Chapter 2.3

Suddenly, the smoke emitted from the ground around the command desk. The two hosts appeared in the spotlight while holding the microphone to say h.e.l.lo to the audience.

“Good evening. Especially to the seniors who are about to graduate. Hopefully that the Carnival party tonight will bring you happy memories. On behalf of the students, we would like to offer our deepest wishes to all of you.”

Xing Yu recognized the student union president whom were making the speech.


“Let’s get straight to the point. We now bring you the highlight of the program for tonight…” The student union vice president said: “Public Heart Confession!”

His words, immediately caused an enthusiastic response from the audience.

“It seems that everyone is very enthusiastic. Do not worry, there is no limit to the number of places. As long as you like, at the end of the party, everyone have the opportunity to come and declare. Let’s get straight to the point…. Remember! Do not leave any regrets!”

Instantly, the audience applauded drowning the entire park with the sound.

“Those enrolled prior to the event, please get ready. Those interested to enrol, please head to the left side of the stage. Form a line. We will have someone at your service.”

“Well, let get to the point. First pair, these two are very famous. Then the secret of this secret will scared you to death.”

“That’s right.”


“Now, let’s start. Let us welcome the flower of Central China, senior Liu Xian Yun! And the basketball school elite team, student president, Song Qing Hai!”

Spotlights quickly search to the trail of guys and girls under the stage. Amazing cheers followed resounding the sky. Even the veteran Song Qing Hai is stunned.

What is going on?

“Qing Hai. I am sorry. I accidentally found that you like Liu Xian Yun. So help you to register your name. Surprise! Liking someone is a good thing. But holding it in your heart, she will never know. She is waiting for you now. I will be cheering you from here. Quickly get on stage.” Xing Yu loyalty dry pat Qing Hai on the shoulder, and then giving him the winning gesture.

Good luck? What good luck! Qing Hai starring at Xing Yu and then looking around. Who can tell him, what is the reason that they misunderstand that he like Liu Xian Yun?

“Senior Qing Hai, everyone is waiting. Quickly get on stage. This is not the time to be shy.”

The audience burst into laughter.


Qing Hai bite his lips as he goes up the stairs, while resisting his impulse to knocked Xing Yu unconscious and then sending her to Artic.

He took over the microphone and then looked at Liu Xian Yun shy face. Qing Hai turned to face the audience with his expression already return to normal calm.

“Cough cough. Everyone enjoy tonight?” Surprisingly, Qing Hai said loudly full of emotion to the audience.

“Happy!” The audience echoed in unison to Qing Hai’s natural appeal.

“We have seen tonight and learn the extraordinary ability of the activities tonight, sending Yangtze River wave after waves. We should give them a warm applause.”

The atmosphere was drive and everyone applauded.

“The program is brilliant. And everyone that is free decided to partic.i.p.ate. A good reminder that after graduation, do not forget us…..”

“Song Qing Hai, you will always be my idol!” former student council members immediately booed in the audience.


“Well, those who want, remember to come to the back stage and take a photo with me.”

The crowd was amused by his amused laugh.

“In order to prevent the confession session into my personal signature session, let’s return to the topic. Is Liu Xian Yun beautiful?”

“Beautiful!” Answer majority of the boys.

Qing Hai nodded.

“In fact, today I came up on stage to help you take the lead. Those whom are interested to pursue Liu Xian Yun has always been a truckload. I am calling this opportunity for those to come forwards…..”


“Oh, there were several people who raised their hands! I will pa.s.s the remaining time to these truckloads of people. I wished that all the lovers in the words will get married!”

The audience burst into a thunderous applaud. Qing Hai hand over the microphone and then jump off the stage before disappearing into the sea of people.

“Uh…. Since senior has left, those who just raised their hands, please come up the stage. Who ask senior sister to be so popular….”

Leaving the two host stranded, Qing Hai has been completely unintentional.

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