The Lord's Empire

Chapter 770

Looking at the eight furious aquatic beast kings, Zhao Fu did not show any mercy. He stretched out a hand and pressed against the air, causing the chains locking them up to tighten. After feeling this immense pain, they became a bit more subdued.

"If you don"t want to stay here forever, you must submit to me. Don"t hold on to any hope; there"s no chance for you to escape!"

ZhaoFu spoke in the Fish Scale language; the aquatic beast kings had ruledcountless aquatic beasts, so they were quite intelligent and couldunderstand Zhao Fu"s words. Since the boss monsters of regions couldspeak, these eight aquatic beast kings most likely could speak as well.

The Heaven Cloud Jellyfish said first in a mature woman"s voice, "Don"t even dream of having me submit to you, human!"

TheSin Flood Dragon said in a hoa.r.s.e elderly man"s voice while wildlylaughed, "Human, you think you"re qualified to conquer us? What a joke!Even the Fish Scale world"s World Protector could not control us, so howcould your human world"s World Protector do so? An absolute joke!"

TheNetherocean Demon Whale said in a gloomy man"s voice, "After I breakthrough this seal, I"ll definitely eat you. You humans are much moredelicious than Fish Scale people, and I want to eat you all and savoryour fles.h.!.+"

Hearing their words, Zhao Fu"s expressionbecame cold, but he did not say anything. He started to draw out a magicformation and ignored them.

The Earthwater DragonTortoise said in an ancient-sounding voice, "Human, as long as yourelease me, I"ll promise to never step in the human world again, and thehatred between us will be wiped clean!"

The Sift MetalStingray said in a boy"s voice, "I also promise to never enter the humanworld again. As long as you release me, I"ll give you all of the CityLord Seals and City Creation Stones I ate. I"m sure they"re veryimportant to a human like you!"

The Ghostscale Flame Birdsaid in a woman"s voice, "If you let me go, I"ll also promise to neverstep in the human world again, and I can give the 60 City CreationStones I ate to you!"

"The three of you are cowards! Asaquatic beast kings, how could you concede to a human and make anagreement with him?" Another man"s voice sounded out – it was the ThreeSoul Great Snake.

"Hmph! I definitely won"t submit to a human. Kill me if you can!" the Reef Lizard said in a barbaric-sounding woman"s voice.

TheGhostscale Flame Bird and Three Soul Great Snake started to argue. TheGhostscale Flame Bird coldly harrumphed and said, "I didn"t concede;it"s merely a trade. I don"t want to be stuck here forever, so if youwant to stay here forever, don"t try to drag me down with you!"

TheThree Soul Great Snake loudly laughed, "You say that"s not conceding?You promising to never step into the human world again is alreadyconceding and showing that you"re afraid of this human!"

TheEarthwater Dragon Tortoise was about to say something as well, but ZhaoFu had already finished the magic formation. He placed some energystones on it and coldly looked at the eight aquatic beast kings beforeactivating the magic formation.

Countless ferocious arcsof electricity traveled along the chains, attacking the eight aquaticbeast kings" bodies. The immense pain caused the eight aquatic beastkings to ear-splittingly roar and scream.

The electricitysuddenly stopped, and before the eight aquatic beast kings could eventake a breath, flames started to climb along the chains and burn theirbodies, once again causing them to howl in pain.

Followingthis, wind blades cut at their skin, followed by freezing air thatfroze their bodies. There were also metal needles that continuouslystabbed into their bodies.

After all of this, the eightaquatic beast kings were covered with injuries, and blood covered thecountless chains and dripped to the ground. It was an incrediblywretched scene.

"I"ll say it one more time: are youwilling to submit? Otherwise, you"ll be punished like this every day!"Zhao Fu did not have the ability to convince them using his words, so hecould only punish them like this and have them submit. If theysubmitted, the City Creation Stones and City Lord Seals within theirbodies would be his anyways.

However, the eight aquaticbeasts in immense only loudly roared at him, wanting to devour him. Noneof them were willing to submit.

Zhao Fu did not mind too much because he had all the time in the world for this battle of attrition.

Afterleaving the G.o.d-Sealing s.p.a.ce, Zhao Fu returned to Great Qin and madesome inquiries about the various factions, finding out that none of themwere planning to invade the Fish Scale world.

This madeZhao Fu feel quite disappointed because he wanted to gain more InvasionPoints to exchange for Capital Cities. This was incredibly important toGreat Qin – after all, they already had one Capital City, and afterobtaining two more, they would be able to fulfill the requirements forGreat Qin to obtain a Royal City.

Using Invasion Points toexchange for Capital Cities would be much faster than leveling up aCity and would save them a lot of time.

However, if no oneelse was willing to invade, Zhao Fu did not dare to do so either. Evenif Great Qin sent out its entire army, it would be wiped out when facingthe entire Fish Scale world.

Zhao Fu understood thedifficulties of invading the Fish Scale world – the Fish Scale peopleall lived hundreds of meters underwater, so if the humans wanted toattack them, they would have to go underwater. However, as experiencehad shown already, humans simply were not a match for the Fish Scalepeople underwater.

As such, no one wanted to invade theFish Scale people, as they clearly remembered the lesson they had beentaught last time. Moreover, the Fish Scale world was the domain of theFish Scale people, and none of them knew how many would come to defend.

Thus,Zhao Fu could only give up on invading for now, as it was completelyunrealistic. However, Zhao Fu wanted to go to the Fish Scale world to atleast earn a big profit and quickly come back.

Zhao Fudecided to use the same method that he had used before when he haddestroyed 50 system main cities in a single night. He split his CityLords into teams to quickly attack system main cities and then quicklyleave.

Zhao Fu did not dare to do this in the human world,because once he did this, too many people would feel threatened andattack. Great Qin was not strong enough to face so many enemies yet.

However,doing this to the Fish Scale world was different – after doing this,Zhao Fu could hide in the human world, and the Fish Scale world wouldnot be able to take revenge against Great Qin. They could launch anotherinvasion, but with the entire human world defending, Zhao Fu did nothave to worry about Great Qin"s safety.

However, he couldonly do this once by catching them off-guard. He would not be able to doit a second time, as they would be much more alert, making it much moredangerous to try again.

Moreover, Zhao Fu needed an accurate map of where the system main cities were, making it easy to kill City Lords and run away.

Aftermaking some preparations, Zhao Fu snuck into the Fish Scale world andscouted around. After quite a while, he finally found a system maincity; without sufficient preparations, this plan would not work, as justfinding a system main city had taken a long time.

TheFish Scale people"s system main cities also had tall City Walls and abarrier that blocked off the water. Everything else was quite similar tohuman system main cities.

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