The Lord's Empire

Chapter 949: Creating a Legend

Chapter 949: Creating a Legend

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

It was within the expectations of countless people for Tina Pendragonto establish a Kingdom. Her reputation in the Western Continent wasextremely great, and almost everyone loved and respected her. This wasnot just the players but also the indigenous residents and City Lords.That was the biggest reason why she had been able to establish aKingdom.

However, no matter who it was, establis.h.i.+ng a Kingdom now was toolate. After all, Great Qin was about to unify the Midland Continent, soeven if someone could establish a Kingdom, could they resist Great Qin?

After hearing about this, Zhao Fu was not too surprised. Now, thetask at hand was to unify the Midland Continent. Only after doing thiswould he lay hands on the other Continents. Attacking the WesternContinent right now would be too troublesome.

The Great British Empire was only a tiny Barony Kingdom right now, soZhao Fu did not feel threatened at all, as Great Qin was already aMarquisate Kingdom.

Apart from Tina Pendragon, Egypt’s Legatee had also nearlyestablished a Kingdom. After all, the Southern Continent corresponded toAfrica in the real world, and because there were very few DynastyLegacies there, Egypt had a big advantage.

On July 5, almost everyone returned to the real world, because on this day, the real world would be destroyed.

As the sunlight of the dawn broke through the darkness of the night,revealing the blue sky and white clouds, birds happily called out. ZhaoFu woke up early and ate some breakfast. Now that the real world wasabout to be destroyed, Zhao Fu could not help but feel quite wistful.

After all, he had lived in this world for 20 or so years, and he hadcountless memories here. Some were painful and some were happy; somewere quite sad and others were blissful. Now that the real world wasgoing to be destroyed, Zhao Fu felt quite complicated.

It was not just Zhao Fu – almost everyone else felt this way. Theolder people were, the more reluctant they were to see the real worlddestroyed.

Since China had been established, it had been around 5,000 years.Now, that was about to end. The humans were going to start a new era in anew world.

The Ying family was filled with delight, and everyone was quiteexcited, as today was the day that they were going to join Great Qin.Today, they were finally going to escape the awkward situation of GreatQin’s royal clan not being able to enter Great Qin. From now on, theirYing family would be the true royal clan of Great Qin and not just inname.

Great Qin was now incredibly powerful within the Heaven Awaken World,and no one could stop it. Without even doing it, their Ying family wasgoing to inherit a powerful faction.

At first, they had looked down on Great Qin’s Legatee as he was fromthe collateral family and only had a bit of the Ying family’s bloodline.They felt quite humiliated that Great Qin’s Legacy had been obtained bysuch a person.

Because of this, they had often been mocked by other factions, whohad said distasteful things, such as that their Ying family had no oneof value; their Legacy had been obtained by an outsider, which was ahumiliation for one of China’s Five Great Families.

It was not just the outsiders, even the Ying family despised thisperson, wanted to get rid of him, and cut him into a thousand pieces tovent their anger.

However, the Ying family and countless others had never expected thatGreat Qin would walk step by step towards the peak of the world becauseof that outsider, and his performance had shocked the entire world timeand time again.

Now, he had not only restored Great Qin but was about to unify Chinaonce again and the entire Midland Continent. In fact, he might evenunify the human world; who else could do such a thing?

Tina Pendragon was the most legendary and brilliant woman in thehuman world, and any woman would dull in comparison. No one couldcompare to her except one person, who had completely surpa.s.sed her.

That person, who had been completely unknown before, had affected allof China, all of the human world, and even the surrounding worlds.Great Qin’s Legatee had created his own legend.

Now, the ma.s.sive Empire that he had established shook the entireworld, and he was now the main player in this world. All importantmatters in the world were related to him and everything had him at thecenter. This was indeed enough to write his own legend.

Putting Tina Pendragon aside, even the entire human world would palein comparison to him. No one knew just how great his potential was orfar he would go. The only thing they knew was that he could exceedanything they could imagine.

If the people had to choose the greatest figure in the modern era, itwould definitely be Great Qin’s Legatee; no one would be able tosurpa.s.s him.

The Ying family felt quite glad, and that was about it. They wereglad that Great Qin’s Legacy had found a good master, that theirancestor had chosen the right person, and that the outsider was GreatQin’s Legatee.

Now, no one in the Ying family could compare to him; indeed, no onein the entire world could compare to him. Even if that person was notGreat Qin’s Legatee, he would have a boundless future.

Now, it was not a matter of whether the Ying family accepted GreatQin’s Legatee but whether Great Qin’s Legatee accepted the Ying family.Right now, the Ying family could only desperately try to curry favorwith Great Qin’s Legatee. As long as he gave the order, they would doanything for him to accept the Ying family and not throw it away.

As such, the most important figure right now was the Ying family’s proxy leader, Great Qin’s Legatee’s representative, Zhao Fu.

In actuality, the Ying family’s family leaders and the upper cla.s.smembers of the Ying family all looked down on Zhao Fu. After all, he waspart of the collateral family and had a lowly status, and he was notthat special. There were plenty of people like him, but they could donothing about it, as he was the person Great Qin’s Legatee had chosen.

They wondered how Zhao Fu had been so lucky as to have Great Qin’sLegatee choose him. He was now an important member of Great Qin and wasquite valued by Great Qin’s Legatee.

The reason why the family leaders and the upper cla.s.s members of theYing family were so courteous to Zhao Fu was because of Great Qin’sLegatee standing behind him. Deep down, they all despised him.

However, as Zhao Fu contributed more and more, their view of himstarted to change. Now, their positions had reversed; Zhao Fu’s statushad become quite important, and it was Zhao Fu who now looked down onthem. They did not dare to look down on Zhao Fu and desperately tried tocurry favor with him.

At the same time, they rejoiced that Zhao Fu had been chosen by GreatQin’s Legatee. After all, without him, the Ying family would havenothing to do with Great Qin’s Legatee. If that were the case, GreatQin’s Legatee would not acknowledge them and could even destroy them.

It was only because of Zhao Fu that they had developed a connectionwith Great Qin’s Legatee and received his acknowledgement. Now, theycould join Great Qin; without Zhao Fu, none of this would have beenpossible.

As such, the family leaders all sincerely praised Zhao Fu, because his contributions in this matter were not small at all.

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