_Lysip_. Look to him tho", and bear those bodies in.
May this a fair example be to me, To rule with temper: for on l.u.s.tful Kings Unlookt for sudden deaths from heaven are sent!
But curst is he that is their instrument.
The editions prior to the Folio of 1679 are as follows:
(%A%) The Maides Tragedy.As it hath beenedivers times Acted at the Blacke-friers bythe Kings Majesties Servants.LondonPrinted for Francis Constable and are to be soldat the white Lyon over against the great Northdoore of Pauls Church. 1619.
(%B%) The Maids Tragedie.As it hath beenedivers times Acted at the Black-Friers bythe Kings Majesties Servants.Newly perused, augmented, and inlarged, This second Impression.London,Printed for Francis Constable, and areto be sold at the White Lion inPauls Church-yard. 1622.
(%C%) The Maids TragedieAs it hath beenedivers times Acted at the Black-Friers bythe Kings Majesties Servants.Written by Francis Beaumont, and John Fletcher Gentlemen.The third Impression, Revised and Refined.London,Printed by A.M. for Richard Hawkins, and are to beesold at his Shop in Chancery-Lane neereSerjeants-Inne. 1630.
(%D%) The Maides Tragedie:as it hath beenedivers times Acted at the Black-Friers bythe Kings Majesties Servants.Written by Francis Beaumont, and John FletcherGentlemen.The fourth Impression, Revised and Refined.Printed by E.G. for Henry Shepherd, and are to be sold at thesigne of the Bible in Chancery lane. 1638.
(%E%) The Maids Tragedie.As it hath beeneDivers times Acted at the Black-Friers, by the KingsMajesties Servants.Written by Francis Beaumont, andJohn Fletcher Gentlemen.The fifth Impression, Revised and Refined.London Printed by E.P. for William Leake, and are to be sold at hisshop in Chancery-lane, neare the Rowles. 1641.
(%F%) TheMaids Tragedy,as it hath been divers times Acted at the Black-Friers, by the Kings Majesties Servants:written by Francis Beaumont andJohn Fletcher, Gentlemen.The sixth Impression, Revised and Corrected exactly by the Original.London Printed for William Leake, at the Crown in Fleet-street, between the two Temple Gates. 1650.
(%G%) The Maids Tragedy,as it hath been divers timesActedat the Black-Friers,by theKings Majesties Servants.Written by Francis Beaumont,and John Fletcher, Gentlemen.The sixth Impression, Revised and Corrected exactlyby the Original.London,Printed in the Year 1661.
In the following notes each of these quartos is referred to by the capital letter prefixed to it in the above list. A--F contain a wood-cut representing Amintor stabbing Aspatia.
p. I, l. 3. A--G] Speakers. l. 6. A and B _omit_] a n.o.ble Gentleman.
C after the list of Speakers _adds_ the following verses, repeated with variations of spelling in D--G]
_The Stationers Censure_.
Good Wine requires no Bush, they say, And I, No Prologue such a Play: The Makers therefore did forbeare To have that Grace prefixed here.
But cease here (Censure) least the Buyer Hold thee in this a vaine Supplyer.
My office is to set it forth When Fame applauds it"s reall worth.