Meeting with the Accomplices

“We apologize for being late.”

The door opened along with a gentle voice as the new accomplices entered the room.

One of them was a handsome older male with gray eyes and raven-black hair. But his aura was a mixture of cool-headed + murder-intent + irritated.

I guess that person with the aura is obviously the prime minister.

I become more insensitive by this step…..despite it being somebody else problem, is it okay?

“Your safety is above all.”

The handsome young male with the calm tone recognized us and smiled in relief.

Judging from his clothes, he was likely a knight.

His medium length hair had a bluish silver tint to it, and his light blue eyes give off a warm impression.

The prime minister look quite handsome too, like those weirdos in Irufena, it’s a fine catch, aren’t they?

Strangely Handsome + Efficient= Eccentric (= heroic with minus factor )


A bad feeling pa.s.sed through my mind for an instant, but I decided to forget it.
Yep, it’s because I’m here in Zeburesuto!

This place isn’t a center filled with weirdos, because Rudolf is normal!

Since the two men have a rather attractive appearance, she doesn’t stand out much but she is quite beautiful.

Like an older sister who you can rely on. Surely this person will be able, too.

“I made you feel uncomfortable, Mizuki, they are the last accomplices.”

After Rudolf turned his eyes thanking them for their service to him, he turned towards me.

“The first one is Aviren, the prime minister. I don’t think he’s much of an accomplice, simply because both of us share the same ideas.”

“Nice to meet you Mizuki. My name is Aviren Crest.”

I bowed slightly, and our eyes met.

Ahh, his eye judge me as if saying ‘be useful and give a result’.

And yet, I didn’t evade his eyes and kept staring back, it’ll be my loss if I averted mine.

“I’m Mizuki, and I don’t have any intention of ‘acting’ like some weakling who falter at the sign of your gaze, okay?”

“That…..will be rude and there’s no meaning in doing that.”

“Then please don’t concern yourself, because I understand my role.”

So, I’m not playing the commendable heroine who flings herself in the women’s war.
But as ‘Subordinate A’ who was sent by Maou-sama to hush up the fools who became hyenas.

I’m the cute boss who is feared, the mage who ignored common sense of this world!
And I’m not allowed to be defeated since I’m the backup of Maou-sama and his follower!

I floated a dim smile towards his cold good looks thinking whether my true intention leaked out, and if he guessed it seeing that his eyes slightly widen.

“It’s Irufena indeed, isn’t it? Only referred to as the den of natural geniuses, I will consider it is expected if you came from that place.”

Hey, don’t get it wrong.

Over there, is a place of genius colossal intellectual weirdos. In another sense, it’s not common.


“I’ll do my best.”

Smiling sweetly, I innocently laugh back.

I’m sorry, it’s Maou-sama. A mask comes off through my conduct, will you bite?

“The knight here is Seirurito. A general of the knights who is, in the time being, a guard.”

“General? He is pretty young.”

This person oversees the guards.

Even if you had the highest capability sufficient enough, was that done? (tl: she saying if he really use his abilities to get his position.)

“I’m Seirurito Crest. This post I got, according to the others, is considered by my family’s social status.”

“I’m sorry, did I accidentally said it out loud?”

“No, it’s normal since anyone will think that upon meeting me.”

“Mizuki, you’re too honest.”

“Rudolf, you’re telling me that I’m too honest after my banishment to an island call Zeburesuto?”


I already explained my circ.u.mstances about being unable to go back to Rudolf so he understood it easily.
Though the others twisted their necks wonderingly, neither of them had the intention of questioning it.

…wait, ‘Crest’?

It was the prime minister not Seiru that have answered my doubt.

“As for the general position, Seiru is recognized by his capability, otherwise, he won’t be accepted even if he’s my cousin.”

“It’s true, Mizuki. It’s because Seiru is respected by the group of knights.”

……Because you aimed towards the knight with a face like yours, becoming strong because of self-defense when perceived as being the strongest, won’t that be omission?

A heartthrob for guys…..can you say it really only respect?

“All the knights of Zeburesuto do not mind giving out effort and because of that, I can be overtaken immediately.”

“But I continuously give in more effort, and into the present position that I am now.”

Amazed, Rudolf said indirectly with a ‘don’t be so modest’ expression and the prime minister nodded in agreement.

When these people detect it so, a capable person like you be able make it without the help of your family social status?

Then I’m must apologize for my att.i.tude a while ago.

“Then…. I am sorry for thinking about something impolite.”

“You don’t have to worry about it…hey, Mizuki?! You don’t have to bow…..”

“No…. It is the problem of my feelings.”

Yes, it is a problem of my feelings.

I am really sorry that I imagined a development of BL without permission.

This is a great problem that I doubted your ability! Please, let them not know about this.

“Mizuki, you are such a sincere person. I feel honored that I was given the job to defend you.”

“Basically, Seiru is your bodyguard. If there is anything, please talk to Seiru.”

“My bodyguard? So Mr. Seiru here is going to be with me?”

“Seiru came with a great family’s social standing and a handsome face so he’s suited for it!”

Seiru smiled wryly to Rudolf who finished speaking brightly.

Bait. The general is bait for women, isn’t he.

Prime Minister, your master is quite dark.

“Suitable, ain’t he. Because of social status, n.o.body is permitted to go against a Crest.”

“So no matter how much I think about it, even if it’s a knight, it’ll still be a family’s social status lese majesty?”

“It’s also based on that, and the crime will be made heavy. Though dim-witted people may not understand it.”

…..The Prime Minister is the same kind too. Besides, I will make full use of this!

Sensing the air, I clammed myself up.

“The last one is Eliza. She’s my adoptive sister who will exclusively be your personal maid.”

“My name is Eliza Waiato. I’ll be under your care, Mizuki.”

Oh, she is a beautiful woman when she smiles!

A real maid~ it’s happiness of seeing splendid things!

Eliza’s eyes were light brown, and her red hair settled down to a wave.

My heart prance when Eliza begins to laugh but was quickly cut with a “by the way,……”.

“Mizuki. Because I heard that you wanted to use a kitchen, I prepared a thing of the facility in the next room…. do you cook on your own?”

“Yes, that’s right. I don’t like to be cautious of poison when eating or having a poison taster.”

“That’s so…”

“It’s a hobby, so don’t worry about it”

“Mizuki can cook. Well, when I come here, I was going to request it.”

“Okay. Because I made it for all the people who are in the room basically.”

Eliza doesn’t seem convinced yet, but Rudolf encourage her.

Because there are three guards, Eliza, and me, it is not a problem.

I don’t know this national dish, but I’m also aiming at improving the meal situation!

And……after all, I don’t want to get used to a situation where harm is included. It is a situation that can be prevented if I make it myself, and well, cooking food, for me, gives life for myself.

“Are you indeed serious?”

“I put the materials in this room and, because I brought preservation and refrigeration boxes with its key.”

Besides, I possess a lot of seasonings and will fiercely intend to use the dairy products which are the special products of this country.

And when returning, this locally produced items will be stuffed and be brought home!!

This world, moving and carrying materials are mainly through the use of a carriage, so something that is transferred through express is expensive.

Even Irufena that had a harbor, only have b.u.t.ter and creams as n.o.ble food.

When saying conversely, if dairy farming is popular in a country, it’s obtainable for common people too.
That explains why I thought that there wasn’t a sweets system….. the high material itself is impossible to make.

‘I want a specially produced product!’

‘The item can be brought home as much as you like and I can also a.s.sist anytime!’

Such stupid dialogue was written on the formal doc.u.ment, this time.
But it is guarantee to get celebrated high-quality ingredients for free! If I brought it directly instead I will go bankrupt.

The knights scold at me saying ‘you are a fool by putting your life at stake for food!’.

“The dish of Mizuki is good and different? It’s expected.”

“I think it has met expectations ♪”

I don’t say anything because it’s a dish of a different world.


“Is that so, if you have nothing else to say again, I’m under your care.”

“Give my best regards, Ms. Eliza.”

“Just call me Eliza, because I’m your personal maid.”

“Alright, then I’m simply Seiru.”

Rudolf stared at us with satisfaction as we bowed to one another.
It seems like we are on good terms, so as likewise, please treat me well.

Yes, even if the Prime Minister is scrutinizing his master and us. It’s because we’re ‘comrades’―it isn’t a necessity to worry about it.

© 2024