The Machine

Chapter 11

ANDREWS. [Enters.] Here are the papers, Mr. Hegan. They must be signed now if they"re to catch this mail.

HEGAN. All right.

[Sits at desk up stage and writes.]

LAURA. [Stands by table, staring before her; picks up book carelessly from table.] "Ivanhoe"... [Fingers it idly and a slip of paper falls to floor. She picks it up, glances at it, then starts.] Oh!.. . [Reads.]

"Memo to G., two hundred thousand on Court deal. GRIMES." Two hundred thousand on Court deal! [Glances back at her father; then replaces slip and lays book on table.] Father, have you read "Ivanhoe"?

HEGAN. [Without looking up.] I"m reading it now. Why? Do you want it?

LAURA. No; I just happened to notice it here.

HEGAN. [Looks up sharply, watches her, then finishes writing.] There!

[Rises; the sound of a motor heard.] What"s that?

ANDREWS. [Near window.] It"s Mr. Grimes.

LAURA. [Starting.] Grimes!

HEGAN. [TO ANDREWS.] Bring him in.

[ANDREWS exit.]

LAURA. Father! Why do you bring that man here?

HEGAN. I"ll not do it again, dear. I didn"t realize. He happened to be in the neighborhood...

LAURA. I won"t meet him!

HEGAN. [Putting his arm about her.] Very well, dear; come away. Try to stop worrying yourself now, for the love of me...

[Leads her off left.]

ANDREWS. [At window.] This way, Mr. Grimes.

[GRIMES enters; a powerfully built, broad-shouldered man of about fifty, with a ma.s.sive jaw, covered with a scrubby beard; the face of a bulldog; a grim, masterful man, who never speaks except when he has to. He enters and seats himself in a chair by the table.] Will you have a cigar?

[Grimes takes a cigar, without comment, and chews on it; sits, staring in front of him.] Mr. Hegan will be here directly, Sir.

[He nods, and ANDREWS exit. GRIMES continues to chew and stare in front of him. He is not under the necessity of making superfluous motions.]

HEGAN. [Enters left.] h.e.l.lo, Grimes!

GRIMES. h.e.l.lo!

HEGAN. [Betraying anxiety.] Well?

GRIMES. It"s done.

HEGAN. What?

GRIMES. It"s done.

HEGAN. Good! [Grimes nods.] How did you manage it?

GRIMES. [Grimly.] I put my hand on "em!

HEGAN. Which one? Porter? [GRIMES nods.] Oh, the old hypocrite! What did you offer him? Cash? [GRIMES shakes his head slowly.] What?

GRIMES. Discipline!

HEGAN. [Perplexed.] But... a judge!

GRIMES. When a man"s once mine, he stays mine... no matter if it"s a life job I give him.

MEGAN. But are you sure it"s safe?

GRIMES. The decision comes tomorrow.

HEGAN. [Starting.] What?

GRIMES. Tomorrow noon.

HEGAN. But how can they write the decision?

GRIMES. They"ll adopt the minority opinion.

HEGAN. Oh! I see!


GRIMES. You be ready.

MEGAN. Trust me! I"ll have to go in now.

GRIMES. It"ll be a great killing. Old Murdock has plunged up to his neck!

HEGAN. I know! We"ll lay them flat. I"ll get ready. [Rises.] Old Porter!

Think of it! When did you see him?

GRIMES. Last night.

HEGAN. I see. I"ll be with you.

GRIMES. Just a moment. I"ll take the money.

HEGAN. Oh, yes. Why don"t you let me hold it and buy for you?

GRIMES. I"ll buy for myself.

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