JOHANNA (quickly).

Come, let us fly! I will return with you Back to our village, to our father"s bosom.


Oh, come! Return with us!


The people here Exalt me far above what I deserve.

You have beheld me weak and like a child; You love me, but you do not worship me.


Thou wilt abandon this magnificence.


I will throw off the hated ornaments Which were a barrier "twixt my heart and yours, And I will be a shepherdess again, And like a humble maiden I will serve you, And will with bitter penitence atone, That I above you vainly raised myself.

[Trumpets sound.


The KING comes forth from the church. He is in the coronation robes. AGNES SOREL, ARCHBISHOP, BURGUNDY, DUNOIS, LA HIRE, DUCHATEL, KNIGHTS, COURTIERS, and PEOPLE.

Many voices shout repeatedly, while the KING advances,-- Long live the king! Long live King Charles the Seventh!

[The trumpets sound. Upon a signal from the KING, the HERALDS with their staves command silence.


Thanks, my good people! Thank you for your love!

The crown which G.o.d hath placed upon our brow Hath with our valiant swords been hardly won: With n.o.ble blood "tis wetted; but henceforth The peaceful olive branch shall round it twine.

Let those who fought for us receive our thanks; Our pardon, those who joined the hostile ranks, For G.o.d hath shown us mercy in our need, And our first royal word shall now be, mercy!


Long live the king! Long live King Charles the good!


From G.o.d alone, the highest potentate, The monarchs of the French receive the crown; But visibly from his Almighty hand Have we received it.

[Turning to the MAIDEN.

Here stands the holy delegate of heaven, Who hath restored to you your rightful king, And rent the yoke of foreign tyranny.

Her name shall equal that of holy Denis, The guardian and protector of this realm, And to her fame an altar shall be reared.


Hail to the maiden, the deliverer!



If thou art born of woman, like ourselves, Name aught that can augment thy happiness.

But if thy fatherland is there above, If in this virgin form thou dost conceal The radiant glory of a heavenly nature, From our deluded sense remove the veil, And let us see thee in thy form of light As thou art seen in heaven, that in the dust We may bow down before thee.

[A general silence; every eye is fixed upon the MAIDEN.

JOHANNA (with a sudden cry).

G.o.d! my father!


THIBAUT comes forth from the crowd, and stands opposite to her.

Many voices exclaim,--

Her father!


Yes, her miserable father, Who did beget her, and whom G.o.d impels Now to accuse his daughter.


Ha! What"s this?


Now will the fearful truth appear!

THIBAUT (to the KING).

Thou think"st That thou art rescued through the power of G.o.d?

Deluded prince! Deluded mult.i.tude!

Ye have been rescued through the arts of h.e.l.l!

[All step back with horror.


Is this man mad?


Not I, but thou art mad.

And this wise bishop, and these n.o.ble lords, Who think that through a weak and sinful maid The G.o.d of heaven would reveal himself.

Come, let us see if to her father"s face She will maintain the specious, juggling arts Wherewith she hath deluded king and people.

Now, in the name of the blest Trinity, Belongst thou to the pure and holy ones?

[A general silence; all eyes are fixed upon her; she remains motionless.


G.o.d! she is dumb!


Before that awful name, Which even in the depths of h.e.l.l is feared, She must be silent! She a holy one, By G.o.d commissioned? On a cursed spot It was conceived; beneath the Druid tree Where evil spirits have from olden time Their Sabbath held. There her immortal soul She bartered with the enemy of man For transient, worldly glory. Let her bare Her arm, and ye will see impressed thereon The fatal marks of h.e.l.l!


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