The Lord's Empire

Chapter 221: Solar Crown

Chapter 221: Solar Crown



Onlythe five most powerful Legatees who had gathered China’s Fate dared touse their Nation Armaments so easily. Apart from Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin,and Han, other Legatees would have to think twice about using theirNation Armaments in the future.

Apart from China, the Roman Empire seemed to have also used its Nation Armament - it was a spear called the Spear of Destiny.

Egypt had also used their Nation Armament slightly before - their Nation Armament was called the Solar Crown.

Thesefactions only dared to use their Nation Armaments slightly because theydidn’t have a ma.s.sive amount of Fate. Because of how big China was, itcontained a great amount of Fate, but most of it had gone to the fivegreat Dynasties and their Legatees.

Out of China’s five greatDynasties, only the Han Dynasty hadn’t used its Nation Armament yet, sotheir gains were far lesser than the others. Apart from these factions,no other faction had used their Nation Armaments yet.

Zhao Fudidn’t know much about different Nation Armaments. This was because theworld had a long history, was very large, and had many different nationsand empires.

Right now, it was still the early stages, so notmany people dared to use their Nation Armaments. Zhao Fu knew that bythe late stages, as the nations and empires became powerful, the NationArmaments would also become incredibly powerful. When that time came,the Heaven Awaken World would become incredibly terrifying and brutal.

Overat Great Xia, Si Ji was quite satisfied with his gains this time. Lasttime, during the Ten Thousand Flower Festival, he had only gained theeighth-ranked Legendary grade equipment, while he had obtained thefifth-ranked profession this time. He had made quite an improvement.

However,he was apprehensive towards the unknown factions that had obtained thetop four professions. Recently, Great Qin had become much quieter thanbefore and hadn’t done anything big; therefore, Great Qin wasn’t asfocused upon.

After hearing his subordinates’ reports, it seemedthat Great Qin hadn’t obtained a single profession, but how could Si Jibelieve this? He had already started viewing Great Qin as one of hismost powerful rivals, and he wouldn’t believe that Great Qin was soweak.

Whenever Si Ji thought about the top four professions, thepossibility of Great Qin taking one of them always flashed in his mind.However, according to his spies in East Green, nothing big had happenedthere.

“ _Could it be that Great Qin’s not in East Green? What’sgoing on?_ ” Si Ji couldn’t understand what was going on, but he wasstill uneasy. He would never have expected that both the top-ranked andthird-ranked professions had been taken by Zhao Fu.

Great Shang’sLegatee, Di Wutian, stood at a high place and uproariously anddomineeringly laughed. He was quite happy with his results this time,and apart from the original ten or so seductive women, there were a fewmore seductive women standing behind him. It seemed that his harem hadyet again increased.

Great Zhou’s Legatee, Ji Shenming, wasn’tvery happy with his gains during the Ghost Festival, but he could onlybe satisfied with that. He held a banquet for those who had made greatcontributions, while Great Han’s Legatee, Liu Ye, could only sigh andfeel disappointed - some unforeseen events had happened this time.

Afterlooking through the Heaven Awaken World forum, Zhao Fu’s bodyguardarrived with some food. After quickly eating it, he once again went tothe Heaven Awaken World.

After the Ghost Festival finished, there were two main things for Great Qin to do.

Thefirst was to start gaining slaves. Great Qin had now unlocked 21regions, seven of which were on the boundary with Vietnam. Moreover,many of those regions were heavily influenced by Zhao Fu’s Vietnameseresidents, and Great Qin controlled them from the shadows.

In thefuture, Zhao Fu wanted Ly Qinqian to create a faction that gathered notonly indigenous residents but also Vietnamese players. At the same time,Zhao Fu would start recruiting people on the Chinese side.

Because it was so chaotic in the boundary regions, there were great profits to be made there.

However,Zhao Fu’s aim wasn’t just the boundary regions - he would also begaining a large number of slaves in exchange for selling ShattersteelIron weapons!

Zhao Fu’s plot was somewhat insidious, but he didn’tcare about the methods he used as long as he could fulfill his goals.However, he wasn’t one to be so shameless as to market his cruel plotsas something that was grand and heroic.

Out of good, neutral, and evil, Zhao Fu would definitely be neutral, leaning towards evil!

Rightnow, population was incredibly important to any faction, so it wasincredibly rare for a faction to give away people unless that factionwas absolutely desperate.

What Zhao Fu wanted to do was to incitediscord between various factions and make them fight amongst themselves,reducing them to a state where they had to offer their people. However,if he wanted to do such a thing, he would have to personally go and setup the right conditions in each of the regions. He also needed detailedintelligence to make plans in order for this to work.

Now thatZhao Fu wanted to rapidly gain slaves, he had to encourage warfare. Ifit was in the real world, he would be lambasted with criticism, whichwould include violating human rights and destroying peace.

However,Zhao Fu didn’t care about any of this - when the Heaven Awaken Worlddevoured the real world in the future, an incredibly dark era woulddescend, and people would start dying permanently. Once he died, hewould stay dead, so he understood that he had to start makingpreparations now, no matter how cruel they were.

Justice? Peace?Benevolence? If there were any people who truly believed in such thingsand followed them, Zhao Fu would accept their criticism. However, whenthe time came, there would only be perhaps one in ten thousand peoplewho would hold on to such beliefs - most people would be hypocrites andtwo-faced.

Moreover, if Zhao Fu wanted to buy slaves withequipment, he would need a ma.s.sive amount of materials. He had a BronzeConcentrate Mine and could also purchase large amounts of material.High-grade materials were difficult to obtain, but ordinary materialscould be bought quite easily.

Finally, if he wanted to carry outhis plan, he would have to remain absolutely neutral in allcirc.u.mstances and couldn’t show that he was a threat. Otherwise, hisplan wouldn’t work out.

The second thing to do was to obtain a large number of Stage 1 corpses and high-grade corpses.

GreatQin would normally obtain some high-grade corpses when attacking othervillages, so this wasn’t too difficult. However, Zhao Fu couldn’t havehigh requirements and had to settle for A grade corpses if he wantedmany of them.

Zhao Fu needed high-grade Grade Orbs to help hissoldiers cultivate faster and to increase their comprehension, and heneeded Stage 1 corpses to quickly boost their cultivations in the shortterm.

Right now, out of Zhao Fu’s 20,000 soldiers, there wereroughly 5,000 of them who were at Stage 0-7 or Stage 0-8 - these wereall soldiers who had followed Zhao Fu from the beginning. Most of themwere A grade and had relatively high cultivations, and once Zhao Fuobtained a large number of Stage 1 corpses, he would instantly be ableto gain 5,000 Stage 1 soldiers.

However, it was very difficult toget a large number of Stage 1 corpses, and only main cities had many ofthem. What’s more, there were very few cities like Battle City;otherwise, with 20 corpses from each city, Zhao Fu wouldn’t be sotroubled by this.

Could he use some sort of method to make twomain cities go to war and collect a large number of Stage 1 corpses?However, the City Lords weren’t idiots, and they wouldn’t be used soeasily. If Zhao Fu failed, he would face the wrath of two main cities.

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