesty! Long live His Majesty!”

The foreman who had been leading Zhao Fu around had fallen to the ground, paralysed in terror. He had never thought that the young man beside him this whole time would be Great Qin’s Emperor, the most prestigious person in Great Qin. After all, he had come to a place like this to look at Criminals.

Those elderly people were also scared into kneeling on the ground, not daring to raise their heads. No wonder he could casually give them Citizen status; he was Great Qin’s Majesty!

Zhao Fu looked around him and coldly harrumphed before flicking his sleeves and leaving.

Only after a while did the official and others dare to stand up. They had never expected that their Majesty would actually come to a place like this.

Following this, news of Zhao Fu coming here quickly spread, causing ma.s.sive waves. No one could believe that Great Qin’s Majesty, who enjoyed all sorts of luxuries in the palace, would come to such a remote place.

“Reporting to the Prime Minister, His Majesty has returned to the palace and does not seem to be in a good mood,” a guard respectfully reported to Li Si.

Li Si smiled as he nodded, “I understand, you can leave!”

After being by Zhao Fu’s side for so long, Li Si had a good understanding of Zhao Fu’s personality. He then summoned Shang Yang to go with him to the Great Qin Palace because it was time to write some new laws for Great Qin.

After the various Ministers received news about this, they quickly made their way to the palace as well.

Seeing Li Si bring Shang Yang here, Zhao Fu could not help but glare at him. The way Li Si dealt with things was becoming slicker and slyer, not willing to directly deal with anything.

Li Si dryly coughed before saying, “Your Majesty, I’ve brought Shang Yang here to help you draft some new laws, and some other Civil Officials are also on their way.”

Zhao Fu nodded and started to discuss this matter with his ministers.

The first thing was the problem with the current division of The upper-cla.s.s had their own circles and hated to have any relations with the lower-cla.s.s, while the lower-cla.s.s had their own circles and felt too inferior to interact with the upper-cla.s.s.

The way they did things was different as well; the upper-cla.s.s were arrogant and dauntless, while the lower-cla.s.s were incredibly servile and afraid of offending people.

This was the situation in outside nations, but Zhao Fu did not want Great Qin to be like this. After all, Great Qin was his heart’s blood, and he was determined to build both a powerful and happy Empire.

The first rule was that Zhao Fu forbade any discrimination. He had made a rule previously, but that was with respect to racial discrimination.

Now that Great Qin was developing faster and faster, the gaps between were becoming more and more evident. This was not only because of the Citizens.h.i.+p system; this was something that was completely unavoidable.

This was not just the case in feudalistic nations; it happened even in democratic nations. At first, everyone would be equal, but sooner or later, it was unavoidable that different would manifest.

Zhao Fu wanted to reduce this, and he wanted every Great Qin resident to have equality.

However, whether it was in the real world or the Heaven Awaken World, absolute equality was impossible to achieve. As such, Zhao Fu could only do his best to maintain equality as best as possible. That was what he wanted to do.

The second thing was to create a census register. Not only did all residents of Great Qin have to register who was in their family, but they also had to provide some basic information such as where they lived, what other relatives they had, etc.

The third thing was to investigate the ones who were deceiving the officials. Great Qin had clearly prohibited the selling of points, but some people had still done it.

Zhao Fu received information that ten points were sold for one gold coin, and even though a few gold coins were nothing to Zhao Fu, it was quite a hefty sum for ordinary people.

Ordinarily, it took ten days of work to earn ten points, and 100 points were required to raise one’s status.

Since these people had dared to deceive Great Qin and do something that Great Qin had prohibited, they had to be severely investigated and punished. Those who should be killed would be killed, and those who should be imprisoned should be imprisoned. These people were not to be shown mercy.

Finally, Zhao Fu decided not to abolish the current Citizens.h.i.+p system, which made Li Muqing and the other player Ministers feel quite surprised.

A Minister who gave off a scholarly aura stood out, cupped his hands, and lowered his head as he said, “Your Majesty, there are many hidden dangers to the Citizens.h.i.+p system; why are we not abolis.h.i.+ng it?”

Zhao Fu swept his gaze over that person and replied simply, “We have Our own plans; there is no need for any of you to worry about this.”

This made all those who supported the current Citizens.h.i.+p system to smile. It seemed that they were the victors in this battle.

In actuality, Zhao Fu wanted to get rid of the Citizens.h.i.+p system, but after thinking about it, he decided not to give up on it because it could bring many benefits, such as creating a powerful deterrent. It was quite good in theory, but they also had to consider reality.

In the future, Great Qin would continuously battle and clear regions, and it would have to face other worlds in the future. This system was quite useful, and Zhao Fu planned to reform it instead of abolis.h.i.+ng it.

Zhao Fu decided to lower the requirement to increase one’s status from 100 points to 90 points, while elderly people and children only required 20 points. He also decided to create an investigation system for those who truly served Great Qin, and they would have the number of points required reduced.

However, those who were still rebellious would have to earn extra points, and those who committed grave offenses would be executed in order to prevent future troubles. Zhao Fu also got rid of the rule that Criminals who made mistakes would be treated harsher or be automatically put on the blacklist; they would receive the same punishment as normal Citizens. At the same time, they would be allowed to continue to earn points, but they would be audited in case they were still rebellious.

Zhao Fu would accept anyone who truly submitted to Great Qin, but for those who were still rebellious at heart, he would show no mercy. He would not allow them to bring Great Qin any harm.

Kindness and ruthlessness were equally as important, and that was the reason why Zhao Fu did not abolish the Citizens.h.i.+p system.

After hearing about all of Zhao Fu’s reforms, Li Muqing and the player Ministers let out sighs of relief. Even though Zhao Fu did not abolish the Citizens.h.i.+p system, he had made big reforms, which they were quite pleased to see.

After the discussions were complete, the new rules were spread throughout Great Qin, and those who were the happiest were, of course, the Criminals. After seeing these reforms, they had more hope and color in their lives.

It was now incredibly easy for the elderly and children to improve their statuses. The elderly no longer had to suffer, and children could go to school; those were the greatest benefits of reforms!

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